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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. I watched a short clip of a rat getting shot last week,  I seem to watch quite a few, who doesn't like rats getting shot.

    The rat was shot with a 16 grain pellet from a crossman doing 8ft/lbs the fella said, close range dead, no movement no twitching or helicopter tail.

    I do find if one pops up and I'm loaded with an accupell I have to have soil behind it because I know the pellets will whizz through, I know the pellet can bounce off concrete. 

    That's why I use pest control when I know I'm ratting. 

    I watched another video and the guy was using a .177 shot a rat on a beam and you could clearly see the hole appear in the corrugated concrete behind it,  what was behind the concrete or asbestos I've no idea.

    1 hour ago, zipdog said:

    head shot every species with exception of rats

    Absolutely,  crosshairs on the chest POP! I hit one in the garden last year, it was peeping  out so aiming for the head,  it pulled back ever so slightly as I shot, took out both eyes and needed a follow up shot.

  2. 1 hour ago, oowee said:

    Thankfully we have thousands of migrants working in the service or otherwise there would not be one. 

    And those are the migrants we want, skilled hard working.

    1 hour ago, oowee said:

    No that is incorrect. Even if you accept that thousands of migrants have added to the bill they have also added to the tax take.

    If your saying that all immigrants have added to the tax take then you must be deluded, how many come here and go straight on benefits, free house the works? More strain on schools nhs basically everything. 

    That for me was probably the biggest thing that pushed the vote for Brexit,  things should be better hopefully afterwards,  they couldn't carry on as they were.

  3. 47 minutes ago, oowee said:

    Why? We should charge those not entitled to the service. 

    It is.

    Well your right on charging people,  but the nhs is stretched more because of the thousands of immigrants that have arrived over the years, so demand outstrips the capacity. 

    Obviously people are living longer,  better health better care, but everyone over 60 doesn't suddenly need medical attention. 

  4. 6 minutes ago, Newbie to this said:

    Part and parcel of a underfunded, over worked NHS, with far far too many freeloaders. 

    People need to remember that the NHS is not free, it has to be paid for. We should be charging anyone who isn't a UK born citizen to use it, in the form of needing medical insurance to enter the country.

    We have enough of our own freeloaders, we don't need anymore.

    The 'Free' healthcare has to be the biggest driving force for people wanting to come to the UK.

    And now oowee and Henry will call you a racist,  the do gooders will say the nhs is stretched because people are living longer its nothing to do with the hundreds of thousands of immigrants that have arrived here since Blair opened the door wide and said come in.

    Be nice to be able to shut that door again to stem the flow.

  5. 1 hour ago, DoolinDalton said:

    Here in sunny Hartlepool, I've had five leaflets, all different, from Labour.  They are basically carping themselves as the Brexit party looks to stand a good chance of winning!   It's been a Labour stronghold for approx 60 years (council and MP)....but the folk are sick of them doing NOTHING and we now have a Brexit party controlled council and hopefully a Brexit MP on the 12th!  If it happens it'll be THE GLORIOUS 12TH!  

    They were saying the same today about Workington,  its always been Labour, but voted 60% plus for Brexit,  could someone other than Labour get in?

    Think me and the wife have now had 6 fliers from Labour, she's going to change the world,  doubtful with those in charge. 

  6. 16 minutes ago, TIGHTCHOKE said:

    The party must be very proud!:big_boss:

    It would appear that the whole of the BBC has gone to Crewe in order to fill air time with the General Election carp.

    Surely there cannot be many voters who haven't made up their minds?

    I'm watching Jeremy Vine having breakfast,  people are calling in saying Labour, and hoping for a hung parliament???

    We were out yesterday at a kids party, some of the parents were very disillusioned with the election,  probably because Brexit has gone on for so long, now its another Election,  could it be a poor turnout?

  7. 1 hour ago, figgy said:

    Arron I've just sat and weighed every pellet left in the tin over 400 of them. The average head size is 5.46mm with some of the pellets at 5.33 across one side of the head rotate it and 5.43 so not round. Not found one out of 25 measured at 5.5mm biggest was 5.48 average 5.46mm skirts are averaging 5.7 to 5.8 rotating them.

    Weights are on the left in the lid of scales between 16.2 to 16.6 and on the left 15.2 to 15.6 my scaled weigh in grains to two so everything in the tin is either 15.8 or 16 on the scales. 

    Now to test speeds tomorrow of different weights see what we get.


    Now that's dedication 

  8. 2 hours ago, Arron yeates said:

    Thanks mate. Its quote lite to be fair as you see it. But thats the f class accu tac wide stance bipod.

    Extremely stable setup if you want to shoot groups. 

    Bit tongue in cheek but with all that gear on I'd have thought shooting groups would be plain boring? Obviously  its normally the nut at the butt that makes the difference but you've sorted that out as well. 

  9. 11 minutes ago, Rewulf said:

    Do you mean BAME or the new version BME.?

    Black or minority ethnic, a buzz phrase to differentiate between whites and non whites, from the same people who bleat about inclusivity and equality. 

    If you treat someone differently because of race ,religion  or colour, that's not being inclusive or furthering equality,  you are creating mental ghettos, and division.

    Both sides use this as a vote catcher, but labour have always tried to target the diversity vote, its got tired , and in recent years they've had to lose one section , as that section is in conflict with another.

    For the many , not the few...a cynical numbers game, riddled with hypocrisy. 

    Might have been BAMI black asian muslim Indian but I'm not sure. 

  10. 3 hours ago, Rewulf said:

    What is massively important, is labours loss of the Jewish endorsement , something they seem to care little about ?
    I will say it outright, labour have gone for the Muslim vote over the Jewish, purely on a numbers basis, knowing they cant keep both.

    Makes sense, there was something on the telly last week saying how the black and Asian vote was huge but the group generally had a very poor turn out, they gave the group a name using initials but I can't remember what the others were.

  11. 13 hours ago, ladyjack said:

    Great  thanks alot mate,theres a member on here makes clamps  to fit cylinder and bipod,not sure of price but will let you know, and I'll put photo on for you to see,this is why I needed exact measure, cheers dave 

    Have a think about what Stu says above,  you might be better off having sling studs put on and connecting a bipod from there.

  12. 37 minutes ago, panoma1 said:

    Post some flyers up around the area, asking for the spineless coward who wrote the anonymous note posted through your door to contact you to discuss their baseless accusations!

    Problem is I have shot the squirrels 🤣🤣

  13. 15 hours ago, ratass said:



    Spot on 33mm

    18 hours ago, ladyjack said:

    Thanks for that mate,Friday will be fin,did you get them mags off Ebay's I reckon it's between 30mm 32mm mind I used a tape measure 

    Tape measure 😮😮 

  14. 3 minutes ago, TIGHTCHOKE said:

    Sorry but Sainsbury's own Tomato Soup is far nicer and a better price at 50p per tin, a winter favourite here.

    I have not bothered with Heinz over-priced food for years!

    I'll certainly try it but 6 tins for £2 at b&m hard to beat.

    3 minutes ago, bruno22rf said:

    Their Tomato soup, i'm sorry, but is the worst culprit - tastes like watered down ketchup with a hint of vinegar. Try the newish Polish Ketchup that some supermarkets are stocking or even Aldi or Lidl's own.

    Normally get aldi soups,  the specials are good.

    3 minutes ago, Dougy said:

    Branston Beans 😊


    1 tin of beans, 4 rounds of buttered toast, cut in 1/2 and placed criss cross on a warmed plate, pour beans over toast followed by a generous splashing of HP brown sauce. 


    MMMMMmmmmm propper food.

    With a soft boiled egg! Who else is now having beans on toast for dinner🥰

  15. 1 minute ago, bruno22rf said:

    Not Heinz anymore - never again, I have wasted my money on their garbage for the last time - as a kid I remember the brand being "the best" and can well remember the flavours of things like Tomato and their Chicken soup, but someone, somewhere has decided to fill their cans with Dishwater with a flavour that the label only hints at - their beans are also no longer any better than Asda own brand (just 3 times the price) so what has gone wrong? Does anybody make soup that actually tastes of anything? One that, if you were blindfolded, you would recognise the flavour?

    Still cant go wrong with Heinz tomato soup,  as for beans we buy what's on offer, no point paying double the price for a name.

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