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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. On 19/01/2020 at 23:52, bruno22rf said:

    Aha - got you fibbing Mice! - David Nickerson shot that target - he's even signed it. Cant get one over on me.

    So as to avoid accusations of fraud today's shooting was at blank paper using a red bingo daber and a drill/ bar sizer, worked a treat.

    Started from scratch as if the rifle was new, scope off, stock off everything wiped down and set back up to suit me.

    I've very kindly had pellets sent to me this week from @Ttfjlc and @B725 and another chap off the Facebook squirrel group thank you very much fellas.

    As I said I started from scratch shooting at the crazy distance of 10 meters 😮 bipid off, nice and comfortable no distractions or excuses. 

    Started with Jsb exacts in 4.52, two tubs so why not, couple of adjustments then pretty much one hole, then AADF again 4.52 not quite as tight but I wasn't taking my time enough but I was smiling😁

    Thanks to Ttfjlc I had a range of head sizes to try out, using the single shot loader I started with 4.5 H+N FT two shots touching, H+N barracuda 4.5, 3 shots one hole, Daystate Sovereign 4.5, 3 shots one hole.

    Funny thing was the 4.5 were hitting low left but the DS didn't?

    Weihrauch Magnus 4.51 two shots one hole, low left.

    JSB heavies 4.52 possibly two different sizes shot at twice 5 or 6 pellets. 

    JSB exacts 4.53 three shots one hole.

    I would say the 4.52 & 4.53 grouped better but then everything did really,  the smaller head sizes going low left?? Just need to adjust if that ends up the pellet choice, seems the barrel isn't fussy.

    Tomorrow I'll double the distance and chrono some pellets,  I can get to 25 meters easily in the garden, possibly 35, depending on shooting position and backstop.


    Topped the air up, packed up till tomorrow and I'm still smiling 😊😊

  2. Been a few frozen mornings in Lancs/ Cumbria but this last week has certainly been warmer.

    Had a ladybird in the caravan last week, a mozzie in the kitchen at home.

    Squirrels are busy chasing each other,  blackbirds are staking territory's,  winter hasn't arrived yet.

  3. I was expecting a rant about bins recycling or parking.

    Certainly wasn't expecting that Ditchy, the tv companies are quite happy showing the scum, makes good telly??

    But I've seen one program with Dom hosting it, might be heaven and hell or something similar. 

    I'm sure helping that young lass and her kids was a real change from dealing with scum bags, but like others have said the scum know how to play the system. 

    Saints and scroungers 

  4. 6 hours ago, washerboy said:

    I've read all rebus books and some of his fox character stories. I have a signed copy that the wife bought me, it's his first published work but I can't get into it. Very slow 

    I've red a few Rebus books, great characters but yes can be slow. 

    4 hours ago, yates said:

    I could never settle into reading Tolkien. I always gave up, more to do with me rather than the author 

    I read the LOTR books, once was enough,  some chapters were amazing others torture. 

  5. 30 minutes ago, lancer425 said:

    I have had a rat ot two around this year, i bought two wooden nipper type rat traps and i had instant results got three more or less a day apart. But after that still seeing them odd time, but traps just not working any more no matter what i bait them with, tried different sites for them but they are untouched every morning. any ideas. ? 

    I got a few air rifles vulcan 177 feinwerkbau 127.22 but i get bored waiting, i sometimes think if i had a pistol i could get a shot much eassier they are only 10 yards max distance from a small workshop i work on my motorbikes in. are the crossman pistols up to killing rats at this sort of range, i thought 6ftlbs is not much to be killing a rat with but what do you think.

    If you know your getting rats a cage trap can work,  I get the odd one on the fat balls, they happily go up the tree as easily as a squirrel would.

    Your pistol would do the job at that range if you can.

  6. 5 minutes ago, chrisjpainter said:

    6 weeks full healing time! boooo. We're now in a war to stop her mother descending on us! That'd double healing time...

    Gone from thinking how bad a broken pelvis is to how much worse the mother in law living with you for weeks would be. 

  7. 1 hour ago, figgy said:

    What cart did you shoot that with 28 gram of BB. 😂

    I tried resting on some step ladders, squatting, ended up wobbling around a fair bit but got the trajectory drop I needed.

    I used to shoot bismags and the Bisley fields years ago in my BSA. The old wasps were ok for cheap ones. The best I found were the crossmans. Not sure if any good noe, they were expensive back then.

    I know, I filled the air cylinder then started,  23.5mtrs and they were hitting well high, adjusted the scope and got the two shots in the 4 ring, right side,  then all high again. 

    Made some more adjustments and things started going where I wanted,  kids didn't help but what you gonna do, they'll be in school friday, I'll be in the garage😁

  8. Managed a quick plink this afternoon,  problem being the kids wanted to watch, little lad doesn't get why he cant lean on you while your trying to shoot, daughter was spotting with the binoculars. 

    I was using the bipod, not quite 100% comfortable,  need to move the scope and look at the trigger but I wanted to have a play. 


    Only used JSB 8.44.

    Bring on the weekend 

  9. 38 minutes ago, bruno22rf said:

    Mice! - oddly enough I said exactly the same thing to my Mrs this very morning.

    Filthy 😂😂😂

    8 minutes ago, team tractor said:

    I use his jacket and I swear he’s laughing at me as I miss everything everytime I wear it honestly.

    id planned on using it at the club where we met but several others have gone/died and it’s just to upsetting there.

    I might get it out this week. I haven’t shot it since I went with my daughter on the rats . Funny enough she also hates me and I haven’t seen her in 8 months .

    14 for you 

    Not much I can say to that mate, hopefully she'll come around. 

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