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About Marine1980

  • Birthday 02/11/1980

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  1. If your willing to post mate I will have? Cheers Royal
  2. Marine1980

    gym help

    The short temper would be from the gear you little cheater you!! Lol Low weight, high reps is the way ahead!! Royal
  3. It more likely to be the 10 pints and Indian from the night before!!
  4. It normally only release during deep sleep so probably wouldn't work with a quick nap normally at night during your normal routine sleep Royal
  5. Marines don't use tanks we have ships instead!! Royal
  6. At least you have the right to fight back there!! Are hands are tied over here!!
  7. Marine1980


    They have obviously gone a little quiet!! Lol
  8. Marine1980


    To be honest I normally slow down and wait till I get to a set of tragic lights and if the car is still behind me walk around to the back of my car, at 6ft 3 and 16.5 stone they tend to poo themselves I then proceed to get any random bit of clutter out of my boot and get back in the car! At no point do I act or intend to be aggressive but its surprising how many cars tend to back off once they have actually seen who's driving!! And if its a really big bloke driving I send the misses out to get something!! Lol
  9. You don't get respect off children for keep digging them out of the poo and it certainly won't help him in the long run even though you feel your helping him! I know a lot of the responses on here seem harsh mate as at the end of the day he's your flesh and blood and you want to do what you feel is best for him but unfortunately it doesn't always work like that! Royal
  10. Obviously never met a bootneck then!!! Lmao About £30 a week
  11. Wymberley sorry for sending your topic in a completely different direction! 1 last post then if anybody wants more info there more than welcome to PM me. Basically HGH also has fat loss properties which is why its injected using an insulin needle in to the belly 99% of the times which is where most people want to lose it the most! It also has to be into fat rather than muscle due to absorption rates! It's it however suppose to be the new wonder drug or the drug if youth depending on who you ask! There are side affects like all drugs but non are instant and all reversible unlike steroids! As with all drugs even vitamin c, e and anything else its all down to if you abuse it or not! Once on it you can also take it for as long as you can afford it as it doesn't suppress any of your natural production however it does take about 3 weeks to start to take affect and before you feel a difference!
  12. The only way they can pick up on it is if they take a blood sample then a hour after you take it they take another sample but obviously if your getting tested you wouldn't take it!! I know quite a few guys on it footy players included and they sware by it! Apparently you wake up with a spring in your step!! And yes you did sound gay!!! Lol
  13. Your right it doesn't get picked up on any tests as your body produces it naturally! Basically as you get older your body produces less and less as you sleep! By taking it you basically have levels or even higher levels than that of an 18 year old again! It's freely available in the US and can be prescribed by any doctor who says your levels are low! Bearing in mind nobody actually knows what your normal levels should be so everybody can have it if they ask! ( I think that statement makes sense) lol
  14. The best thing for bad joints etc is HGH ( human growth hormone) which is freely available in the states but not prescribed over here due to the cost! Apparently its a Miricle drug which is why most professional athletes as well as football players etc are on it! It apparently lubricates joints, makes ligaments more supple etc and makes a massive difference on recovery time when injured! Royal
  15. Is there any chance you can send me some pics of the remaining dogs as per the PM yesterday? Cheers Royal
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