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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. not allowed to suggest he gets a springer he gets upset, even though it would help massively, read an article a while back that said exactly that, everyone should still own a springer because shooting a pcp is far too simple? Made me think.

  2. 2 hours ago, Good shot? said:

    Always wanted to see one from being a young lad with my 'Observers book of British birds' (still have it) 50 odd years ago.

    Had to wait till a couple of years ago and saw a two in Lanzarote outside our hotel whilst on holiday.

    there on cbebies every night, 655 ? 

  3. thought Dunkirk was ok i just expected more.

    normally i have to watch all of a film regardless of if its bad but i only managed half of guest house paridisio, and I've just spent ten minutes with my work mate trying to think what it was called, and thinks bottom was great.

  4. 32 minutes ago, clumber said:

    Caught this on Channel 5 earlier. Good insight to these fantastic birds.

    Can be found on the 5 catch up.


    cheers I'll be watching that this week

    14 minutes ago, JDog said:

    The sad part was the squirrel taking over the Little Owl nest box causing the clutch of eggs which were about to hatch to be abandoned.

    Guessing it was a grey? Get out and shoot some, plenty about for everyone.

  5. Sounds awful Lloyd, i remember my dad taking a German shepherd pup back to the breeder, can't remember why but us three kids weren't happy.

    I know what you mean about not wanting to look at other dogs, but give it a week or so and you'll be having a peek, perfect time of year for a new pup to brighten you and the girl friends mood up.

  6. Did your mate use a bottle or pump when he filled it for you?

    I've had my rapid over twenty years now and have never needed a divers bottle, you could easily take the rifle to bamfords and they'll fill it for you no hassle, i have got a pump which quite a few guys on here use but i haven't used it yet.

    like stu says you do need to be careful with high pressure air, so if your unsure best bet will be to go see your mate.

  7. 5 hours ago, Smokersmith said:

    I saw my first ever Bullfinch at the weekend .... which was nice.

    We've been getting a male on the bird feeders over winter, and i spotted the female this week, hadn't seen one before, and saw some tree sparrows this week ? 

  8. Hi Dave, don't try to just unscrew the bottle as it will be under pressure, ask your mate to show you how it comes off. 

    I like bisley pest control pellets for ferals as they don't tend to over penetrate and damage buildings.

    Another thing you can do with ferals is lamp them if there roosting in the sheds and barns.

    I just take the buddy bottle off my rapid to my local gunshop costs a couple of quid, then your good for 150-300 shots depending on size.

  9. On ‎04‎/‎04‎/‎2018 at 16:54, Ultrastu said:

    They are fine as long as you dont mind cutting down the  stock to reduce the length of pull from 16 inches (god knows who has arms that long) to a more reasonable 10 - 12 inches for kids .ps standard rifle is 13.5 inch 

    Is that the length of the crossman stu? Always thought they were fairly small?

    been reading with interest as its a question i was thinking about, kind if waiting till little lads older but might be a good excuse for a rat catcher ? buy two stocks one for me one for them.

  10. Back out yesterday but on a new place that "the gouse" has just got so making a block of around 500 acres, got a msg last week saying he's seeing loads of squirrels about when filling up the pheasant feeders.

    turned up in glorious sunshine fairly sure i was at the right place ( i was) old fella there filling up some bird feeders and i had already seen a couple of squirrels do a runner.

    started having a look about before the gouse turned up, saw a few more moving about through the trees, the gouse turned up and we walked the boundaries, think the wife has told him i need the exercise!! Saw lots of different things mooching about, a few squirrels which all managed to vanish, then back where we started.

    Squirrel! Off i go two lads watching no pressure, knock it out the tree but not dead, did a 360 and pushed under a tree stump, put another pellet in at point blank and went to get another that was in the hedge row behind me, hit a branch then couldn't get another shot because of the sheep and lambs in the field.

    went back to pick up the first squirrel passed my rifle to one of the fellas to hold while i leaned under the tree stump, put my hand on it and it moved!!! I may have soiled myself, hadn't moved at all under the tree stump never considered it could still have been alive.

    looks a great spot for future moochings


  11. 7 hours ago, atyl1972 said:

    lolz, see the videos on yt, I'm no liar you'll see the top guys from all over test, review, tune these guns and every new top pcp out there, your response optimises everything bad about coming on here asking for advice and tips as a beginner, don't know why you responded like that and quite simply I do not care and certainly won't lose any sleep tonight over it, fact...what FX are doing with their guns over the last 3 years has shocked every other manufacturer, not just looks and design, but out and out quality and precision. I wonder what you shoot??

    ever heard never look a gift horse in the mouth, you've had nothing but good advice from complete strangers freely giving their years and decades of advice. 

    And if you read a few other posts you would know exactly what Bruno shoots.

  12. 8 hours ago, Gordon R said:

    Joshua can make money anywhere and Ricky Hatton would be one of the last people to seek an opinion from. His judgement is off the scale.

    he was talking about pay per view sales in the states and getting 40,000 fans in Vegas following you, Joshua hasn't done that yet.  don't disagree Joshua will still make money anywhere but he'd make a lot more in the states.

  13. 2 hours ago, davewh100 said:

    don't really go on bbs but put a wanted add on for a stock for AA s400 stock got a reply from a lad saying he as one in walnut, he had pick a s400 up for a project and the stock was not needed said i will send you the stock if it fits and you want it then pay me seemed a bit strange, it turned up to my work today absolutely mint condition fits great and only waned £80 posted what a great chap not many lads would of done that :good:

    sounds like a very good result for you ? ? be sure to big him up on BBs, although i imagine you already have.

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