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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. Certainly don't think people should be asking for links to these sort of things,

    when i did my child protection course there was a right mix of people in the room, sports coaches, teachers and social workers. Some of the things people said and scenarios we were given were truely horrible, the sort of thing most normal folk wouldn't even entertain, this is why for me monitoring what your kids are doing on the internet is very important.

    one example, when you or your kids go swimming you will see signs saying no photography, possibly no phones, yet most folk aren't watching the swimming there on line, we were told that people take pictures of kids then photo shop them onto other pictures, i had never imagined anything like that until i did the course.

  2. Might be the wrong place to ask, I've got two ferret locators but no collar, i want to check there still working so i can sell them on, they've been tucked away for quite a while just in case.

    Anyone near Preston, Blackpool or Leigh i get about, mind me coming round to see if they still work, I'll happily give you ten purse nets as a thanks.

    cheers mice.

  3. 1 hour ago, getthegat said:

    Plot thickens. Badger wouldn't kill a large goat surely? And this is arable land, no animals in the fields. Possibly some being kept at a rented out farmhouse half a mile away.....

    I didn't think a badger would kill a goat, eat it yes. Did you have a look for foot prints?

  4. 46 minutes ago, Good shot? said:

    Whilst fly Fishing at Twin Lakes trout fishery at Croston, not far from Preston, about 10 years ago  I watched an Osprey circling one of the lakes for about 5 minutes before it snatched a Small Rudd or Roach from the surface. Fantastic. Manager said it had been about for a week or so.

    Like you Mice I saw my first Red kite in Cheshire a couple of years back.

    I cant believe you saw an osprey not far from me, didn't think we would get them around here.

  5. Bullying has always been there yes but with phones and internet its now a lot easier to do and can continue at home.

    mate at work was saying exactly this the other night, someone said something about such a body and now they want a fight, bring back the old days, how glad am I that there were no phones/cameras back in the day growing up. Things have certainly changed but this is why you need to monitor what your kids are up to.

    we also have the rule no phones at the table.

  6. 4 hours ago, JDog said:

    He has already formed an opinion of his master which is not repeatable.

    No step ladder just some driftwood picked up to help me get up the post. My wife wouldn't help as she said it was a childish thing to do.

    cant think how the saying goes,

    we don't stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing.

    sounds right, nice pics and good climbing 

  7. 8 hours ago, Lord Geordie said:

    So next I hardwired a digital timer into his room so the mains went off at 8pm. He bypassed that too. Then I banned him from using them and took his mobile phone off him when he went to bed, and removed his consoles and PC, he started making what I thought was progress! Up early and off to school early! The swine was going to the PC suite at school to access the internet there! And unbeknown to me, his mate had gave him another phone too! 

    sounds like a clever kid LG

    3 hours ago, jonny thomas said:

    My sons are 20 and 24 they are the only ones in their group of friend that can gut a fish, tie a hook, shoot or clean a bird 

    I imagine there an awful lot of folk who can't do that.

  8. Didn't take long for the air rifle bug to get you did it Dave ?? 

    which calibre is the oldest argument there is, as for which rifle it comes down to if you want new or second hand, if sh its what is available, the rifles you've said are all going to get good reviews it will just come down to what you think or feel when you handle them.

    where is the target club your looking at? Keep saying I'll get out more but other things get in the way.

  9. My daughter will be 7 this year, so far she has a kindle which she plays on and does maths and other homework stuff plus drawing, but goes through phases of not being bothered about it at all. I think the longer they stay off the net the better, and certainly don't see why they need to be on it on there own, plus its set up with a time limit on it so it shuts down, she came home today and was so happy it was sunny, straight outside ? but some kids in her class do have phones ipads and who knows what else.

    I have heard from other folk that the kids YouTube is supposed to be good, but I've no idea.

  10. cheers I'll have a look.

    12 minutes ago, John_R said:

    Recently I was ill with one result being permanent severe deafness in left ear. I have just got my first ever hearing aid, an odd experience but got to deal with it.

    my brother recently got a hearing aid, i didn't even notice it till he pointed it out.

  11. have any of you tried wearing any of the cens etc for 12 hrs? I have to wear ear plugs in work plus I'm deaf ish, got sent for scans after my last test because my right ear is so much worse than my left.

    I wear the roll up orange plug type, sometimes there ok others there a pain in the ..

    any recommendations for ear plugs in work? Wearing proper ear muff style isn't really an option as there not comfy for a full shift.


  12. I know a few guys who have spent time in Japan by going training and competing over there at judo, not sure any of them have truly appreciated how lucky they've been getting sent over there, and your there at the right time to see the blossom trees, but probably not the right area?

  13. I've never known a farmer say they want all the rabbits gone, kept on top of yes.

    2 hours ago, nicknsd1978 said:

    Squirrel & pigeon yes...don’t really fancy the rats although shoot pigeons with the shotgun. Just always fancied shooting rabbits

    Wouldn't rule out shooting rats, its great shooting often fast with lots going on, and it can open doors to new land.

  14. It's shocking that they didn't ring you, but at least your mum got looked after which is the main thing.

    You know you've been doing your bit and then some.

    like has been said above the hospital should let you visit outside of normal hours just turn up and have a word, i wouldn't phone they'll be too busy to answer probably.

    you can't choose your family, just your friends.

    3 hours ago, team tractor said:

    Oh and my boy is 2 weeks old :) 

    congratulations Nath, hope your misses and boy are doing well ( and your fingers)

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