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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. Just now, Howling Hound said:

    Its the dog poo in bags and hung on trees that I can't swallow

    Bad taste is it :whistling:

    29 minutes ago, davewh100 said:

    looks like you have the same problem as our angling club with dog muck rubbish and fly tipping in the car parks, i called the E.A last week to see if they would remove some rubbish which looks like from a builder they told me if it's on private land it's our responsibility

    You not got cctv dave? At least get some signs warning there is, might stop scum dumping there rubbish on you.

  2. never understood why councils started charging for certain types of waste, it was always going lead to fly tipping by the morons out there, but most people are just bone idle and ignorant, same as charging anyone in a van is stupid because the council or private landowner ends up clearing up the mess.

  3. Had two blanks of late, one morning was freezing cold, didn't see any squirrels or rats they had more sense.

    And today was just wet wet wet, went out anyway. Got wet and cold, so left the woods and headed for shelter and rats, but once again didn't see a thing, they have more sense than me these critters.

    But having seen nothing for weeks at home I had a pregnant female and male in the trap last Thursday and Friday, who knows where they came from.

    Hawkfanz mentioned the other day a mate of his is finding dead squirrels in a wood, anyone else seen anything like this?

  4. 26 minutes ago, old man said:

    How can you make the seller responsible for the customer actions?

    We need the current law applied not new unworkable, unfair ones maybe?

    Dont think you have read it correctly, it wouldn't be Mac d that got the fine but the lout who lobbed the rubbish out the window.

  5. 39 minutes ago, washerboy said:

    I’m a diehard rugby league fan and can’t get to grips with this union , it’s painfully slow at times .

    These lads wouldn't understand league, too fast with proper tackling, bit like our lads find whenever they play the Oz's.

    But I still like union.

  6. 1 hour ago, walshie said:

    I don't much care if England do stop Ireland winning the Slam. Unlike certain nations, spoiling something for one team isn't the same as winning it yourself.

    About time we went back to the 5 nations in any case. Italy are an embarrassment.

    italy are vastly improved on how they used to be, and it's probably a cracking weekend away.

    I don't expect England to beat Ireland and don't think they deserve too. But they will want to go out on a high, loose again and it's three on the bounce.

  7. watching wales Italy, union is turning into a farce, wales lad just been sin binned for a good tackle, which if you slow it down enough and watch it twenty times looks like he made contact with the neck??? Looked a great tackle and if anything the Italian having a go at the player on the ground should have been banned.

    as for England??? I expected a much different display. Thought the Scotland game would have given them a wake up call, but there didn't seem to be any real creative thinking.

    All they can do now is try and stop Ireland getting the slam.

    and I've been giving one of the dads at judo grief for weeks, and he's french:no:

  8. was out yesterday playing rugby then watching rugby and boozing the afternoon away, managed to avoid knowing anything about the game until I watched it this morning, shambles really, rarely looked threatening at all, need a proper good result in Ireland next week :sad1:

  9. 32 minutes ago, walshie said:

    I'm going to have to go old school then to shoot these foxes. Only a regular lamp and the smell of mulligatawny soup wafting out the truck window to put them off.  

    Funny, I have noticed with fox, cats and rats that there looking at the camera when I've got pics, my camera is very close to where I put the squirrels and I've wondered if they can see the flash? Or if they hear something as the picture is taken.

  10. 55 minutes ago, Retsdon said:

    Absolutely. Or rats even? Why is a hare deemed to feel stress or pain and not a rabbit or the rat? 

    Rabbits and rats are classed as vermin, hares are mythical creatures sorry i meant game, and not in the numbers that you get rats or rabbits.

  11. 5 hours ago, Old farrier said:

    Simple solution to drastically reduce the rubbish and the cost of cleaning up 


    ban takeaway food 

    either eat at home or sat at a table in a restaurant cafe or pub eating off of a plate with a knife and fork 

    absolutely hate seeing people walking up the high street eating junk food with there fingers 

    theres absolutley no need for it 

    just my view 

    all the best 





    Even a bag of chips ???

    it would the saving of the nations health but would never happen.

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