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  1. Thanks for all the replies but does anybody know of a good reasonable insurance for shotguns John
  2. Thank you for the replies but am looking to insure my guns for a reasonable cost
  3. Just a quick question who do you insure your guns with and are they covered in house and during shooting and transport to and from.
  4. I agree everyone should be paying a fair amount each then perhaps people would vote for good representatives and not by the perceived class system
  5. Perhaps the poll tax was a fairer system
  6. HI skinny, Speak to John Morrish at shotgun reloading Southbrent.I believe he is a member.Good Luck
  7. Hi Raty,Have you spoken to John Morrish at WWW.ShotgunReloading.co .uk He is based in South Brent .Johncrow
  8. Hi Folks The Browning Twelvette seems to have good following and it is a very good gun,but I still have not found anyone who knows or has seen the modification Browning mention in their original manual that would enable the gun to fire 55mm cartridges,so if there is someone who has seen it or knows where I can find the information about it please let me know.
  9. Hi Fronty61 Yes his name is Stuart Rankine at www.gun repairs.co.uk he owns several DA`s and is very knowledgable about them.Hope this is of some use, sorry for the delay in replying but my computer was on the blink.
  10. Hi Swinton, I am afraid I cant get the web site to load on my computer if you have another address for this I would be very grateful
  11. Thanks for the picture and info Matone .I am still hoping that someone out there has a gun with the modification installed or at least a picture of it so I can make a copy.These guns enjoy a great following in the USA and I am sure that somewhere there has to be a record of this.
  12. Thanks for the info Fronty61 I will have to try that.The reason I was trying to find the original part was to keep the gun as true as possible,In my part of the world,Devon, most clay grounds are fibre wad only, and an awful lot of fibre wad clay cartridges in 21/24grm are 65mm, Many of the lighter fibre game loads 28/30grm are also in 65mm cases, So I would really like to find the part to keep the gun original and because I am curiouse as to how Browning modified the gun, If all you had to do was lengthen the push plate why did not Browning make the gun like that giving a greater choice of ammunition,seems odd.My quest to find the part goes on if anyone has any useful information or contacts on the subject please contact.
  13. Thanks for all the info lots of which I did not know.Chris @stevepages.com spoke to Browning America for me and they advised getting in touch with some of larger gun shops in the states, which is ok for info but very difficult to purchase from them.Fronty 61 is spot on when he says theyoffered "a thicker push plate" this was an adaption that I believe could be ordered as an after market item.This is the part I am trying to find or get the tech drawings for so I can have it made .All this is just an interesting hobby for me as I have recently retired an purchased a twelvette,great gun, facinating development by Val Browning so if any has any more info on this gun or where I can find the part I am looking for please contact me by the way my twelvette will fire 70 and 67.5 mm 21grm loads but not 65mm.
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