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Posts posted by dusk2dawn

  1. Read an article in the Mail today about him, local vet said he must be "gifted" and that he was doing the local allotment society a favour by keeping them fed lol.


    I know what I would do to stop them digging up my allotments, garden etc.


    Rgds D2D

  2. Several friends reload their own cases and I am tempted to have a go at it myself.


    I have bought a couple of useful books on the subject "Lee,s ABC of Reloading" and "Nosler 5th ed." Which contains all the recipe,s for the different calibers etc.


    Could anyone offer advice and possibly do a breakdown of actual costs of equipment and materials, i,m sure that several of us would be interested.


    :good: D2D

  3. some more boxes of saluting 12 gauge blanks left boxes of 50. 8 pounds posted dundee scotland



    I,ll take a box of those.


    PM your details please.


    Rgds D2D.



    Despite me being first, saying on forum I would have a box, I get a pm saying there all sold, not happy, why bother offering them in the first place??


    :good: D2D

  4. Please help.


    Hopeing to go out at the weekend but the question is do I go on some new permision which has got beans about two inches high or do I go on rape which has been kept down? The feilds are either side of a wood and pigeons are getting on both.



    You would be better not worrying at this stage but to make the decision on the day, pigeon are very fickle, changing their preference even half way through the day.


    The weather will play a major part in the scene that you find when you arrive at the field, a rough guide would be to observe what is taking place the day before, but it is by no means certain thats what they will be feeding on in the morning :good:


    Judging by some of your questions imo you should seek out someone who,s been at it awhile, and lessen the angle of the learning curve somewhat.


    Atb D2D.

  5. Hi Gav before you part with your dosh give Ace Sheds at Bethersden a call 01233 822402, they are far cheaper than most they will deliver and erect if you need them to.


    They have a web site, I have had several buildings from them over the years and they have proved to be value for money.


    Rgds D2D

  6. care to it D2D? am interested on what others have found out as so far i have been unimpressed


    Hi Pavman only reason I pm,d was I believe site rules dont allow the promo of other sites??


    PW is an excellent site but NV is a specialist branch of shooting and covered in depth elsewhere I have found.


    Will pm you so you dont feel left out :rolleyes:


    Rgds D2D

  7. hi, been looking at the cobra day-night scope,looking to put on my 22lr for bunnies.

    are they any good up to 50 mtrs, useing a 4-16-50 scope.

    any advice welcome,as i have never been near one.




    You have a PM on NV info.


    Rgds D2D.

  8. Guy's


    Its my 40th this year, and the family want to treat me to something!


    My thoughts are a driving day, but I have done these before, and know that you don't get much driving (I can understand it do to risk's etc)


    so, have any of you lot done any that you would recommend?

    I am thinking along the lines of rally and super car stuff, unless you have a an idea that I have not thought of....

    I don't do flying, so that's out, have done the diving thing and given up, so that's done! what else!


    I shall leave it up to you............




    Iv,e done several elements of the Landrover off road courses and they can be scary depending on the surface and rainfall. Good value for money.


    Whatever you do I hope you have a good time :rolleyes:


    Rgds D2D.

  9. hi all

    anyone used infra red filters' if so any good!

    at £80 dont want to waste my money.

    any advice please.


    Deben Tracer Max filter is a quarter of the price and yes it works well.


    Rgds D2D.

  10. I was given one of those blue barrels (held feeding pellets) with a black screw top on it, perfect size for sitting on and takes all my nets etc.

    Does anyone know how to modify it to make it into a spinning seat?

    Thanks in advance




    Reminds me of the Jasper Carrot sketch where he is sitting on a revolving bar stool at night, shooting moles on his lawn with a 12g and a torch, lighthouses come to mind :rolleyes:


    I have seen these spinning seat jobbies on fleabay for about £13, meant for old guys who cant get out of their cars easily, LB,s got one :blink: .


    The real thing is only £24 and comes ready cammod.


    Rgds D2D.

  11. i have the scope mounted striker and nearly always lamp on my own. I did try the 100w lamp and went back to the 75w for battery life reasons but i dont have a dimmer. I think a dimmer would be useful for rabbits, just not sure how reliable they are.


    Imo a 10amp/hr battery is the one to go for, battery life is greatly extended if you look after them, always charge after every outing and store fully charged, run them completely flat 3 times a year and use the correct charger.


    Lightforce 170 are now available with a built in dimmer they have copied the Deben tracer "Gamekeeper" hand held lamp.


    I currently use a Deben 100w dimmer strapped to the handle of a hand held 170 with 100w vertical filament bulb this gives an improved spot beam as opposed to the horizontal filament normally fitted, the lamp also doubles as a rooflamp by screwing on to the roof T bar of the Defender.


    I will be changing to a built in dimmer 170 very soon for no other reason other than neatness.


    Rgds D2D.

  12. Highlander.


    Fair comment, but the guy is trying to improve his knowledge and has asked a question and you haven't even attempted to help him. Instead your up on your high horse.


    Be nice to know how you put your decoy pattern out without walking on the crops?


    Not trying to pick a fight, but constructive criticism would be more appropriate.


    I,m afraid I have to agree with Highlander, all to often I have come across shooters "who have all the gear and no idea", a little reading, a video or two on the subject is well within everyone reach....


    You yourself, as a beginner to the sport, I believe have taken the time to read up on Pigeon shooting so at least you have the basic knowledge not to make mistakes in quarry identification, but having said that none of us are infalible, I have shot feral racing pigeons in the past.


    With regard to decoy placement without causing unneccessary damage to standing crops, its simply a matter of utilising the existing tramlines wherever possible.


    Rgds D2D

  13. Not really, they still have live bird competition shooting in Spain, Italy and "undercover" in other parts of Europe, notably France).


    Why condemn what people class as "sport" and then moan when "Antis" class what we do as "sport" ?

    "People that live in glasshouses shouldn't throw stones" springs to mind.


    If you don't want to take part in these activities, you don't have to, but it is unwise to openly condemn them.


    A reasonable comment but surely the cruelty aspect must be wrong no matter where in the world it takes place, all quarry deserve respect and as humane an end to life with as little suffering as possible.


    These people, debeaked full grown turkeys, detoed them, pinioned them in wooden stocks, then finished off those not killed outright by the shot with a hand axe in full view of those still living.


    unbelievable that any of them can claim to be sportsmen, I,m not a softy but this is unacceptable in my opinion.


    Rgds D2D

  14. I use Yuasa 12V 7AMP batteries for my rotary and they have always given me a good days use.



    AHHH you use batter(ies) whereas I use a battery, how many 7amp jobbies do you get through during a full day?


    I can tell you during a nights lamping, but not using a magnet, so I will have to bow to your superior knowledge.


    (had a great day today, by the way, the sun was shining and we had to take our coats off :yes: )


    Rgds D2D

  15. Make sure that you make the 'smith know that you intend to use 3.5" carts.










    Cheers LB reason for crimping the tube is to sell it, no one wants an fac rated semi but a cheap 3 shot is another matter.


    BUT there is the cost of the work and reproofing :yes:


    Rgds D2D

  16. 12v 17amp/hr lasts me 8 - 9 hours.



    I have tested my 17amp with the rotary going continuously on the lawn allday, just to see!!


    It was still turning 12hrs later when I stopped it as it was getting dark, the secret with these batteries is to fully recharge them after each use, allways storing them recharged and to fully discharge them 2/3 times a year.


    This battery is now 3yrs old and I use it lamping fairly often as well.


    IMO a magnet requires a beefier battery than a 7amp/hr.


    Rgds D2D

  17. can any one help me out please im looking for regular shooting in kent se london areas

    2 experinced shooter looking for new shoot

    dont mind paying little fees

    10 years shotgun lisence

    have our own equpiment



    if you can help

    please call






    I would remove your name and number if I were you :yes:


    Rgds D2D

  18. Hi

    Anybody got a tip on how to tighten up my leather cartridge belt?


    Not on me before any smart Alex gets that in, I mean on the cartridges as they are starting to drop out if the belt turns over when not in use.


    I think I heard somewhere about soaking it in water. If so hot or cold and for how long?



    What does it matter if they drop out when upside down, your not doing cartwheels and handstands everytime you hit a pigeon are you?? :)


    Rgds D2D

  19. That is the main problem with cartridge belts.

    A friend of mine "refreshes" his by filling the loops with empty cartridge cases and soaking it for a few days in a bowl of cold water.

    He claims the loops tighten to the shape of the cartridges.


    I have to do this from time to time and it does work, remove it from the water as soon as its soaked, I,ve not left it in there for more than a few hours though.


    Rgds D2D.

  20. It's no different to anywhere else, if you have any doubts then FtF is the only way to go, but you should be able to use your judgement.

    I have bought and sold stuff on here, all done on trust and never had a problem, I sold 2 shotguns via this forum and both members sent me the cheque for guns they hadn't even seen in the flesh weeks before they could take delivery - neither were disapointed with what they bought :blush:



    I have had much the same experience, and can say that I have yet to have a bad deal on here, alot of deals were for books and bits and bobs, all sold unseen with payment sent upfront, except for the mobile I gave away to a young lad lol.


    I think that generally you can get a feel for people when they have been on here awhile and exchanged a few posts, obviously F2F is the best way but not always possible.


    Should anyone renage on a deal I,m sure we would all soon know about it, their cred then goes out the window for all time!!


    Rgds D2D

  21. Thanks for the advice John. Ive attached a link, and there is a long list of battery packs. Which one would you recommend for the Stiker 170. How many hours of light will it give ?







    watts ............ 7ah 10ah 14ah 17ah 20ah


    30 ............ ... 90 135 180 230 270 mins


    55 ............ ... 50 75 125 135 160


    100 .............. 30 50 60 80 100


    Hope this helps, remember the max bulb recommended in the 140 is 55w!


    Rgds D2D


    PS for some reason this has not appeared how I drafted it??

  22. I have some 30g no.6's that i was going to use for shooting pigeons.


    Will these also be suitable for shooting rabbits too?



    It really doesnt matter what loads you use if you cant judge range, or shoot for toffee, only joking, as a boy I shot rabbits with whatever cartridges were left in the drawer, sometimes .410 other days 12g still shot them just as well.


    No 6,s are a good all round load and will do almost everything you want, provided you understand the use of range and chokes.


    All the best D2D.

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