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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. Just now, B725 said:

    I have just had a look and I have 5 tins out of my 10 left but I will let you have 1 tin. They suit my Logun and I cannot buy them anywhere near me anymore. If I go to the shooting show in February and he's still selling them I would be happy to buy some for you. 

    Very generous I'll PM you 👍

  2. 24 minutes ago, Cawdor118 said:

    The SNP dont represent us all and were not all English hating gingers. 




    I agree! The silent majority want the union. Unfortunately we cant air it publicly for the 'morons' will pounce. It's hard playing 'whack a mole' with morons. 

    Problem is all we hear are the SNP,  and they make a lot of noise until Andrew Neil asks them questions. 

    And I know your not all ginger English haters, that made me laugh, I made some great friends while I was up there.

    13 minutes ago, button said:

    Scotland would not survive financially, they have already increased the deficit this year despite increasing taxes, how they would build up reserves to support their own currency beggars belief when you are running with a deficit

    Well said.

    9 minutes ago, Perazzishot said:

    SNP only got 45% of the vote up here yesterday, the same percentage they had in the last referendum when they lost, why does this now give them the right to demand another indy vote?


    Boris has said no new Referendum, if he suddenly started going back on his election winning manifesto he'd be hung drawn and quartered.

    PS the oil figures the SNP quote for being sufficient to survive were last updated in 2014 before the massive oil crash which we are still recovering from........

    So we would give up our highest per head Barnett payment, to set up our own civil service, armed forces, border guard pay the EU £££££££ and survive on the profits from whisky and haggis.

    It's a joke that the SNP supporters think the streets are paved with gold in an independent Scotland, nearly as delusional as Labour supporters!


    Very well said. 

  3. 4 minutes ago, Dave at kelton said:

    I know I live in the still Conservative south west of Scotland but picking up with the boys and girls was interesting today Two substantial points are that the Scots will have to be given Indy ref 2 or it will p*** off many who don’t want to leave but don’t appreciate English meddling either.

    Secondly all that I have spoken to are pro the Union knowing full well they don’t have the financial clout to survive alone. Those with a brain know the score.

    I always say they are fiercely independent but not stupid and I just cannot see  them agreeing to leave the UK. Still a dangerous move after SNP gains not to let them decide for themselves.

    I can understand all of that.

    Imagine if Boris just said ok a week friday you can vote, stay or leave, take it or leave it. 

  4. 13 minutes ago, Scully said:

    What a complete and utter plonker! They should have had that attitude three years ago instead of having an arrogant and dictatorially petulant hissy fit and throwing their toys out of the prom. We could have all been getting on with our lives now.

    However, two good things have come from all this, one being that that odious man Corbyn has been well and truly put out to grass,  ( I truly hope he has been watching the news so he is in no mistake about what some, even lifelong labour voters, think of him,  particularly in the NE ) and two, the result of the 2016 referendum has now been confirmed beyond doubt. 

    And the Northwest,  I'm just watching the special on the News, how the Northwest went blue😊😊 Corbyn and Brexit came up quite a bit.

    Wonder if he'll retire somewhere he has friends,  somewhere warm and sandy?

  5. 14 minutes ago, ditchman said:

    can you see the EU doing that ???...........also the first thing they will do is to kick the uk trident forces out of scotland which will affect 30,000 plus jobs and incomes...where will the money for the benifit payments come from ??

    During the Election ditchy, NS said she would get the workers similarly skilled jobs to those they lost? The jobs wouldn't happen,  there are Machinists jobs and relocation packages available at the moment in Scotland,  I've been there done it, oil price dips and the jobs are gone.

    If she could magic up these skilled jobs then she should, it would be fantastic,  but what about all the small businesses around Faslane that support the workers there??

    Don't get it.

  6. 3 minutes ago, Cawdor118 said:

    I truly believe the people that want to leave in Scotland get annoyed and want to leave for exactly your last statement. "billions off England??". Its ignorance like this that people in Scotland can not be bothered with. It would be "billions of Wales, NI AND England". 


    No its England,  when I lived in Arbroath the locals were obsessed with London,  they thought because I moved from England that I'd made a fortune on my house sale, I'd been to London once as a kid.

    Constantly going on about how Scotland beat England before England won the world cup (football) at Wembley,  I had no idea as I wasn't born, England this England that, London London London. And Bannockburn.

    The DUP backed May and got more money because of it, we're stronger as the UK. 

    You don't hear the English saying let's split from Scotland Wales and Ireland,  you hear it from the SNP.

  7. Scotland did vote remain not leave, the SNP had ref2 as part of there campaign. 

    But I don't get what they are expecting,  they had the once in a lifetime vote, lost and want another, seems familiar somehow??

    That said imagine if they weren't in parliament making a noise. 

    But I just don't understand how they could make it work, are they somehow expecting billions off England??

  8. 10 minutes ago, B725 said:

    Me and my mate brought 20 tins from the shooting show @£5 a tin just because the tin was damaged, nothing wrong with the pellets it's just that they could not sell them in the shop. 

    Fancy selling me a couple of tins 😉

  9. Just now, wymberley said:

    Is it just me or have we got a new class of prima donnas? I always thought that the object of the political programmes and particularly those which involved interviewing the "names" was for us to hear their point of view. Now it seems that they're just there to make up the numbers and we're simply meant to listen to the interviewers whose questions are far more verbose than the guests' answers. I hate to say this, but I'd rather listen to the politicos rather than these puffed up bags of wind.

    I was expecting to hear from the winning MPS,  they keep talking about where Labour went wrong,  we know Brexit & Corbyn. 


  10. 31 minutes ago, bruno22rf said:

    Arron - you (clearly) have no idea who you are talking to - I'm a Feng Shui Blackbelt and I know my cushions - perhaps I shouldn't say but if I go into Ikea, I have inform the police first.


    2 minutes ago, Arron yeates said:

    Lol nooo idea what your on about mate

    Pictures Gentleman pictures. 

  11. 21 minutes ago, chrisjpainter said:

    Online poll of 5,641 respondents, so should be reasonably accurate. Also:

    'The Momentum founder, Jon Lansman, was on the receiving end of an extraordinary broadside from the Labour grandee Alan Johnson as they appeared together during ITV’s election coverage. Accusing Momentum of peddling “student politics”, Johnson said: “I want them out of the party. I want Momentum gone. Go back to your student politics and your little left wing.” Corbyn “couldn’t lead the working class out of a paper bag”, the former home secretary added.' (taken from the guardian)

    I saw that bit when I'd turned over, didn't know who they were but it made me laugh. 

  12. 1 hour ago, figgy said:

    Come on Arron that's a poor effort mate.

    I like tree stand on the base though 😉

    Tree stand🤣🤣🤣


    55 minutes ago, bruno22rf said:

    OMG Arron - that's simply awful.......a Gold coloured cushion on a grey flecked Sofa - and to put the new Ballcock Nerf Gun in front!!!!!!!!!!! Have you no knowledge of Feng Shui? 

    Come along bruno old chap, show us wot you got!

    I've got a great idea for tomorrow 🤫

  13. 1 hour ago, figgy said:

    I'd like to hope the remoaners will shut up and get with the majority that voted for it. The ones who also voted for a party that will deliver Brexit.

    It was practically a second vote on Brexit but they won't accept it. 

    1 hour ago, figgy said:

    the wee little pugnacious one north of the border gets her way any remainers won't have far to go to stay in europe.

    Empty vessels!! I just don't see how a second referendum helps Scotland,  it's not like there thriving and we're dragging them down, it's like paying for someone's food and drink but they moan about your choice of restaurant.


    33 minutes ago, chrisjpainter said:

    watch it all go pear shaped from a distance,


    34 minutes ago, chrisjpainter said:

    Either way, it seems someone's going to burn!

    I imagine Europe are feeling a little ill today, Germany and France that is, we've shown that after three years, feels like ten , we still want what we voted for.

    So we should be out of the club, Europe can burn a little and we'll see what Boris does with his huge majority. 

  14. Just now, Gordon R said:

    I wonder just who Labour will elect. If it is from the Momentum backed Corbynistas, they face a very long time in the wilderness.

    Starmer has a boring personality.

    Rayner has a rather unfortunate personality.

    Becky Long Bailey is bright enough, but will suffer by association with Jezzer.

    Yvette Cooper has no personality.

    I said months ago that David Milliband will be biding his time and will just need to wait for a few disastrous local elections for Labour to come to their senses..

    The Wigan MP spoke well today,  Nina someone? But I doubt it. 

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