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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. 6 hours ago, bluesj said:

    An old boss of mine decided that the first letter of PPE was personal so it was up to us to buy it. but not on company time.

    Current bosses attitude is nothing we do is worth breaking a sweat over let alone getting hurt for and if you need something to make the job safer/easier, grab some cash from the safe and go get it and a spare one well your at it. 

    Sounds like your a lot better off with the new boss, yes a lot of health and safety is a pain but when there are bosses out there who couldn't give a fig what happens to you it comes in handy.

  2. 7 hours ago, walshie said:

    Yesterday was bad here. So bad I literally couldn't walk up our drive (it's quite steep). The wife's company cut the amount of calls to a bare minimum, like people who need medication etc. The boss phoned each carer individually and said they didn't have to go into work if they didn't feel safe. 

    My mrs was umming and arring looking out of the window. I said it wasn't worth injuring herself or getting in a car crash. She agreed, but she was nearly in tears. After about half an hour she said she couldn't bear thinking of old mrs so-and-so being on her own and she was going to go out even if it was just to see her. She ended up doing another few calls after that and it took forever. It was nearly dark when she got home.

    I went out and got some bags of rock salt to clear the drive and I was sliding all over the place in a 4x4.

    When I read about all these others taking a day off because they don't fancy getting snow in their hair, I feel really proud that my wife is made of sterner stuff and hats off to the thousands of others who  put others before themselves and just got on with it. :thanks:


    Tell your misses well done walshie, run her a nice hot bath.

  3. 31 minutes ago, Ricko said:

    Teachers don't make the decision to close schools, that is done by headteachers and local authorities.

    Tuesday, no kids in, so I sat and marked books, planned lessons and produced resources, left school at the usual time.

    Wednesday, the decision was made to send kids home at lunchtime, as it's a special school our pupils are transported by local authority approved taxis, I spent the afternoon driving kids home in a minibus as their taxis couldn't get in.

    Thursday, no kids in, so I spent the morning with the caretaker shovelling snow and spreading grit, then spent the afternoon mentoring younger staff

    Friday, 1/4 mile from work a large bough was blocking the lane, took the chainsaw out of the back of the Frontera, sliced and diced the branches to clear the road, got into work on time and tortured the kids with Algebra

    they won't have it, admit you went skiing at your chalet in France


  4. 9 minutes ago, The gouse said:

    It’s the mighty spurs that’s cheap but it is against Huddersfield.

    the Juventus game Wednesday would have been a better game.

    Juventus, yes I'd watch that, for a bit.

    Huddersfield?? Might see if the wife fancies going Ikea or shoe shopping maybe :whistling:

  5. our school has been open all week, path was gritted every day no problems but we can and do walk there most of the time.

    A head teacher was on telly this morning saying we are open but are happy for people to keep their children at home and have a snow day.

    7 hours ago, team tractor said:

    I work 2 miles from home and I’m currently making 6 oak windows and sapele bay window. 

    Gas blower on  

    two miles you can easily walk that and understand small businesses would struggle but if your talking 30 & 40 mile commutes its a different story, could easily sack off Thursday Friday then work the weekend.

    As Dougy has said elsewhere decided not to go shooting, some trips just don't need to be taken despite what folk did 30 years ago.

    Had a different lady the other day, not Mrs Smith but an oriental dating site?? 

    nothing but basc for days then boom.

  6. 21 minutes ago, TIGHTCHOKE said:

    And imagine if everyone stayed home rather than get in to work.

    that would probably be a great idea for the sake of a few days.

    other than police NHS fire care staff and probably a few others i haven't listed a few missed days during bad weather really is no big deal.

    I drove home this morning in the worst wind I've ever driven in, car was getting rocked all over the place and the bonnet kept flexing like it was going to open, doing 50 on the Motorway, thankfully it was dry and no ice.

    lots of roads closed around Lancs due to trees being down, m62 closed because of the winds, probably lots more going on i don't know about.

  7. Been quite a bit of teacher bashing going on, my daughters school were going to a local high school tomorrow to do a sports event but its been cancelled as the school are predicting they will be shut, we have no snow but very high winds, and i doubt that most of the teachers are local to the school so there is a decent chance some teachers won't make it in.

    Heathrow cancelled flights earlier in the week, just in case the weather was as bad as they expected.

  8. well there have been people stuck on the m62 for 5hrs the radio said earlier, news showed someone skiing down the street in Darwin and saddleworth moor was a white out. 50 odd car pile up near Bury i think it said.

    so it might only be a bit of snow but its having one hell of an effect in some places.

    I drove to work tonight, the wind was batting my car about on the M6, no snow at mine today just some proper cold wind. 

    And the traffic folk tried towing a lorry out of the snow but only managed to set their 4*4 on fire, closing the road.

  9. I would still like us to simply walk away and take back control of our country, always hoped we would go the way of Australia, if you have skills we want or need and pass the tests to come in then welcome.

    pretty sure countries in Europe will still want to buy from us and vise versa.

    take back control then see how the chips fall.

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