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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. Wrexham since 1935 labour, first female conservative mp in Wales.

    Wow wow wow 

    I grew up in Leigh, they had a 10,000 majority and I can't believe it they've gone blue, someone try telling me it's not to do with Brexit, I'm 43 this is a first, always been a labour safe seat.

  2. 7 minutes ago, oowee said:

    And then what do they do? Or you hand over a letter with your addy on is that ok? Its a photocopy is that ok? Your name is not quite the same is that ok? Do you need to record what is presented? Is it for the officials to decide its fishy? If you have a document in your hand is that you? It goes on and on. 

    I don't want some **** in a polling booth deciding if i can vote.


    At the next election in 5 years time, they run an add, you must present your polling card, house hold bill, credit/debit card, drivers license passport or something else they decide is official enough, with your name on it, if you bring nothing that looks real, not some fake ID you laminated yourself then its fishy and you don't get to vote.

    This way the democratic rite to vote is protected from abuse.

    I'm still resisting typing what I want to, I'm wanting to reference you to the Shadow chancellor. 


  3. 1 minute ago, oowee said:

    Is it? Don't get me wrong I am with the sentiment just thinking how you do it, that makes it worthwhile and meaningful, without adding disproportionately to the budget. 

    Were getting there, there were three people when I went to vote, lady on my right asked for my street, then the number, and she said "Mice!" I didn't even give my name, she told me, she then said, you must be the last from street X as we've had loads, Gentleman in the middle wrote down the number that lady on the left gave him from the polling card I was given. 

    Lady on the right simply asks, do you have something with your name please, nothing added to the budget at what so ever, if someone says err no, I have nothing chances are there is something fishy going on.


  4. 1 hour ago, figgy said:

    I use a dome head to push the skirts out, or to reshape them. 

    Good top on the lid rubbing stu 👍 

    I have some as diablo fields from 2009 and some from 2010 they are much softer than the newer ones. Very easy to bend the skirts when picking them out of the tin.

    Making something the shape of your probe to reshape or spread the pellet skirt would be simple enough, think I'll have a look at that next week.

  5. 31 minutes ago, TIGHTCHOKE said:

    Well then, time to GET BREXIT DONE!

    Corbyn and his ultimately poorly lead party that could not decide which side to back smashed in the GE.

    Jo Swinson and her undemocratic, not very liberal party decision to champion remain actually losing seats.

    Nigel's Brexit party taking seats from Labour.

    Poor showing from the Green Party.

    Oh and of course the £ surging following the exit poll figures looking like a solid Conservative majority.

    Time to GET BREXIT DONE!

    Abbott hasn't sung yet, she's still looking for General election. 

  6. 4 minutes ago, oowee said:

    But still entitled to do so. 

    If they can use anything then its no more check than we have now. 

    But something is better than nothing. I was writing more but I won't. 

  7. 9 minutes ago, oowee said:

    OK. Someone who is not working living in a house dominted by a partner may well not drive, have no bills, no bank account and no NI number. So what would they have to use? If you say any of the above are ok then how are they verified? Take a pay slip what is that? Will any old bit of paper do? What evidence would be required for a postal vote? What happens with the data provided, is it stored?

    I am not saying it cannot be done but the right to vote is enshrined the right to prove who you are before you can vote is not. I would happily have us all carrying bio id cards but lots of opposition to that. 

    Go on then, why I'm up and still smiling. 

    Firstly why is this "person" who is dominated even allowed out the house! 😉 Have they no birth certificate,  did their domineering partner take away their poll card, really your clutching at straws, if they have nothing with there name and address on, don't work, don't claim any benifits  and are bullied at home, then I doubt they give a hoot about voting .

    Should add, yes we have been given the right to vote, by the sacrifices of earlier generations,  now this rite should be protected, there shouldn't be the possibility of someone turning up and saying,  Mr Smith London road, number 1

  8. 14 minutes ago, chrisjpainter said:

    McDonnell's such a spanner. He's still only blaming Brexit, but a shed load of his own candidates are saying they hate Corbyn!

    Did you see the interview earlier,  it was like people wanting brexit sorted was a surprise. 

    And Murray someone's tweet, they canvassed 11000 doors and people were concerned with Corbyn!! Has to go if things follow the predictions,  he's the Tories greatest weapon.

    17 minutes ago, chrisjpainter said:

    hear good things about their whisky.  Mine's a Drumbeg 10yr  special reserve. It doesn't go down easy, but has a great after taste. 63.8% though, which is a risk if I want to stay awake...

    Sounds very nice, but dangerous.  First Aldi whiskey,  nothing very special but nice enough, and not expensive. 

  9. 15 minutes ago, DoolinDalton said:

    It does, but one must wonder why it hasn't been sorted.  My wife, who is from Thailand, didn't vote (but obviously has British citizenship)  as she has no interest in our politics...(at least we're less corrupt than Thai politicians) so I said I'd use her card also☺️.  She said it's addressed to Mrs DD....so I replied that I would say that  I am now non gender specific...(or whatever bull carp they spout) and this is my name (Mrs DD).  Would I have gotten away this this, i wonder?  😲 I voted at approx 9.30 this morning. The only person in front of me was a muslim lady.  When I was in the booth, I overheard her asking the electoral officer if he had a pen, to which he replied ''there's a pencil in the booth!'.  Probably the first time that this lady had voted!   Do Muslim women usually tend to vote?  We went to Durham City at approx 11.30 and I noticed that a lot of Uni students were voting ( at the church in the main square, if you're familiar with Durham) and there were even queues forming!  I overheard, as I was walking, one female student asking the other if she had read 'his manifesto'.....(JC's?) ; so it would seem that at least some students take an interest in politics...probably just to see what freebies they might gain from them!

    You could have given mrs dd's card to anyone and said vote....

  10. Labour are 2 nil up, 6000 voted brexit in Sunderland,  that could have given Tories the win🙊

    Boom Blyth Valley 3394 voted Brexit,  tories win by 712 votes, looks like Nigel will be smiling tomorrow if this carries on, a former mining town votes Tory 

  11. 7 minutes ago, DoolinDalton said:

    Surely, in the 21st Century (this day and age, as they say!) there should be, by now, a procedure that determines a voters identity.  It can't be difficult, as everyone MUST have some form of identity, be it a NI number, a driving licence (photo ID), passport, etc. Yeh, I know....not everyone drives or goes abroad.... but there is always some way of certifying the identity of people...except, that is, of those females that wear a burka!  It really is time that our Government sorted this issue out. 

    Seems simple really doesn't it.

  12. 3 hours ago, strimmer_13 said:


    Bellowing like a ******* buffalo 


    Top effort Sir👏👏👏 going to be tender tomorrow 

    2 hours ago, Mr.C said:

    Here you go, my HFT rig. Nothing special but more accurate than I am. 

    On the wood burner,  very nice.

  13. 6 minutes ago, oowee said:

    How would it be authenticated? Not as easy as it sounds. 

    Unbelievable,  last go, something with your name on it, house hold bill, bank/credit card, drivers license,  passport,  pay slip, gyro or whatever it is these days, library card, I could go on but feel I'm wasting my time. 

  14. 5 minutes ago, oowee said:

    Which gets lost in the post? Lost in the house, eaten by the dog. 

    And you've nothing else with your name on it, no chance,  I was asked for my name, street and number.  Could have been anyone.

  15. 8 minutes ago, Gordon R said:

    Very true. I trust the exit polls are reasonably accurate. I have voted Labour for most of my adult life, but the current Tories have them beaten by a country mile. Labour need to get rid of Corbyn, Starmer, McDonnell, Abbot, Rayner, Pidcock, Thornberry and the whole of momentum. 

    I would imagine David Millband is rubbing his hands.

    But will they go?? I agree with you, you need good opponents otherwise you get lazy, but those lazy Mps are taking a huge pay check whilst doing pretty much nothing.

  16. 2 minutes ago, oowee said:

    Your on the register. That's the ID.  You cant use bank cards, driver licence or the usual stuff as some don't have it. 

    The register that is open to anyone,  can you not see what I mean, everyone has something with their name on it, I'd be suspicious of someone who couldn't provide anything.

  17. 31 minutes ago, oowee said:

    It's designed to be open to all and deal with millions of voters. 

    If your voting then you have ID of some description,  not even asking for the polling card, I just don't get it.

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