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Everything posted by Flashgun

  1. I have got some slimline deben ones for sale
  2. Shotgunspud dear oh deer i thought lee was the only one who conserve foxes, (by missing them) ha.
  3. Flashgun


    Sorted thanks for that.
  4. Thanks everyone for your replys.
  5. Jo said a holiday but we will see i really need a new rifle !
  6. I keeper a shoot so hopefully if training goes to plan she will be very busy.
  7. my pup tilly 4 months old
  8. Flashgun


    I am new to this how do you put pictures on here,thanks.
  9. with blood all over it.
  10. nice seat there alex its a pity its in the wrong place, ha
  11. Thanks all for your help its going to the garage tomorrow will let you know the out come.
  12. If it was the turbo wouldnt it have lack of power and smoke ?
  13. thanks for reply, i dont think its anything to do with the clutch because it does it when driving along normally when i accelerate it sounds like the police are behind me. a friend of mine said check the exhaust for a small hole because it can change the pressure in the turbo.
  14. hiya, i have got a problem with my xtrail diesel and wondering if there are any xtrail owners on here who have had the same problem, when driving and accelerate upto 2000 revs there is a high pitch whistle from the turbo there is no lack of power and no smoke is the turbo on its way out. any ideas would be appreciated, cheers.
  15. tell her to straighten out her skirt and have another go.
  16. Hi all i have got a new cocker pup and im looking for a training book or dvd any suggestions would be grateful thanks.
  17. What a night we had on friday went out about 10.30 moon was up and bright i thought this is going to be a rubbish night, how wrong i was we could only shoot over some meadows and a marsh and we shot 4 foxes and back home by 1oclock.
  18. hear hear, right on all accounts especially about the only gun stand, pity about the weather.
  19. My 170 nightforce needs replacing whats the best lamp for foxing a 170 or 240. variable beam or fixed.
  20. hiya i looked into pet plan insurance did you know your dog isnt covered if it gets hurt while working, thanks for your advice.
  21. looking for advice i have got a new cocker and wondering if i should insure her or not and who with. cheers.
  22. Just had mine done theres nothing to it .the whole procedure took 12 minutes the best bit is having an exscuse to produce samples.
  23. I work on a farm and do a lot of shooting and dog walking and i wear gumleaf wellies day in day out they are light and my feet dont sweat in them and really comfortable and reasonably priced, look them up under gumleaf clothing.
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