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Everything posted by mf165

  1. Fantastic pictures,hopefully going out this weekend,a farmer just phoned me,he is having problems with them eating his crops.Fallow up here are black.
  2. Nice pictures, where abouts were they taken, how close were you to them
  3. I have been invited to shoot on Beaters Day,I have been beating most shoot days,it is a TOP NOTCH shoot renowed for VERY HIGH BIRDS and lots of them, I know the keepers very well as we all do it is a very friendly shoot and we are very well looked after ie- soup pies etc What is the Form do I tip the keepers I am asking as I have never been in this position before.
  4. Been there a couple of weeks ago,had to have my DADS Lab put to sleep,Dad died 6 years ago feels like another bit of Dad gone HARD TO TAKE,try to think of all the Good times you had together
  5. Hi I have a Peacock one very pleased with it ,stays hot for about 12 hours on one filling ,gives out loads of heat just what you want in a highseat
  6. Know how you feel I lost my HARRIS TWEED cap whilst beating,went back never did find it,gutted
  7. I live in NORTH YORKSHIRE tried phoning just get passed from one to department to another, dont bother any more,just take all my paper work with me,,its easier and cheaper(typical Yorkshire man).
  8. Dont know about pheasants but Roe Deer love them,seen them eating Crab apples
  9. Stick with that young lady, not many out therewho would go out lamping.Dont be suprised if she turns out a better shot than you.As for .22lr used with dead is dead,WELL DONE
  10. Top notch job,how did you cure the feet, will look nice on the wall
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