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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. 3 minutes ago, grrclark said:

    Did you not read my post? Especially the bit about how it would mean a fundamental change to our current economic model.

    If you understand Barnett and how central government funds are distributed then you will appreciate that every single region of the UK, except London, benefits from Westminster “back handers”

    Yes Scotland, per capita, benefits from a slightly higher spend than England and there is good reason for that within Barnett.


    So what is the good reason?

    I'm expecting lots of back handers for the Midlands and the North as thank yous for the votes.

    And I cant see the general population in Scotland ever being hungry and lean enough to except going without, that somehow reads wrong but I'm sure you know what I mean.

  2. 3 hours ago, dogsnott said:

    Morning All

    Went into Norwich yesterday,  Found Hoopers Surplus, 20 pottergate NR2 1DX

    A well stocked shop  Accupells £10 a tin,   thought after I should have bought more

    Well worth a look


    Good man👍

  3. 23 minutes ago, London Best said:

    Getting a little more ‘festive’ now.

    1905 First Batch BSA, serial num. 1570, with home made aperture sight. Very accurate, won many a pineapple at bell target.
    Oh, eight different single malts and a bottle of cooking whisky.72A5CCAF-37FD-4968-A5C7-561D666FD016.jpeg.bef5892b13a24f8d7e0c29b9287b77f4.jpeg

    Very nice, but your confusing me, I'm getting torn between the whiskeys and the classic rifle.

    Looks to be in fantastic condition for her age

  4. 2 hours ago, Bigbob said:

    So it would seem that we the Scottish people will be deemed to be getting another once in a lifetime vote ?. And it that doesnt get the SNP wishes dare i suggest another one and yet another one till they get the result they want 

    Its smacks of the playground bully to me its my ball and your no getting to play 

    But how much do these Independence elections   cost £3/5 million  money that could be used better off in Scotland the health service etc as they are repeatedly not hitting time targets

    But its just tax payers money so why would that matter the amount the SNP squander after all we voted them in ?. 

    I hope there are lots of others who think like you.

  5. 12 hours ago, Blackpowder said:

    Pre election the yellow peril had their stall set up two Saturdays running in our small town only 8 miles from the English Border.  Why anyone in their right mind would support  the SNP when Nikky would not hesitate to have Border controls between us and our neighbours is beyond comprehension.   Our largest centre of population, supermarkets, builders merchants , high street shops etc is in Berwick on Tweed- in England over Nikkys  border two miles north of Berwick .  the mind boggles.




    11 hours ago, johnphilip said:

    Exactly  , how would this border  system work   the amount of vehicles and people moving between the two countries  on a daily basis  ,  and what currencies  are we going to use here in Scotland.  And what are we going to do if we pop over the border into England . Are we having to go to the bank to get English money . What about the ferries near me at stranraer . They are dreamers and I strongly  believe they hate the English , or they hate the thought they are been ruled by them . Anything that goes wrong . Blaim Westminster.  It's the easy way out , blaim someone else . I love this country  and it's people.  I hate a divided  country , while the country is decided it will not prosper . 

    I'm really glad that folk north of the border are talking sense.

    9 hours ago, ditchman said:

    the scots ran the British empire with their accounting and enjineers...

    You forget the soldiers,  everything I've read on the Napoleonic wars says the "British " were so successful because of the Scots!

    5 hours ago, matone said:

    I think the SNP version of `independence` will expect large handouts from English coffers......everything you say is spot on imho.

    No it's not English coffers,  that upsets some, but it is.

  6. 16 minutes ago, London Best said:

    I do hope this is not going to turn into a willy waving contest!

    If it does, I’m out!

    PS The Blue Wildebeest bull was not shot with the Meteor either,

    Just keeping it ticking over, best photo I've managed was a stick😭 

    Didn't realise yours was a wildebeest. 

    7 minutes ago, Walker570 said:

    I'm afraid I would be out of it as well :cry1: but Mice taunted me and you egged me on.

    Me taunt? As if I would 😂😂

  7. 8 hours ago, mel b3 said:

    I'll have you all know that her cooking is amazing , she can microwave anything to perfection 😆

    It's just a shame that she's so fat 😂.

    Anyone remember that mel bloke, can't get hold of him these days, but I did see something on the news about some bloke found in a wood, seems he slipped and his leather neck tie got caught and strangled him, it was apparently very well made, police said they would have expected it to have snapped, but the craftsmanship was such he had no chance.

  8. 9 hours ago, London Best said:

    Mark One BSA Meteor with BSA Mk.1 telescope.

    Dad bought me one for Christmas in 1961. Meteor was £9.45 and the scope was £2.10.  Total £11.55p. Dad earned £10 per week then.


    Very nice, and different,  not sure many could take that sort of pic, some tinsel on the horns and boom.

    @Walker570 come on nev, can you beat this for its uniqueness?

  9. 13 hours ago, Bobba said:

    In terms of value you're right, there could be a trade off. But my point was keeping "control". Unless all fish caught are landed in th uk then we will have no idea what is caught and landed in other member states in terms of species, tonnage and size, as they certainly won't allow us to inspect their records in their countries. And there are factory ships, one operating under Dutch flag, which Hoover up fish stocks. Gove is considering reintroducing the 200 mile limit but unless he introduces with it a rigorous control system our fishermen still run the risk of being shafted by Johnny Foreigner.


    12 hours ago, sportsbob said:

    If we do take control back then perhaps banning the monstrous factory ships should be rule number one.

    Sounds like we need a Navy, I've seen clips where fishing boats are ramming each other, who's going to do that with a couple of frigates on patrol?

    12 hours ago, ditchman said:

    it appears Boris J is to visit the North to those labour heartlands that voted for him.....to thank them for their support

    i think that is a nice touch ..:good:


    9 hours ago, Gordon R said:

    Boris never struck me as a long term planner, but this looks to me as if he is preparing for the next election in five years time. If Labour don't get rid of Momentum and their cronies, it could be a generation of Tory governments. Labour will have been in the wilderness for 14 years come next election.

    Slapping Sturgeon down at an early stage is a step in the right direction. Now he has to woo the Scottish voters. Whatever Sturgeon says, I would not like Scotland to leave. I think it would be a disaster for them, albeit financially better for the rest of the UK.

    All he needs to do is spend money in Bolton Leigh and we both know those areas could do with it, then other areas that went blue, see a bit of change under the Tories instead of the same from Labour and they'll vote again.

    Ditchy, I'm sure I heard he went to Tony Blair's old constituency today, now that's a nice touch.

  10. On 13/12/2019 at 00:01, Mr gen said:

    I have discounted poison as they would have all, had to digest the same amount at the same time to fall as they did. power lines, again seems impossible as they are only small birds so only perch on one phase at a time so no amount of fault current would affect them. I cant wait to hear what the BBC post mortem reveals.


    I once saw a pheasant or crow drop off a power line as I was driving along the motorway,  very very  unlikely it was shot, just fell like a stone.

    Can't believe no ones said punt gun, does look odd though.

  11. 22 minutes ago, hod said:

    Re-locating a fleet of nuclear submarines would prove very problematic in every respect I’d imagine. 

    I doubt it would, think of it this way, SNP continue to make noise and threats, very quick look at a map of GB and let's say Hull, Runcorn or Bristol is the new location for the Sub base, not as good but.

    master stroke for Boris,  because of unrest and uncertainty in Scotland we are moving the MASSIVE sub base with its jobs to ??? Scotland loses a huge amount of income an entire area loses jobs, someone said 30,000 how good would that look to England?

    Air bases are obviously different,  but they would probably just stay?

    32 minutes ago, Konor said:

    I don’t agree with change for changes sake and both pro and anti independence voters are close in numbers so inevitably the scenario is divisive and potentially destructive. I would think we have had enough of divisive politics and it is time to move forwards with Brexit and hopefully look forward to a brighter future. I think Scotland and the SNP should be focusing on working hard for Scotland and dealing with    the issues we are facing before pushing for another referendum. Wanting the best for your own country doesn’t stop you wanting the best for all your neighbouring countries.

    Very good

  12. 16 minutes ago, Konor said:

    I don’t think I have made any derogatory comments about the English and England but apologies if I have offended you.

    I an not a lowland separatist in fact if there was a referendum tomorrow I’m not sure which way I would vote,it would take a lot of thinking through.

    The problem is simple, I love the banter during the 6 nations, I loved my time living in Scotland,  I've been back to Edinburgh 3 or 4 times and would go again next week, London couldn't care less.

    We in England aren't DEMANDING we be allowed "another" vote on independence but we're being shouted at by NS and IB telling us that we have no right to deny them.

    How many SNP MPs are there? For me they can't demand anything in Parliament,  they don't have the numbers. 

    So it's simple, 99% of England probably couldn't care what goes on in Scotland,  until we start getting told what we have to do by SNPs

  13. 7 hours ago, grrclark said:

    really should read forward through a thread and not backwards, just saw this after posting the link about AJ's rant to Lansman.

    We'll let you off, I often do this when you realise your 4 or 5 pages behind. 

    6 hours ago, TIGHTCHOKE said:

    Graham it was a wonderful evening, just a shame I was at work the next day!

    It was like watching a great sporting,  it was around 4am when I finally went to bed, I also have a different body clock working shifts but I just couldn't turn it off watching places turn blue that had always been red.

    2 hours ago, Dibble said:

    Stephen Kinnock comes across as a nice bloke but.

    I didn't think so,  best comment was someone saying his dad should have stood instead of Corbyn. 

  14. 18 hours ago, Perazzishot said:

    Sturgeon is working on a 45% of the electorate yesterday to demand Indyref2 where she asked for her supporters to send a clear message to Westminster that Scotland deserves the right to a 2nd referendum. The people of Scotland have just done that 55% of the electorate voted to remain was part of the UK the same as last time.

    54% of the UK electorate voted for 2 Brexit parties!

    Almost the same as the Leave vote, oh look a common theme has developed.

    But the Brexit party got 25.8% of the vote, just behind the Tories at 28.5%, suggesting the Conservative landslide would have been even greater had Farage given Boris Johnson a clear run in all seats.

    It would be nice to hear a voice from the 54%, your post and grrclark's make a lot of sense, but we only hear from NS and Ian what's his face? Blackford? They just spout that Scotland wants Independence.


    Googled him to check his name  snp threat, Blackforf promises to unleash CHAOS if Boris blocks Scots referendum demands??

    How? I hope your right about delaying another vote, its obviously not universally wanted.

    I'm hoping Boris says get your country in order and then we'll talk, stop shouting for Independence stop blaming London and make Scotland great again. 

    Also everyone in England gets sick of hearing about London,  it might as well be a separate country.

  15. Ok gents, your going to have to use your imaginations,  I had my good idea, not seen it done before . But there's a problem, I didn't get the gun out the cabinet last night 🙈 and I wasn't waking anyone up before I went beating this morning. 


    Now imagine the stick is a bsa meteor. 

    Very sorry🙄

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