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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. 12 hours ago, Ultrastu said:

    Got u  .

    So according to cg. The difference in drop between the 8.44 s and 10.5 should be around 7 mm at 20 yds  

    Barrel harmonics not withstanding of course  .

    Cheers stu, I wouldn't have expected such a difference though.

    12 hours ago, figgy said:

    Mice your second zero will be probable around 25-30 yards so your pellets are still rising from 10m the lighter pellets will print higher than heavier. Nothing out the ordinary, as stu said could be barrel harmonics.

    Keep pushing the distances and see where they go and how they group.

    Yeah mate, I was expecting the second zero to be around 30, I just didn't expect a 20mm difference over 10mtrs, with everyone saying how flat shooting .177 is.

    I'll probably change the zero once I get things running again.

  2. 57 minutes ago, figgy said:

    I'm thinking from his 10m zero, the pellets are shooting high as he moves further out towards his second zero. Different weights giving different poi.

    But I could be completely off.

    No your bang on Figgy, I just didn't expect such a difference over 10 mtrs with the light pellets, while the WM were a touch high.

  3. 22 minutes ago, Ttfjlc said:

    Unlucky mate just as you were getting underway with the testing, I would joke and say get an air arms but I cursed those as well. 

    Yes I was enjoying trying the pellets out, I'd zeroed at 10, moved to 20 &25 with 30 & 35 at the ready.

    Strange thing was how the pellet weights affect things, 8.4gr were 20 millimetres at 20mtrs but the weihrauch Magnums were only about 10mm high.

    Everything seemed to be grouping from 4.50 to the 4.53.

    I didn't get as far as chrono I was enjoying myself too much 👍

  4. 56 minutes ago, BONDOS75 said:

    The range is an outdoor one in a wooded area so plenty of Squirrels to be had amongst the knockdowns .. all with the owners blessing too as he hates the things :good:

    Your in good company then 👏👏

  5. I saw a video of a yank shooting the hades pellets into a tub of water to look at the expansion?? Again how realistic this is compared to flesh I don't know.

    Is the polymag the one with the red plastic insert in it? Couple of guys putting squirrel shooting videos up using those with good results. 

  6. 42 minutes ago, Ultrastu said:

    You can either unscrew the bottle VERY gently till you get a slight hiss and leave it to empty .or .wind out the air gauge in the same way . (The gauge is probably safer ) the issue with getting the breech block off is that u need the bolt to come backwards to get to a screw that is just infront of where  the mag locates  .

    Did you try the upside down wiggle ? 

    I did have a quick look thanks stu, I'd taken the scope off yesterday to get at the mag which I thought was causing the jam,  I had it upside down gave it a shake but there was no rattle. 

    We were in and out today so I thought it best to just leave it alone.

    45 minutes ago, Ultrastu said:

    You can either unscrew the bottle VERY gently till you get a slight hiss and leave it to empty .or .wind out the air gauge in the same way . (The gauge is probably safer

    Thanks for that 👍

    Most of the strip down looks straightforward apart from a couple of bits to do with the bolt.

  7. Problem is the bolt doesn't want to cock to fire the air off. Probably no loctite on the bolt when the seals were done. I've got all week to mull it over and watch YouTube videos. 

    42 minutes ago, figgy said:

    Send it Bowkett.

    Looking likely or Ratworks or xtx. Thankfully I didn't buy new and have this happen so another few hundred quid looking likely. 

  8. 9 minutes ago, bruno22rf said:

    Did it get fixed Mice? Walk in the park for an engineer such as yourself - don't keep us in suspense - we don't need a blow by blow account, just let us know how many times the other half warned you about "using language like that" and we can paint our own picture.

    I haven't touched it.

    I watched a video by xtx last night, he makes stripping it look very easy, lots of little springs and ball bearings and pins!!

    He also says to empty out the air by dry firing which I cant do at the moment.

    I torn between having a go and making things worse or just saying screw fix send it for a tune.

    Then my better half will let me have it with the language. 

  9. 11 hours ago, 30-6 said:

    don't want to use a baiting situation as walking around quietly in the woods for exercise is important to me as a helping hand towards arthritis to keep mobile.

    I understand you not wanting to sit about, but putting up a feeder the birds can access as well would give a central point to bring the squirrels in and help the birds through winter. 

    I would expect most animals to go a short distance with H&L and with head shots, if you hit them slightly high they can still go a short distance. Some drop clean, some flip about.


  10. 1 hour ago, henry d said:

    I think there is something wrong with a number of posts, not just this.

    Being alone with a vulnerable person is not a good idea but it is workable. I meet with several different YP a week alone, however we are visible to others, be it McD's, a school room or at my workplace. Same goes with cars, the YP sits in the back, people/cameras see part or full journeys, line managers are informed as much as possible.

    Sometimes it is posts like this and others on this thread lead to misunderstanding and fear.

    Why what have I said to cause misunderstanding and fear?? Is saying what was said to me wrong??

  11. It may have been the mag was jammed??

    I've applied pressure a little forwards and backwards on the magazine while trying to open the bolt and click, bolt opened so I've got the magazine out.

    I was expecting the bolt to be free then but it doesn't want to open, so I'm leaving it alone for tonight. 


    You can't see in the picture but where my finger is something wants to move but isn't doing. 

    1 hour ago, Ultrastu said:

    The banjo on you bolt has probably come loose . (It did it on one of my scorpions last year  ) take the breach apart and tighten it back up .dont  keep forcing  it as you will create more damage  

    Tell me more stu??

  12. All I know is I've broken my gun 😭😭😭

    Probably an easy fix, I imagine I've shot more pellets yesterday and today than the old boy i bought the gun off did last year, bolt wasnt feeling great but I carried on and now the bolt wont open.

    I've put it away while I have some tea and a Google 😭😭

  13. 1 hour ago, team tractor said:

    remember around 10 years ago I was on a car park with a mate . A lad around 14-15 had a puncture. He was a mate of a mates son and had a 2 mile walk  so we chucked the bike in the van and I dropped him off while thinking nothing of it. 
    I think looking back I was daft but I was just being helpful and I made him ring his parents. 
    I’d never do it again but let’s say he’d been hurt while walking back ?  I’d of felt guilty.

    This came up during my safe guarding course,  your never to be on your with a child, just incase they make an accusation. 

    Our Judo class used to be kids and adults on separate areas, there was a dad and lad both came, dad helped out with the club lad was 13/14, dad was often on call so might not be able to stay till the end if his phone went, I'd run him home afterwards 5 minutes up the road.

    Honestly the social workers went white, cant possibly do that!!!!

    And I've heard loads of people say they wouldn't help a kid in distress incase they were accused of something,  shocking really.

  14. 3 hours ago, Benthejockey said:

    They didn't like the eldest getting into racing and becoming a jockey and flatly no refuse to give him the bonuses they give his brothers because "you're doing too well for yourself" that's a direct quote from his social worker 10 days ago. 

    I can understand them not being happy about him getting into racing, its dangerous,  but your doing too well?? Come on, your supposed to want your kids to do better than you,  achieve more.

  15. I'm really shocked the school have reacted like this, every school has a social worker there at some point these days, "my dad turns off the shower and makes me wash" hardly seems a reason to sound the alarm. 

    When  I did my safe guarding course for working with kids, half the room were sports people and half were social workers or teachers, there was a real divide in attitudes as to what was acceptable, some of what I heard made me think I'd rather not work with kids. I know there have been a lot of horror stories over the years but how can some things get missed for so long and yet someone gets reported for looking after their kids hygiene??

    We always showered when we were at high school but I don't remember any teachers being in there? Doesn't mean they weren't though,??

    Simpler times the 90s


  16. 10 minutes ago, Ultrastu said:

    So what im saying is you need to test a pellet at 20 30 40 and 50 yds and judge the best from that .

    If your gonna only shoot 25 yd bench rest .then by all means get the best pellet at 25 yds, it probably won't be the same one as 50 yds  

    Yeah I know what you mean stu, I was just seeing how things were and starting at ten, things felt much better having moved the scope and not using the bipod.

  17. 34 minutes ago, figgy said:

    Nice to see your getting under way with pellet testing. The 4.53 jsb look promising and in centre. 

    When I test loads of pellets I don't start off going for pellet on pellet takes too long and too much concentration. I just want to see rough groups at 20-25 meters. Then weed out the rubbish. Then start seeing just how accurate a five or ten shot group is, ignoring me pulling a shot. Pick the best ones and push the distance out to around 50m. 

    Bis mags are made by h&n 

    Yeah I'll do that tomorrow, see how things look at 20 & 25 meters, see how things start to open up. 

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