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About ladyjack

  • Birthday 21/01/1956

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  • From
    newcastle upon tyne

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  1. Could you please give me a ring when you find out Chris my number is 07946 890025 thanks dave Ps I don't think my phone alerts me if I have a message on this site
  2. Hi Chris that would be great, I might be pushing it but hopefully they could do it straight away iam desperate to get it by weekend, wishfull thinking I know, but iam going to spain for a month on Tuesday, and gunshop closed sun and Monday, here's hoping, thanks
  3. Hi can you find out how long it would be to rfd this to weldon gunroom Morpeth NE65 8AY please and how much,and let me know thanks
  4. Pity that's not a hushpower ide of snatched your hand off
  5. Thanks mate, I just ignore ********* like him,it won't stop me offering days out ,its nice to have some company,
  6. Hi mate,I live in newcastle so your only 2 hours away,I have shotgun 22 live and fac air rifle,can shoot most days as iam retired,gladly come and spend some time shooting with you, if you'd like to message me, thanks dave
  7. I've just offered one of these for free
  8. Were abouts are you, so I can work out how far you are from me ,thanks
  9. Hi ozzie could you send me some photos and how much it is thanks
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