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Everything posted by samh6

  1. There is also another guy based in south ringwood near duck island way, he is very good with rifles & S/S shotguns however not very familiar with O/U's. very secretive chap but theres no harm in asking if you are looking for that type of work.
  2. https://www.facebook.com/GeoffWiltshireGunsmithing theres also a Mike Collins who's bournemouth based, wouldn't go near Lambert & Whiltshire in Ringwood, Tal is all airgun based now bar Webley shotguns and NSI cartridges at expensive prices, but it all depends on what you are after to be honest.
  3. Incredibly interested, just a few questions, age? where did you purchase it from? and does that include the bipod? Thanks Samuel
  4. Just picked up my SP1 today, theres a steel proofing mark on the barrel (fleur-de-lys) so I'd say definitely.
  5. I had this on my O/U before the fore end completely snapped off the barrel as the fore end loop came off the barrel on discharge :o , then had to have it re-soldered back on by a gunsmith, it depends on what's the cause but Id definitely get a gunsmith to look at it as having the fore end snap off with a cartridge in the other chamber isn't an experience id like to repeat, the guy I had do the work for me was good @ stevensandjohnson@talktalk.net aka Barrelbrowner on these forums.
  6. Considering all the posts about gunsmithing gone wrong I'd taught I'd give an example of work going right, I recently put up a post about a broken fore end loop and was contacted through this site by a guy called Paul Stephens, he quoted me fairly on repair and also offered what I considered a cheap re-bluing of the barrels at the same time so I took the offer up, gun was picked up next day and two weeks later It came back looking like new, outstanding work to the point I didn't recognise it as the breather spaces between the O and U barrel had been cleaned up, overall highly recommend his work @ www.shotgunblackingbrowningandblueing.co.uk aka Barrelbrowner on here.
  7. Hey guys, Dorset send a slip to me with my SGC with a dedicated phone line to call when going out shooting, I'm not sure the point of me calling as I have never had any issues on my permission for years but would hate to be warned over not calling in the future, but anyway I have attached a photo of this slip ATb Samuel
  8. Thanks for your response guys, I have sent enquires to the gunsmiths mentioned above, I did try a few local RFD's and they were not happy about doing barrel work so I'll just see what comes back.
  9. Hello, Im looking to get my Bettinsoli O/U repaired, back in Jan I took it out wildfowling and on discharge the forend all but snapped off the barrel (put the fear of god in me at the time :blink: ), now I have had a look around at a possible repair and realise its best left to the professionals, so my question is who and where, and any idea on what a possible cost may be, below is an image of what snapped off the barrel, Many thanks, Samuel
  10. Hello Steel100,

    Heres the link I have for the FELWG page on the ACPO website http://www.acpo.police.uk/ProfessionalPractice/FirearmsandExplosivesLicensingWorkingGroup.aspx Its a fairly new method they have been using for minuet distribution so updates usually take about two months after the actual meeting,

    Regards Samuel

  11. It was nice to see that BASC had an active involvement with the media over the Peterlee shooting and that the current systems flaws may be drawn out over the coming months both on the legislation side and enforcement side, on another note the October 2011 ACPO Firearms and Explosives Licensing Working Group minuets are up http://www.acpo.police.uk/documents/crime/2012/CBA%20FELWG%20Mins%205Oct11.pdf
  12. After last nights outing fowling I don't think Ill be shooting foxes again with anything under 42grms lead, stood near a pond/stream waiting for the ducks to come in and a fox came up next to me on the bank, at about ten yards I shot at him with 32grms Super steel, bowled him over, then gave him the second barrel, bowled over again then he carried on running, had a look for him in the direction he ran in but didn't find him, but it just goes to show how much stopping power is required when dealing with vermin of that size regardless of range.
  13. Bit like an MG, I do love my overland but would I recommend it to a friend, no, and the reason being the known common faults, my sporter has been in repair more that it has been in the field since purchase in 2009 and my overland suffers misfiring issues every 20/30 cartridges with what looks like a light strike on the primer cap.
  14. samh6

    Red Arrows

    Came down five mins from my house, on the Hurn court estate, very down mood here at the moment, most people is spoken to local are very shocked
  15. Heres the February one from this year http://www.acpo.police.uk/documents/crime/2011/20110808%20CBA%20ACPO%20FELWG%20Mins%2016%2002%2011.pdf the next will be held the 5th of october, looks like hampshire have taken the role dorset had.
  16. Hey guys, I did get in contact with BASC who gave me a quick reply and assured me there on the case and it would be best just to go ahead and see what happens, after speaking to a friend who works for the force at my local station it seems that the two senior staff in the dept have moved to a different post managing the security for 2012 as the sailing is based in weymouth leaving the dept depleted of staff, just got to wait and see what happens from now on and hopefully they find (competent) replacements soon, its interesting to see what will happen at the next FELWG (ACPO ADMINISTRATION OF FIREARMS AND EXPLOSIVES LICENSING WORKING GROUP) meeting as group was chaired and administered by Dorset's dept under last year.
  17. Ok iv got a bit of a problem, infact anyone wanting a variation on there FAC, or wanting to apply for either a FAC or SGC in the dorset area has a problem as the firearms dept at winfrith has stated Processing of any licence or item/matter relating to Firearms and Explosives licensing may experience a delay for the foreseeable future. New grants of licences will not be processed at this time – updates to follow. No variations will be processed for a minimum of 2 months. European Firearms Permits will not be produced (unless related to a renewal). No home visits will be made for transfer into the county enquiries (unless licence also due for renewal). No home visits will be made for change or address enquiries (unless licence also due for renewal). Visitors permits will require a mandatory 6 weeks notice period – permits may not be produced if less notice given. Please do not contact or visit the department (unless requested to do so) as this will only delay processing further. This leaves me with a bit of a pickle as I will be looking to apply for a SGC ready for the season ahead as I have previously been storing my guns at my grandparents on there certificate and wildfowling with my grandfather but as he will not always be available i'll now need my own certificate, after reading there message i decided to email them asking for an update and they came back to me today with Dear Sir, I am afraid that this is still the situation but hopefully the situation will improve. Yours faithfully Leaving me a little puzzled so are there any options for me, can I apply to another constabulary (Hampshire) under my grandparents address bare in mind im there 2-3 days a week anyway or is it just better to apply and hope for the best?
  18. Thanks, Ill have a look and compare on price, may just get both
  19. i find myself in the same position, about to stock up for this season but not sure what to use this year, last year I had I used Gamebore super steel 32g 3s with some success, the one problem I had with them was them was the clean kill ration was not to good, lost to manny duck to diving on a river last year which always annoys me as I dont like leaving hit birds behind for obvious reasons, so I have been looking at Hulls Soloway Steel Magnum in either shot size 3 or 4, has anyone had a good experience with them and if there not good any decent recommendations? I have had a look at the Remingtons mentioned above but havant been able to find a source.
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