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darren m

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Posts posted by darren m

  1. sealing concrete




    lads --i recently made up a concrete base to put a dog run on for my springers, trouble is the surface is really dusty .

    no matter how much i brush it off theres always a dusty covering .


    SO is there anything i can use to paint on a concrete kennel base to seal it or reduce the dust coming off of it.


    thanks :good:

  2. i,m looking for a pair of boots for next season , but dont want wellies as i have a few pairs .


    what can you recommend for a hard days walking and must be waterproof of course , theres loads out there but some are in the hundred pound bracket.

    is there anything cheaper :good: but just as good.


    thanks all

  3. wow really :lol: , thats pretty good , i had been driving a little more economicaly i must admit , usually i think its nearer 25mpg :lol:


    shot shot -- this week i got 135 miles out of £25 at 1.17 per litre , can you work that out for us , pleasssse :good:


    thanks :P

  4. 25 quid/1.18 = 21.19l


    21.19l = 4.66gal


    145miles/4.66gal = 31.13mpg


    A levels, good for something ???


    wow really :lol: , thats pretty good , i had been driving a little more economicaly i must admit , usually i think its nearer 25mpg :yes:

  5. i was wondering about hot dogs my self , wether they can be used to your advantage or are a total inderance :rolleyes::yes:


    my dog as a full (nearly) ped of FTCH and FTW and and a few folks have said shes a bit hot , which i admit she can be when she gets going.

  6. Para Reg in Ireland during that time was 1 PARA - Palace Bks 91-93. The lack of tattooed wings isn't in itself a combat indicator, as is the fact he's a wife batterer - there's a fair few of those in the army just like there are in civilian life. His name doesn't ring a bell but again that's no proof. Has he any photos in uniform? Every bloke who's got their wings up has the obligatory, kitted up and waiting to jump photos.


    Edited to add - darren m try posting your concerns on www.arrse.co.uk - there's loads of ex 1 Para lads (and others) on there.


    thanks paul -- the wife battering concerns me , he as told her he was in the hostel because his dad had kicked him out , but the other guy at the hostel told me he said to him he had bragged about beating his wife up :) .


    think i,ll ask him which reg and barracks he was in :rolleyes: - thanks for that .. would he of been able to get into PARA 1 at 17 .


    not seen any pics of him at all.

    thanks mate


    ps. how many para regiments are there

  7. Lads -- can you help -- please read


    i,m trying to trace this chap that is messing with my sisters head , she's struck up a relationship with him and now no one can get near her , he seems a bit agressive and domanant towards her , even her 18 yr daughter as moved out and his living between us and my other sister.


    Any way to cut a long story short , no one knows anything about this chap except a guy who was in the same Hostel as him ( yep hostel :hmm: ).

    i,ve questioned this guy and all he could tell me was :- no one knows where he,s from , he cocks up on his story's, he's a wife batterer , he use's women to get money from them and little things about him that dont add up.

    And the icing on the cake is he his an ex-PARA :hmm: or so his story goes , i,ve not seen any proof of this not even a pair of wings tatoo,d on his arms :lol:


    the chap in question as now moved in with her , he as no belongings what so ever , very strange for a 42 yr old .

    now i dont mind what my stupid sis gets up to , but when it comes to my niece and young nephew who still lives with his mum as only 8 yrs old then i,m concerned , AND to top that the little lad had a few bruisers on his back but was reluctant to talk about it :hmm:


    i may be worry about nothing , but is there any way to trace this guy , the rest of the family are not even sure he is who he says he is.


    apparantley he was in the paras in northern ireland in 1992 ( at age 17 ) and his name is peter haynes / haines ( not sure of spelling )


    anyone offer advice


  8. Darren did you make it so you have two runs?



    mate i have,nt as yet , i will do though :) ,


    i,ve actually done it out of 4" tanalised post and strong mesh . , just need to get a few more materails to finish .

    the cheapest quote i could get was around £500 to £600 for all metal panels , which at the mo just cant afford :)

  9. just finished mine today mate 9 ft by 7 ft and 6 ft high , its to house to springers during the day only , seems like plenty of room .


    strange though , all though the pup went straight in the older dog hates it and panics a bit when i try and coax her in :good: very strange , i will trying feeding them both in it tonight :yes::lol:

  10. thanks lads -- no worries she does know the basics , but needs to experince game again .

    she went beating last year just a couple of days and was ok at first , but the more game she experinced over the winter months the worse she got . i would take her training in the woods we beat to try and steady her up , where there was loads of scent and birds , but she just got faster and faster :oops:


    so what i,d like to do is try again and show her the game then rope her right in so she knows to leave well alone :hmm:


    i,ve heard folks say its good for them and some say winds them up even more


    WGD - thanks for your comments , i agree the dog as to get experince some how or we'd all be taking wild dogs on shoots :blush: , i,ll ask the keeper nearer the time for permission , hopefully she'll be ready for next season


    cheers all

  11. Darren - why are you stopping the dog? Have you got into the habit of stopping the dog when it hots up by or draws on by any chance therefore trying to take the dog away from its reward of a find or (maybe?) a chase?


    If the dog is a keen retriever reward the stop with a retrieve, i.e. stop whistle, throw dummy (make it an easy, obvious mark). Assuming the dog sees the dummy, one of three things will happen:


    1. Dog sees dummy and runs in - throw the dummy to the side of you so you can intercept and not allow the retrieve.

    2. Dog will stop slowly - walk out to the dog, put it calmly in the position it was when you blew the stop and get the retrieve yourself.

    3. Dog's *** hits the deck as soon as it hears the stop, it looks for the dummy and marks well and is sent for the retrieve.


    By only allowing the retrieve when (3) occurs you will sharpen up the dogs drop on the whistle.


    hi mate -- stopping the dog -- yes sort of combo of both -- well when she hots up or gets too far in front or worst still stops listening to me ( this is happening more and more ) , i want her to quarter/hunt a bit closer . not always a retrieve there , some times i just want the quartering/hunting in control, at my command sort of thing .

    but if i can stop her , for a few seconds or minute as shes starting to get hot and take over , hopefully she can calm down and i can re-direct her with some control :lol:

    ideally i want no 3 on your list but usually get no 2 at best -- but can it be done :(


    shes a v.keen retriever and knows the whistle , just trying it on . just come out of season this last weekend so i,m going to start again

    thanks lads keep the ideas coming ...


    cheers :angry:

  12. Well i dont know what ive let myself in for but i am up for the challenge and ask for patience for all the questions i will be putting your way over the next year or so! Pups finally here, wee lassie, 8 weeks and full of energy.





    pup looks a nice un , put a few more pics up if you can , must say if thats your back garden in the pic , you are one lucky chap , good luck with her.. :angry:

  13. cheers lads some good replys :rolleyes:


    pegleg -- i,m going to work on the short dummy / stop you mentioned -- i tried the long lead but was a pain .


    bigthug - that reminds me i have a copy of that book , i will have a re-read.


    mikee -- she not too bad on the run for a ( dummy ) retrieve , its usually worse when she's free running or self hunting , i,m sure she turns her earing aid off :hmm:


    poppy -- i like that idea of using someone else to let her know that i can still get at her, will give it a try ,


    mudpatten -- i use the elongated peeeep , why do you ask mate


    thanks lads

  14. Good luck with your new pup, I have just got my first gundog pup a gorgeous Cocker Bitch sired by FTW Whaupley Goldengloves Gripper, she is very active and will not keep still she is nine weeks old and goes for her second jab at 4.30 today.


    I cannot wait to get her out and start her off, although I most likely will not use her until the 2011 season starts.


    Where do you take your dog for training or do you do it all yourself?


    I am not to far away from you and was thinking of going to Dukeries gundogs.



    wheres the dukeries gundogs mate ?



  15. yep running costs are a nightmare , but i would,nt have one if i really did'nt need to .


    apart from using it to tow a horse trailer and work towavan , there are a few places i could not have got to this year( shoot wise ) especially with all that snow and mud we had


    so you have to way up the pro's and con's i suppose :good:

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