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Everything posted by Jonsey

  1. I have a Magnum Kick Eez pad fitted to my gun which reduces recoil considerably and wasn’t very expensive. I’d previously read reports that it really does work so had one fitted and I’m very pleased. I do on the odd occasion get bruises on my collar bone. This is always down to not mounting the gun properly. I also have bruised my face from lifting my head off the stock to watch the clay break. I had my gun fitted by Nigel Teague and it fits me properly so any bruising is my own fault. My advice is buy your girlf her own gun and have it fitted properly. Then she can enjoy her shooting without the worry of a gun that may bruise her because it doesn’t fit.
  2. Well AA Man, I suggest you go back and study the 12 step plan to recovery See you in the Betty Ford Clinic
  3. Well done Pin, great score on such a tough layout. You deserve some cake, I'll fedex you some straight away Cat, well done to you too My friends shot it yesterday and reported that it was a dissapointing layout. Shame because Doveridge could put some excellent targets on, they've certainly got the space.
  4. Cat, Pin, I think the pair of you have had a little more than just milk on your coco pops this morning. Dinner plates with cakes on, well that’s just plain silly. I would have hit all the ones with coconut cake on, bleurgh! I can’t stand coconut its food of the devil. Then all the other plates with cakes on I would have waited for them to land and then eat the cake. Incidentally how will these dinner plate, cake throwing traps work. Perhaps Mr Kipling would be there all the time with a big stash of cakes and then he would quickly pop a slice on the plate just before it was released. I think the almond slices would work best in that case.
  5. he swore!!!!!! Snitch
  6. Ah hem! S'cuse me, are you by any chance referring to me last Sunday Cat? Coz if you are I’ve only got three words to say in reply to that. Pot Kettle Black
  7. I'm not sure Cat did in the end, he was certainly high gun when we left. Scores will appear here http://www.clayshootingcompany.com/index.asp over the next couple of days.
  8. Met up with Catamong today for the 100 sporting registered shoot at Weston Wood in Oxfordshire. Not the easiest shoot I've ever been to I have to say. Lots of deceiving targets and a clever use of the Wood made both of us work really hard for our final scores. Met Gully half way round, nice to meet you Gully. I only saw you shoot a couple of pairs on one stand but you seemed to have it all sewn up I started badly, too many Pinot Grigio's the night before I just couldn't find it at all on the first 2 stands but then settled into my steady and familiar drop 2 drop 1 as we went along. I only straighted one stand in the end but if I'd kept my wits about me it could have been more. Cat shot steady all the way round only missing daft ones on the odd stand to finish on 86 which was high gun but I don't know if any one else scored better. I finished on 72, could easily have been more. As usual a mixture of being hungover and not paying attention cost me at least 6 targets. Still that's my average so all in all not too bad. I think everyone struggled judging by the scores. The wind was blowing and Steve hadn't been kind setting the targets May shoot longridge tomorrow but I haven't decided. Gully, how did you finish? Jonsey
  9. TP how dare you laugh at that. ..... I'll have you know I'm a posh scoucer I had shoes and socks
  10. Arh! Pin congratulations to you and Mrs Pin, what lovely news.
  11. Tosspot, great to see you again yesterday. Some would say, we're all related in Wiltshire B) They were all on the quiet side yesterday too because i'd told them all to behave as we had guests shooting with us. It was good day, can't fault the targets at all every stand was steady, we were just plagued by trap problems which meant that 5 hours later we were just shooting the last couple of stands, by which time we were all losing the will to live. I definately left 10 targets out there, all on the last 4 stands too We were chatting afterwards and the plan is Southdown in the next few weeks which I know is on your doorstep TP so we'll catch you there. Cat, I've got your card from yesterday. When you left you were on 87% so not too shoddy eh? Jonsey
  12. Happy Birthday Pin hope you're having a good day.
  13. TP I'm hoping to get there about 10.15, there's a car load of us coming. We were going to do the Southern Counties Sportrap first but we've decided against it. Too much travelling If you get your passport see you there around then. Think Cat's aiming for 10 too. There's 4 new high towers there this year, one of them is 145ft, so I'm really looking forward to those driven birds (not) See you there
  14. Thanks guys, I hate gun down. I got two gun warnings over the 5 layouts for mounting the gun before the clay was in sight. Damn 3 second delays I heard the trap and that was it. I was the only person to get any. Another warning and I would have been disqualified. The shoot was really tough, I shot the first layout into the sun, and then the last layout in the sun, what can you do. You pay your money get your squad time and that it. Luck of the draw I suppose. I didn't go cakeless yesterday Mungler I had 1 piece for each gun warning :blink: We started t 9.30 and I got home at 6.30 it was a long day, couldn't have done it without the cake. The hardest thing for me yesterday on one of the layouts, it was on peg 3 we'd shot our singles and then we had a simo pair and a raffael pair. The simo pair you actually had to move 180 degrees for the second bird, it was already in the air and it was orange against blue sky. Really hard to move yourself 180 degrees and then spot the bird and shoot it. and then raffael pairs, long rangely high birds, straight afterwards. All you can do is hope for the best. I'll do the Inter-Counties FITASC and then that's it until next year for that. I'll stick to sporting. I think you have to learn to shoot FITASC and you can't do that with only 2 shoots a year. it's just too difficult.
  15. I was too scared to look at the scores last night........hanging my head in shame Sounds like you had a lots of fun and well done to you all.
  16. I know I know I know. I'm a mean ole biddy
  17. Eurgh!!!!! City Pigeon - never eat anything that has cleaned the streets of last nights pavement pizza's
  18. Guys just in case I forget to say later. Have a splendiferous claytastic time tomorrow, it's a great shoot and you'll have a great day. Enjoy and shoot well. Jonsey
  19. Ladies night, Lovely! Ooooh! strippers too.................can you let us know when it’ll be, it’s just I’ve moved house recently and you know how it is, can’t find a thing. Anyway I’ll need a couple of days to find my binoculars. Thanks.
  20. LMAO. I’m glad someone else has noticed although he doesn’t always go in for the psychological mind games, once he just tutted when I was midway through a pair another time knowing that I have a problem in High 2 in skeet, he just said “careful†before I was due to take the stand then when we all shot at Dartford and I did my bozo impression at the DTL he said “that power station is a bit off putting isn’t it?†well I couldn’t stop looking at it after then, didn’t see any clays just the power station, I hadn’t even noticed it before he pointed it out. So predict away, I mailed him my scores yesterday so I can’t change them now. If Cat shoots more than I’ve predicted and I wasn’t in a generous mood yesterday, (I’m on the cake wagon) I’ll buy the first round next time we all shoot. In the meantime Cat, don’t listen to what they say about stand 4 on the first layout. Not your favourite target I know but you’ll be fine, just concentrate and remember to keep those barrels moving
  21. Arh Pin you're absolutely right. It'll be a great shoot I assure you, you'll all do well and more importantly have a great day out. We are just having some fun predicting the scores that's all. One of my friends is AA and he shot bang on his average, he said he could have done better. They all said it was very enjoyable and well worth the journey. John put on some excellent targets as usual.
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