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Everything posted by islandgun

  1. Does anyone know how long red diesel would take to work its way through the system if anyone was foolish enough to have used it in the past, if they had run short of white (for example!) hypothetically
  2. Its not ITX and I suspect not as heavy as C&G heavy, I dont think they do 10bore cartridges in hevi
  3. thanks for that.That is the type of load I use, could you explain what you mean
  4. I may be the only one replying to this post so for me and anyone else who may be interested Heavy shot II is At least as heavy as lead ( heavier!) May be used with older doubles Does not require steel proof Does not fracture As far as I know not available to the home-loader in the UK
  5. Thanks for that gents that has cleared it up as far as I'm concerned Cheers
  6. interestingly? the shot count (131) for 28g of UK 3s is approx the same as uk lead in the same size according to the Hallowell & co shot size table. I did recount several times
  7. Another question( didn't want to confuse with the last one.) Iv'e been using recipes mostly Alliant and others that don't specify shot size so Iv'e just gone ahead and loaded the size I have to their given weight am I looking for trouble. The loads are all 10 bore using 3s 1s and BB in lead and usually 50-60 gm
  8. Iv'e recently been given some hevi shot 3s 135 per oz, its a uniform shape round with a ridge easily crushed with pliers. Looking at previous posts I believe its hevi shot II BASC say it can be treated as lead, Q can I use through my full choke 10 bore proofed 1200Kp/cm (1176 bar ?) but without the fluer-de-lys stamp. sorry to bring this up again but I would just like to finally clarify before loading, also does anyone know of any recipes for the same,cheers
  9. I bought a goose call last year, its amazing watching the geese flying off in the other direction probably wont be going to my local tesco as i dont want to be arrested for goose torment
  10. I've always thought( perhaps wrongly) narrow tyres low revs and higher gear on snow and wide tyres on sand and mud, cant see why a deep tread would be a problem on any surface, you could always carry chains!
  11. Excellent answer Flashman, cheers
  12. I use the breast and legs of greylag instead of beef in a beef burginon then cook in the oven until tender, recipes are freely available in french cookbooks or internet or pm me for recipe cheers
  13. Im also sure that independence is inevitable. if this is good or bad we will find out, perhaps a good point could be that all the bigots in both countries won't have anything to winge about
  14. Vegetarians simply haven't thought it through they are quite happy to eat dairy produce, wear leather etc. The bye product of dairy production is bull calves do we kill them at birth (some are already) British countryside is shaped by agriculture with a lot of marginal land only suitable for livestock production. I raise livestock to provide food for my family I also shoot and fish for the same reason. the animals my family eat are killed with the respect and are sustainable and very good to eat especially with home grown veg, vegetable production has pollution issues (agricultural runoff) which is however a different topic. The bottom line is would you rather be a pheasant or a battery hen
  15. http://imageshack.com/a/img547/7370/tveo.jpg < With flash, look darker in daylight.
  16. Been looking at camo coats but often they seem expensive so I bought a couple of cheap desert camo british army smocks from ebay £5 to £30, then experimented with different dyes greys green etc came up with some very subdued browns ideal for hides (maybe not the high street) then applied a couple of coats of tent waterproofer. I still look like a p**** but I'm dry
  17. would love a winter holiday here any tips about self catering or cheap flights for a family? also the fishing cheers
  18. I have one the same but lacks main spring does anyone know where I could get one?
  19. you could look for mink scat (usually twisted tight about an inch or so long, strong smell) otter spraint usually much bigger with a sweet smell and loose, both will mark a raised area like a small mound of grass or other prominant feature along water edge, otter will mark the same area for years, as the problem is recent suspect mink although it could be a young otter finding a new territory. Mink are easy to trap will come to fish in a cage trap.
  20. Thanks For sending the data roughshooter i loaded a 50g recipe from C&G, as this recipe matched the components I have and patterned them this morning everything seemed to work fine, that is there was a loud bang an even spread and holes in the back of the backing board There is a distinct possibility that I may have some more questions soon! cheers
  21. Thanks for all the excellent info I feel a lot happier using the RTO now. is it alright to ask another question on this thread. I have the b.p. manual which lists their own products such as wads and fed cases and primers which don't seem available here, is it essential to use their components or can they be substituted ??. Also shot size if the recipe says T can I safely use 1,s, if the shot is weighed does it make a difference. sorry if these are stupid questions.
  22. Apart from the large order (for me) from solware I get the few cartridges I need from Grahams Inverness, Dunvegan gunshop, or Inges garage Lewis but I am just starting to load my own which is proving to be very interesting. good luck
  23. thanks for your replies, I kind of thought it was alright to change star crimps to RTO but when reading recipes they always say do not alter any components, I will feel a lot happier when I pull the trigger now I might even take off the crash helmet
  24. I sent off for cartridges from solware to be delivered to the islands, they were handed in to the police in Inverness by the post office (the cartridges were sent by post!) I then had to arrange a carrier to collect and deliver at extra cost
  25. Sorry if these questions have been asked several times before but I am new to reloading and a bit baffled. I would like to load some lighter loads of lead for my 10 bore (inland Scotland) than the factory loads of 63g. I have a simple original Lee loader and a RTO tool. Is it dangerous/wrong to use the RTO closure in place of a star crimp on (say) standard Alliant recipes, I believe? that roll crimping reduces pressure slightly. Also if a recipe for a 3.1/2 inch load asks for 1/2inch of packing inside the wad can I reduce the cartridge length to 3inch and dispense with the packing then close with the RTO? Thanks for any answers
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