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    Magham Down, East Sussex

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  1. You would need the approval of Mrs B06!! She can be quite tricky & demanding sometimes
  2. No shooting today (travelling) and was reliving some of the highlights of my season. So, if you have shot game this season, what is your most memorable shot(s). For me, it was at Bowes Moor, North Yorks, in a stiff breeze back in late September. I had a reasonable view across the moor and could see out to around 150 yards. A covey of grouse appeared a long way out and was picked up by my loader and came hurtling towards my grouse butt. I shot one at approx. 55yrds, changed guns, shot one at 30 and another at around 10. Changed guns again, turned and shot two more behind. I have shot 4 several times, but this was my first 5! Normally, I get over excited and leave the first one too long!! It will stick in my mind for many years to come. So, what's yours for this season? B06
  3. Will non-attendees be able to buy raffle tickets this year? It will increase funds.
  4. Got a little here now. Very wet though.
  5. As a man of impulse, I just sent the order through to Ruag Sorted!
  6. Secomd sets of barrels might be the way to go. 28 inch, half & quarter for gun 1 (out front) then quarter & half for gun 2 (going away). Might just work!
  7. I need a glass of port and a short respite. I am shocked and stunned - and a little scared too!
  8. Heavens to Betsy!! Extended chokes on a game shoot?? I would have to send you home :) :) . You'll be wearing a cammo baseball cap next!
  9. The work they did for me was excellent, I am just pondering if there is any benefit in using Teague.
  10. My current Perazzi has Briley chokes fitted - via Chris Potter. The barrels were bored/threaded by the guy they use, who I believe is Briley trained - at least he'd better be, as that's what I was told!!!! The choking in the new pair are half and three quarters, which I think will be a little rigid and rough, especially for incoming grouse.
  11. The Boy who Kicked Pigs, by Tom Baker (formerly of Dr Who fame).
  12. Thanks. Have you ever had issues with Teague's removal tool? I have an inherent fear of the tool flaring the choke/barrel, due to it needing to use friction (no notches) to remove the choke. I have visions of hammering it in to get it to purchase!
  13. Let me revise the question. In relation to game guns, who would you use to bore out the barrels and fit flush fitting chokes. Teague, or Briley?
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