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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. you see chaps, the ladies are up in the middle of the night checking what you've been up to, while your fast asleep and vulnerable ?? 

    5 minutes ago, loriusgarrulus said:

    And the frying pans.

    Plus you never know what could be put in your food.


  2. 3 minutes ago, wascal said:

    One weekend I borrowed a van from work to  get rid of an old settee 

    They wanted to charge me because it was "commercial " waste

    because All the builders I know use refrigerated Butchers Vans . Don't they ??

    needless to say the settee went up in smoke 


    can you not still arrange for the council to pick things like this up from your house? It used to be free didn't it?

  3. 11 minutes ago, Jaymo said:

    Whenever I visit the tip its always staffed by five or more wandering up and down, but not actually helping out except to look at some items or go through cases looking for ‘loot’

    Bit like that at ours, they can be helpful sometimes, its very funny if the wife goes and no one comes to help, especially if their helping an older lass who appears to have dressed to get some help.

  4. At my tip, south ribble you can get a permit for rubble allows you ten bags a year free or pay per bag, no vans allowed.

    think this was to stop work men using it for free, the items you have listed are ridiculous, as you say some are going to end up dumped some place.

    Also now being charged £30 a year for green waste bin, i can cope with that.

  5. can't resist, wonder which rifle you will want today ???

    as for "only" getting 60 shots, that means the gun weighs less, looks better and once you have got over the initial excitement of needing too shoot two hundred pellets a session you'll have a gun you like.

    now onto which pellet, scope, gunbag, night vision, silencer, knife, boxer shorts..................................................

  6. 21 minutes ago, ClemFandango said:

    Not much more to add other than the fact that I suspect the decline of bumblebees to be linked to the increase in Badgers. 


    I can't understand why they can't change the badger act to allow them to be shot or add trapping and shooting to the general licence, they could even have a close season. 


    The setts could still be protected making it an offence to dig and effectively keeping badger baiting at bay(as much as the law does that anyway) but landowners would have the choice whether or not to control them. 

    can't do that it sounds sensible. Big mammal that folk can recognise and gets put across as eating worms, meanwhile they can blame farming practice, enclosed gardens and cars for killing the hedgehogs.

  7. its never ending :lol:

    just because you have finance in place doesn't mean you have to spend it.

    go buy a decent springer from your local gun shop, this you won't need to recharge, you'll learn way more than with a pcp, give yourself another 6 months looking at pretty guns then go buy the one you want, could even trade in the springer?

  8. 3 hours ago, Winston72 said:

    Wheres Sako?? didn't see the fight but totally respect his opinions in matters of pugilism, anyone heard from him lately?

    Probably fast asleep in his new shooting hut, check out the pics section.

    something online about the ref said he's going to spend the night out in Cardiff stopping any more fights ? 

  9. 5 minutes ago, atyl1972 said:

    Trouble is I already got some finance sorted, not a lot but still. but the AA I cannot get outa my head it was gorgeous to shoot as well, so much reason to lean towards that gun, adjustability, cocking lever is fantastic and the magazine, sling mounts, stock colour, feel etc etc :good:

    Then simple buy it, no one ever said they weren't happy with an AA, good if not great reputation and i cant imagine you wouldn't like it.

  10. Still wouldn't buy a new rifle, its a lot of money for your first gun, go second hand, see how you get on, have a good time through the summer, hopefully by then you should love it, hopefully know what you want, then look at getting a new rifle, or another second hand, you can only shoot one at once .

  11. 13 hours ago, Retsdon said:

    Until now, about the only industry to escape this three decade long fire-sale has been defence manufacturing. But it looks like that's going under the hammer too now.

    Sorry but defence has been getting done by foreign countries for years, we make some parts as do the yanks French Germans the list goes on, plus parts are bought from Asian countries where they are produced at a fraction of the cost and then assembled elsewhere such as UK or USA.

  12. 18 hours ago, atyl1972 said:

    I see that at Bristol, theres another here from mcavoyguns for an extra £49, comes with bipod, sling, hard carry case, pellets and is brand new, plus scope, a bsa one but still an excellent deal to be had there, nice little touch of bling too with the bolt, god I can see me getting 2 guns now, lol. shot count is around 190 isn't it in 177, don't quote me?

    Your profile doesn't say where you are? If you go with Mc's don't forget to add in rfd costs. If the Bristol one has already been bowket tuned that's worth more than the extra's, you can pick those up easily enough.

  13. tried some of the honey a few weeks ago very nice.

    lots of balsam around us, spreads its way down the river system and slowly creeps inwards away from the river banks.

    There doing tests some place with a type of rust to try and eradicate it, problem seems to be when you get an area that no one does anything on so it seeds and spreads, kids certainly enjoy popping the seeds.

  14. 13 hours ago, das said:

    I remember the old days when you could only buy pop in glass bottles and these always had a returnable deposit on them.
    No problems and the system always worked well and no rubbish all over the place as we have now.

    I remember Barr bottles, back to the corner shop like you had won a prize 

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