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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. Tape measure 😅😅😅😅😅

    3 hours ago, bruno22rf said:

    Most likely be a specialist optical thread Mice - the OD of my thread is 23mm the ID of the cap is 22.5mm - going by the .25 thread depth I would guess that the pitch would be .5 but most likely require a specialist screw cutting tip with minimal radius.

    Cheers bruno.

    Strimmer,  how close to fitting were the simmons caps on the nikko? Did it feel like a different thread? Might be able to make them a slack fit and see if they go on?

  2. I've brought a no name scope with me, the caps off that fit my simmons so I can measure that, just need the thread size for the Nikko and how long you need them.

    They wont be as thin as original caps, but they'll cover up your turrets 

  3. 1 hour ago, strimmer_13 said:

    Did have some rubber grommits my mate gave me from covering electrical summat or other in helicopters, but found them a bit tight. 

    Can you find out what thread and size they are?? If you can I'll knock you up some spares at work

  4. On 07/02/2020 at 18:49, strimmer_13 said:

    😅 No I take them off straight away tbh. It's the turret caps I keep losing when I check zero 

    Get a metal detector,  by the sounds of things there's loads on the floor where you shoot.

  5. 2 hours ago, chrisjpainter said:

    Yeah. For twenty minutes in the second half I thought Italy had a shot at something extraordinary. France completely went off the boil.Two or three times I was thinking 'If Italy get the next score...' But that usually led to another French try! 

    I think that's 24 Six Nations defeats on the spin. Ouch.

    That'll be when I started watching the game🙈🙈🙈 you lot said what a good game it was so I put it on🤨🤨

  6. On 08/02/2020 at 14:18, BADGER.BRAD said:

    Thanks everyone for the advise, and your point about the size of the mil dots Mice is something I hadn't even thought about.

    Your welcome,  I've got an old taco and the bsa that came on the R10 I bought, the mil dots on the bsa are nothing like as clear.

  7. 20200209_160754.jpg.f5de477a8a4bd71ed7d956d69338d44c.jpg

    So the river is supposed to be on the right, this time of year there is normally a couple of feet of water, far left is or was the footpath,  loads of water been put down.



    Slugs and wood lice trying to get to higher ground.

    And its raining again!!

  8. On 08/02/2020 at 13:55, JDog said:

    Can that possibly be true? 

    They are part of the very best international competition along with New Zealand, Australia and Argentina. Why would they give that up to play Italy? Just think of the logistics.

    I haven't read the full article,  says negotiations are on going?

    2 hours ago, JDog said:

    The Irish deserved to win. The England game was ruined by the weather.

    No one should be surprised by the Scottish crowd booing. The Scots, the Irish and the Welsh all truly hate the English when it comes to rugby.

    I don't remember anyone booing the kicker before?

    I've only seen the second half of Scotland v England at my brothers, looked very messy.

    Watched the Ireland v Wales game earlier,  very good game, I didn't know Mike Catt was at Ireland as well, certainly makes the game at Twickenham in two weeks time interesting. 

    Ireland certainly look good to me.

  9. I'd go with what Henry said, Ireland just because of home advantage,  I'm expecting England to win, but that performance or lack of against France still worries me. 

    I want to see the England that spanked Australia and New Zealand not the one from South Africa and France.

  10. 9 minutes ago, Walker570 said:

    I have no desire to shoot one.  I have many years in the countryside under my belt and the likely damage by a weazel to wildlife in general is very small.   I have a similar view on stoats.

    Not enough about to cause any imbalance of nature, unlike their family member the badger.

    That's my view as well, but not everyone thinks that way.

  11. 2 hours ago, BADGER.BRAD said:

    Hello all,

    I've given my basic scope to a friend as I was going to upgrade anyway but am not sure which way to go, I'm looking for a mil dot scope  but do not wish to spend a fortune so seem to be stuck in my price range of a higher end unnamed scope with variable amplification or a lower end  Named scope ( looking on eBay). At this point I'm only plinking in the garden which the iron sights are adequate for but would like a mil dot scope so I can take it a little further at a local club. I'm using a .22 break barrel Hatsan rifle if that makes any difference.

    Thanks for your advise.


    Forgive me if I'm wrong,  from the wording of your msg I'm thinking your older rather than younger? it's worth looking at your local gun shop so you can have a look at the rectical,  I've got a bsa scope that came on a gun the crosshairs and mildots are very fine so might not be ideal?

  12. 42 minutes ago, bumpy22 said:

    Cant see past a England win. But then I thought that last week lol. I think it will be a interesting first 20 minutes 

    That's it, Scotland at home have to be fired up, we should win at a canter, but that first half against France has to be giving the players nightmares,  and the second half still wasn't great.

    Hopefully Scotland suffer the backlash and we play both halves not like last year.

    Wales and Ireland should be a great game.

    39 minutes ago, chrisjpainter said:

    There's a report in the Times today that has the England team saying that they hate the Scots. I really hope this isn't a sign of things to come. Scotland Vs England is the highlight of my rugby year - particularly at Murrayfield- and it's be  a shame if all this nonsense started with the Scots. It's already pretty much ruined Wales vs England as a spectacle for me. 

    Good hard rugby, played out in front of a exuberant crowd that knows where the line is will do me nicely. 

    Spot on, its been my favourite game as long as I can remember,  you want them to play with passion and aggression but no need for hate.

    I really enjoyed watching Scotland v England at Murrayfield, the game was poor but the banter and night out was great.

  13. 57 minutes ago, oldypigeonpopper said:

    hello, i would not hesitate to send an air rifle to him,

    Cheers Old PP, he told me to google him and see what he does, all sorts of threads on different rifles were coming up going back to 2014 that I could find. Everything I found was happy people recommending him.

  14. 3 hours ago, bruno22rf said:

    Happy that it's getting sorted, but is this guy a business or a hobbyist? - if the latter then (and I mean him no disrespect) if anything goes tuts up, you will be in a sticky situation.

    I've checked out what I can, like I said he's on the Agf and bbs plus the Logun site, said he's done a 1000 plus services over the last 9 years, lots of good feed back.

    I get the feeling he does it around work but knows his stuff.

  15. Guy called the logunator, he's on the Agf and bbs, lots of threads and feedback saying what a good job he's done on peoples rifles. 

    I tried jiggling from every direction and nothing seemed to want to move, from the videos I've watched it's like you said Stu, if the bolt moves back you can get at the bolt to strip everything,  but with a couple of busy weekends coming up it's just going to frustrate me,  better to send it away and get it sorted. 

    Also sending the Axsor as well, get that serviced at the same time.

    I'll be spoilt for choice 😊

  16. So I've admitted defeat,  I posted about the problem on the Agf Sunday night, hoping someone might come up with something else to help get the bolt out the way, I got a few suggestions but nothing worked.

    Rifle is getting picked up on Friday by courier and going for a service and tune.

    Then I can start again. 

  17. 48 minutes ago, Lampwick said:

    I snuck the APEX on top tonight and went out to zero it. Rather happy with it, only saw one bunny once set up and he is no more. Only 35 yards but it hits hard. Taking it up to the range at the weekend for some tinkering. 

    You should have moved further away 😉

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