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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. 28 minutes ago, Vince Green said:

    That's ridiculous


    Not surprised are you?

    Not surprised at all,  she'll run with it forever,  apparently because Boris lost in Scotland she's saying he has no rite to say what she can do.

    Unfortunately Scotland is part of the UK I just says do one.

  2. 22 minutes ago, chrisjpainter said:

    The problem wasn't that they were Remain, the problem was their inability to pick up remain votes to of

    No I think their blocking of Brexit and Corbyn has cost them, areas like Leigh and Workington, Burnley and mining towns in Wales going blue, Blackpool and Darlington, Barrow. Working class places.

    The ordinary folk were sick of the situation and thankfully voted on it.

  3. 7 minutes ago, chrisjpainter said:

    Yup. What so many don't realise is that social media use is inversely correlational to age and voting numbers. The young are all over social media, but the biggest voting demographic is the older generations. Which is why a lot of people my age got a bit of a surprise when the results came in. If you lived your life in Social Media, and only had friends who thought like you, then you'd have been forgiven for thinking Labour were doing well. 

    They've now turned their disappointment into hatred and want to lynch Tory voters. 

    Well my Facebook is basically squirrels, shooting watching learning, squirrel people,  so I've been seeing very anti Corbyn posts, which I've happily screenshot .

  4. 17 minutes ago, chrisjpainter said:

    Right. I'm up, I'm awake, I've had a big English (not continental...) breakfast and can now properly assess what's what. Half the country voted for leave parties, half for remain parties, so there really is no point in a second referendum and The Lib Dems are nowhere, despite all the bluster. We have a government than can now actually get on and do something and, if it wants to turn a majority into a legacy, will need to address some serious social issues. Oh and Facebook is full of hatred. Have I missed anything out?

    SNP want a second referendum,  Facebook is what it is?

  5. 6 minutes ago, Vince Green said:

    The FTSE is up the pound is up, that says it all really. And in Brussels they now know Boris has got a clear mandate and means business.


    And France is at a standstill with strikes and pension stuff?

    19 minutes ago, Vince Green said:

    I wasn't asked for any identification, how can they justify a system so porous.

    Well oowee says they can't ask for anything,  its against his rite to vote??

    Needs looking at.

  6. 3 minutes ago, Jaymo said:

    I’m a “Remoaner” 🙂

    But from a personal point of view I liken it to this- prefer to have migraine that will go away eventually than have the plague .......

    If it had gone the other way, I would have been singing “The lunatics are taking over the asylum” this morning 

    I'd say your more of a remainer, there are a few definite remoaners gone AWOL 

  7. Just looked for my local result,  Mrs mouse commented that she'd seen a lot of labour posters up, there was a shop in town being used as a staging post, windows entirely covered in vote Labour,  south ribble voted with an 11,000 majority for conservative, biggest in years, but the labour campaign said the tories have been letting us down, seems we do know what we want.

    I just watched the interviews from after the results,  all very dignified the Labour class said they'd had the best campaign ever but it was brexit.

    Funny how some are blaming Brexit and smiling when questioned on Corbyn,  while others are just outright saying Corbyn is the problem. 

    Still not seen any remoaners comment yet? I imagine their in a dark room screaming or busy packing up to leave the UK to its doom.

    8 minutes ago, Vince Green said:

    This morning somebody, I'm not sure if it was Corbyn or somebody speaking for him, said he had been a victim of a smear by the media. Since the labour view of the media (often repeated in the past) was that the media was controlled by jewish money it appears to a veiled anti Semitic conspiracy theory is developing.

    I'm sure the Corbynistas will recognise  the hidden message in the statement. They just can't help themselves can they? 

    And the rest of us will treat it with the contempt it deserves..   

    Watch Corbyn's interview after the result for Islington came in, he romped home then blaimed the media, the sun think Rupert Murdoch for attacking him, gave a speech about how good his policies were despite knowing he was getting a hiding. 

    Not sure if John McDonnell has spoken yet? Andrew Neil butchered him last night.

  8. 6 minutes ago, Mighty Ruler said:

    They had that Gina Miller on telly last night, she looked proper rough, don’t know if it was the late hour and lack of sleep or despair at the Tory victory.

    Cockroaches don't like the spotlight,  or being stepped on.

  9. 13 minutes ago, Nmb said:

    Seems to be turning into a Scotland bashing topic so I’ll take my leave.


    Certainly not,  but all we hear are the SNP,  I loved my time in Scotland , and hope they never split. 

  10. Just now, Yellow Bear said:

    Perhaps we should start preparing them for Independence now by abolishing the Barnet formula and putting them on a level playing field with the rest of the UK.

    I don't know what that is but sure, and they could pay for there own prescriptions as well.

  11. Well I've been saying all through the Brexit debate that ordinary people in ordinary jobs are peeved at being ignored on what they voted for, that immigration was a big issue,  wanting to take back control of our country and say who can & cannot come here.

    Boris is posh, Boris won't go on Andrew Neil.

    Boris just Smashed the Labour party to bits.

    Now he should be able to deal with Brexit how he sees fit.

    4 minutes ago, panoma1 said:

    BJ (no pun intended!) said he won’t extend the transition period for a trade deal with the EU past Jan 31 2020.......so if this dates arrives, and the UK still has no agreement with the EU...........does that mean that on the Jan 31 the UK leaves with “no deal”?

    Makes you feel all warm and happy doesn't it. 

  12. 2 minutes ago, Dave-G said:

    Beats me how they want to be independent from UK yet be a satellite of bossier EU. Wonder what methodology goods to and from EU would be shipped. 

    Not a clue, they should just shut up and get on with fixing the problems they have instead of making more.

  13. 7 minutes ago, Dave-G said:

    I'm calling it the payback election. Revenge against many MPs who assured they would honour the referendum then did their toilet on it. Seriously glad Sourby got turfed.

    Revenge is a very powerful force that can sometimes be more important than the consequences of it.

    Nail on the head.

  14. 5 hours ago, Jaymo said:

    Nope, he is Broadland which at this time is yet to declare.

    Uurgh, less than an hours sleep but totally relieved as I had gone along with Scully I’m fearing it might have been the other way . 

    Well my lad was up coughing half the night, so helped me stay up, and he's just woken up,  thinking its time for school🤣

    Wonder how Labour feel this morning?

    There haven't been many comments on from the remoaners

  15. 27 minutes ago, figgy said:

    They get independence it should be fully independent, own tax and monetary system own defense health care education the lot.

    Wonder what wee Jimmies plan is for all that? 

    In fact if Scotland and Wales are all part of the UK and want to be part of parliament there should be the same parties through out all including northern ireland. Conservative labour lib Dems etc. Either part of it or not, none of this we want a say in what happens in parlimen  but have our own parties and parliment you can have a say in.

    My only disappointment last night was the SNP were doing well, now they'll go on and on about the second vote.

    I think they the SNP should only be allowed in parliament on Thursday and Friday,  then we can just ignore them the rest of the time.

    If they were to go it alone, they'd be doomed, doomed I tell you.

    2 hours ago, Scully said:

    I am sooo relieved, and so very very happy! I was genuinely worried for a while there, but took heart at the exit poll before going to bed last night. 
    This in effect, has been a second referendum, and leave won....again. 👍

    I wasn't staying up,  but couldn't turn away. The first few seats going to Labour with Brexit taking votes, I thought o no there going to split the vote!!! Then it all came good.

  16. Can't turn it off, Corbyn won't lead the party at next election,  shock horror. Watch the flying brick grinning behind him🤣🤣

    Tony Blair's former seat has gone to the Tories. 

    Murder on the dance floor baby.

    Bolton has gone blue, Barrow , Don Valley (first time ever)

    Unfortunately SNP seem to be doing well, can't have it all. 

  17. 2 minutes ago, chrisjpainter said:

    When you listen to Campbell, you start to see how brilliant he must have been as Blair's spin king and strategist. He knows how to win and, perhaps as importantly, he knows how to beat people. We don't have to like him, or what he stands for, but my word was he good at his job!

    Absolutely,  don't apologise for winning. 

    Burnley have gone blue!!

    I'm beginning to wonder where my areas are, a watched pot.....

    Yes boiling water,  south ribble stay blue💪💪💪

  18. Blackpool north and South, and Leigh are all now Conservative,  I know all three areas, people in all three areas, all three areas could do with money spending on them, there are areas which are very run down, yet they voted Conservative,  says a lot for the so called suffering under the Tories and pain Austerity has caused.

    Can't wait for people to wake up to this.

  19. 14 minutes ago, chrisjpainter said:

    credit where credit's due, Alistair Campbell's just taken the momentum founder apart on the BBC. He's hammered him on everything from Brexit to the leadership and the chap just mumbled and ummed and erred. He lambasted them for losing the centre ground and for handing the Tories so many working class, traditional labour seats

    Great TV, thought I was the only one up🤗

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