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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. Doesn't matter if another eagle killed Fred over territory, he got blown out to see in a storm or is full of lead shot, things like this highlight the cause against shooting, no evidence needed.

    As clem Fandango says the harm is done and nothing will be said further unless there is evidence of poisoning or lead.

  2. 1 hour ago, blackbird said:

    I honestly thought that England under Eddie Jones were invincible till today how. Wrong was I 

    On the bright side that game could well set them up for the world cup, bit of a reality check.

    1 hour ago, grrclark said:

    We might not win all that often, but when we do we make a job of it and enjoy it very much.  It did help of course that England forgot to turn up for the first 40 mins.

    in the paper this week Gavin Hastings said of his 60 odd caps beating England twice are his best memories of playing.

  3. 1 minute ago, bumpy22 said:

    they needed to turn up for that mate. England had no urgency just did not seem to want to fight for the ball. but in contrast scotland were very strong. ref had a quality game .just a bit tough to not have the chance of a slam 

    Didn't look like they wanted it, expected the Scots to just roll over I think, way to many mistakes and no real commitment at the brake down.

    30 minutes ago, blackbird said:

    And you wonder why the Welsh, Scotch & Irish hate the English with a vengeance you can’t take take losing, you guys make a rod for your own backs. Man up good boy, no need for comments like this. 

    Really? It's called humour, and for the next twelve months we will man up and take it, unlike todays England players. 

  4. 5 hours ago, bruno22rf said:

    Mice - been thru every conceivable explanation to attempt to solve this problem - this guy had been hit cleaner than a clean thing thru the head with the exit wound clearly visible on the opposite side, my only thought is that, as it was a side on shot, the pellet failed to actually hit it's brain square on and passed thru it's forehead - but hit one last week in the very same mark and it was lights out before it hit the ground. End of the day a dead'un is a dead'un but I wish that when they died they stayed died :rolleyes:.  

    Maybe time to try a new pellet mate, go to some sort of hollow point, i always liked bisley superfields but don't think they loaded well out my mag.

  5. 55 minutes ago, Vince Green said:

    Its because most of it went undiagnosed. People got sick, they died and got buried. Most families couldn't afford a doctor, even if they could the doctor had no treatments to cure most diseases. 

    This has made me remember, my Grandad came from a large family think one of his brothers or sisters died when young and there was a conversation at the time as to whether or not they got the doctor round when they were ill due to the cost, so probably died and buried without any idea as to the cause, this would have been pre world war two, totally different times.

  6. 11 hours ago, ian1337 said:

    Do you have any rat pics? 

    I've  not no just had a look, the strange thing is they attack the barrel when you go to shoot them, totally different to squirrels. I caught probably the same hedgehog twice last year so stopped using it for a while, going to make the opening smaller this year much as its nice seeing them its hard work getting them out when they ball up.

  7. 32 minutes ago, bruno22rf said:

    4 late last week and 2 more this afternoon - met up with the guys filling the Hoppers who told me that every single Hopper is empty including the tiny copse 1/2 mile away. Good to  be back out and mopping a few more up but day was spoiled by my old Nemesis of concrete headed squizzer - about 25 yards a real twitchy one sat on top of the Hopper trying to work out if I was dangerous or not - could only see about an inch of his head (including his eye) due to a build up of branches but the AA Field hit home spot on and he dropped like a stone. After about 10 minutes his tail started flicking and, thru the scope, I could see his head raised and looking around - one more in the side of his head and he rolled over but I could see he was still breathing hard so I had to break cover and despatch him with another 2 to the top of his head. First shot was good hitting just behind his eye and looking at him it had gone clean thru but I could not see where no2 had struck although I'm 99% sure it was in the head - final 2 were obvious but I'm not happy about this happening again .

    Every chance your first shot has taken a. Glancing blow and stunned the squirrel, it does happen, after that probably nerves? Nice to know your back out amongst them.

    1 hour ago, Walker570 said:

    Keep putting peanut butter under and around the lid and peanuts on the landing stage. The blue tits think it is theirs.

    might be worth propping a lid open for a while? Are they still getting food from the pheasant feeders?

  8. Caught them near a river bank, exactly same thing as the squirrels fat ball as bait, seed feeder above but only ever put a small amount of seed in because squirrels rip it open, at least they did not many about lately ??? 

  9. Out today but another blank, didn't see a thing. Plenty of birds to watch coming and going, robin, blue tits, great tits, gold crest, bull finch, wren, tree creeper, tree sparrow plus the pigeons magpies rooks, no idea what was going on behind me in the lake but something was tunning up for spring. Not even a rat poked out its head, probably because it was damn cold, not helped by sitting still.

    not to worry feeders topped up for the other lads and i had a nice bacon and egg barm when I got home.


  10. I have read in the papers before of people moving things from church yards because they don't think they should be there, quite often older people.

    Doesn't make it right but its slightly better than the ides of folk stealing things.

    Still not sure how or why some one would interfere with a grave they know nothing about.

  11. can quite often be a wake up call if you survive the heart attack, sounds obvious but do as your told and get yourself better.

    the NHS gets a load of stick but just imagine where we would be without it, it can be a lottery for sure and you need to know you can question decisions.

    I'm typing this from a hospice where my mum is, the staff have been amazing , not a job i could do.

  12. we do use a lot of carbide and through coolant drills, it would help a lot if you used a pilot drill or centre, that way your drilling into a good hole especially on things like bolts, we do some nasty hard stainless alloys always spot drilled then drilled but generally just 90 degree on cnc.

    I thought you were just drilling at home, if someone else is paying use carbide instead of HSS. 

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