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brain dead

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Everything posted by brain dead

  1. yeah i heard of that site on the radio. But where ave they(important iraqis) all gone?
  2. brain dead

    new gun

    No probs, i have noticed more .20 calibre rifles appearing again. report back to us on how its shooting, and what will you be using it for.
  3. brain dead

    new gun

    http://www.pyramydair.com/cgi-bin/model.pl...pl?model_id=207 http://www.wholesalehunter.com/product/ben...benjdes/cb9.htm http://www.mrpsds.com/bensherstrea.html http://www.blazetrek.com/bensherpumpe.html http://www.webcom.com/airguns/Sheridan.html http://www.gosource.com/agusa/21.pdf http://www.airgundepot.com/cb9.html http://www.reviewcentre.com/reviews889.html Try some of those, got them of rjimmer. 1 of the probs used to be getting hold of decent pellets but apparently the situation is getting better.
  4. The pics that we took are still on my laptop which hasn't got the internet set up on it yet, but if i get some cd-r s we can put them on a cd and transfer them to a pc with internet!!satisfied r_s.
  5. yep, i know how everyone feels, i lost a sheep dog the same week as red stagg and it was extremely sad, the year i was born my dad aquired her.when i was younger she was so protective of me and my brother that she wouldn't let my gran put a jacket on me!in the end she started losing her hearing but she was probs the ,ost loyal dog our family will ever have, she'd been hit by lorries ran over by tractors,kicked by horses and suffered strokes but still was just as active as she had been when she was younger.she passed away in the field where she spent most of her life, it was sad but we were happy she died where she loved it and we didn't have to make the decision of putting her down
  6. Wot money do i owe you redus staggus? anyway i have left half my belongings at your house
  7. yep, these such people are a night mare, perhaps it would not be so bad if they try to keep out of the way but they all go out of their way to come over and to ask you what the hell you are doing, just like the woman redstagg was talkin about i have had people drive up outside the farm gate where we have lorries and tractors coming out 24/7 and park their car, they then think that if they see a pub. foot path sign they can go anywhere on your land!!(its like they think they own the place)
  8. i've got a new car radio. shout pop music, it plays pop music. shout rock, it plays rock. some kids ran infront of my car and i shouted " f%*$ing kids " ............it played Michael Jackson. i'm helpin the boy scouts in making the worlds largest pancake on Saturday but we need more help so i thought of you. we are ok for cooks but we need a t***er. i woke early 1 morning the earth lay cool and still when suddenly a tiny bird perched on my window sill he sang a song so lovely so carefree and so gay that slowly all my troubles began to slip away he sang of far off places of laughter and of fun. i stirred beneath the covers crept slowly out of bed then gently shut the window and crushed his f%ing head i'm not a morning person! p.s. tried not to swear to badly in it!
  9. i have never tried this out but will hopefully give it ago next time i go out and shoot a bunny. people say slit it open and leave it slit slide up and make sure its upwards facing eye is open(they like those) i am sure there are others who can give you better advice than this. :unsure: i to am interested to hear the replies
  10. not sure what i will think off it but as i get in free at the mo i may as well see what its like before i have to pay for it!! :unsure:
  11. never tried fly fishing before but would like to give it ago some time. just wondered if any1 went to the nec fishing show or if anyone is going? Friend Redstagg iss taking me on Sunday for first time :unsure:
  12. yes these .25 rifles sound pretty useless. But does anyone know much about .20 and what they i like? :unsure:
  13. ok i have changed it as that was probs a stupid question! :laugh:
  14. could comebody please tell me some information on FAC air rifles and .25 if there is such a calibre :( what would these do to an animal. p.s this doesn't have anything to do with foxes no more :laugh:
  15. oh well try and give it ago and see if a friend can give you a hand :thumbs:
  16. couldn't you make a mould out of clay or make a wire frame and stuff it with something. or are they to harsh to let you at the clay at school =(
  17. i like those last 2 ideas, make sure you make enough and i'll buy some of you r_s88 :thumbs:
  18. good idea, i am in the process of trying to make my own at the moment
  19. thats quite impressive actually, i didn't know that air rifles of that power could come close to killing a fox.what was the callibre, and is there such a gun as a .25 air rifle? :(
  20. anyway i think i'm gonna try to make one out o paper masche as it sounds pretty easy an i done it before, although it may take a while to recall how to do it from my primary school days :S i'm sure you could make 1 out of a wire frame and cover it or somit like that :S
  21. i have'nt had time to try any of these methods as i have been a school, but come the easter holidays hopefully i can start making some :thumbs:
  22. i did tell him twas unlikely as it may become a little dangerous and also less to shoot at if theres 3 plus he hasn't actually stalked much b4. i think he'll understand or atleast i'll make him. :evil:
  23. ok i was jokin when you come over nxt is it ok if 1 of my other mates comes over for a day and brings his gun. i don't no whether it would work though wid 3 people. :thumbs:
  24. yeah, and when you have got it jon. you'll copy it when you get home and we'll split the cost.
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