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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. 6 hours ago, washerboy said:

    My lad starts university in Preston in September, best university we visited 

    Have a look at the Harris museum when your next up nice place.

    2 hours ago, Dave66 said:

    I was at the Guild Hall Sunday night, not been for a while, enjoyed it.

    The snooker was back on there the other week ? 

    this morning was bizarre people couldn't get on or off the motorways so everywhere was backed up. All gone now it seems  :yahoo:

  2. road chaos today, just taken me nearly two hours to do a 35-40 min journey, M6 M61 M65 Preston Leyland Blackburn and probably beyond are carnage, someone hit the white Christmas button 2-3 inches of snow and slush over night.

    everywhere looks pretty but nothing much moving and schools closed.

  3. 54 minutes ago, Scully said:

    ....and this is where fox hunters lost the argument in my opinion; in that they couldn't seem to decide whether what they were doing was pest control or sport. If it's pest control why would they want to have a healthy fox population....unless it's sport of course. No sport involved in hunting a sick animal. Just a thought. 

    Your right, they most certainly did enjoy following the hounds and the hunt which is for me why antis object to it, how can someone possibly enjoy hunting an animal?? if a fox goes to ground its then a choice as to whether its dug out or not.


    49 minutes ago, Wb123 said:

    Nobody likes to admit it functions as a bit of both. I do find it odd how we cant admit to enjoying either vermin control or deer stalking (it seems you have to work cull into the sentence).


    I am firmly pro foxhunting, though I appreciate as pest control it is not a total solution. But it does in my experience provide a lot of rural employment, moves money out of towns to more rural populations, brings communities together, and provides a hell of a lot of fun. 

    On the money.

    Can't imagine anyone on here or other similar sites who puts in the time money and miles they do if they didn't enjoy the shooting they do.

  4. 5 hours ago, Sha Bu Le said:
    7 hours ago, Benthejockey said:

    Sorry to hijack the thread there!

    So well done BBC for once again showing the degree of lefty bunny hugging bias which is an inherent part of news features re all things hunting shooting angling. Well maybe not angling so much, too many people go fishing for the BBC and the sabs to take on.............YET

    Pretty sure they had a go at fishing not so long back but realised just how much of a hornets nest that was.

    stuck two bits together not sure how? It's not hijacking at all ben, healthy discussion.

    I used to shoot in Cheshire where farmers followed the hunt and had pups, general consensus was a healthy smart fox might well escape the hounds, no such luck with a bullet.

    plus if you look at some areas of Cumbria or Scotland and wales, some wild areas where you probably need hounds to cover the ground, and find the foxes.

    As for coursing this has been going on for generations, we've still got hares, just now folk shoot them.



  5. we get community service folk in their orange jump suits doing litter picking near us, but i doubt there would be any chance on a dual carriage way because as you say they would have to cone it off. 

    seen what happens when they cone off the A590 to barrow just to cut the grass it backs up onto the motorway.

    it really is obvious when you visit some places and there is a complete lack of litter, as it should be. Seen a lot of places get rid of bins as well saying take your litter home, people often see full bins and simply dump there rubbish on the floor, not how i was brought up.

  6. On ‎01‎/‎03‎/‎2018 at 20:05, NatureBoy said:

    Didn't manage to get out with camera today but there's gona be some amazing drifts and wind sculpture about. Wonder what's knocking the numbers of coot and grebes back? As they  both quite aggressive and territorial birds. Less moorhen and mallard about my way to. Never hear the so called experts talk of the noticeable decline in water birds. Rubbed the ice off me face before i thought to take a pic. Got a few good pics but nothing like the quality of yours. Snapping with a canon EOS 700D and 55-250 lens. looking to get a bigger/better lens for better wildlife snaps. what would you use or recommend??  NB

    You need to be looking for mink nature boy, that's the normal reason for coots and moorhens going missing. At my mum's today a moorhen went through her garden jumped up onto the 6foot fence into next doors where he has plenty of bird feeders out, not far from a lake but still unusual to see them in the garden.

    back on topic, did you take the pic in black and white GG or just that's the only "colour" there was?

  7. 6 minutes ago, ditchman said:

    am i right in saying that the ruskies got banned for doping in the ice bowls thingy......................i mean to say...taking drugs to win at that....its the poor bloody people that have to watch it that need the drugs...

    Most spectators use iron bru and vodka

  8. 31 minutes ago, Lloyd90 said:

    They already do - it’s juat bad taste to air it publically. 

    Im just amazed that anyone thinks they’re all natural. When Lance Armstrong was caught out they all went mad saying how terrible it all was, and how he had such an advantage/ performance boost. 

    Yet everyone seemed to think the bloke finishing seconds behind him is what? An all natural amazing athlete? 

    Even funnier is that everyone in his team said they hadn’t a clue. 

    I still think Armstrong was hounded so much because he was so successful and American, wouldn't matter what he did or didn't do, if he was doing something then so were others, but you still have to put in the training and miles to be that good for that long.

  9. Radio or the wright show? Said today that all the women's cross country skiing team, Norwegian are asthmatic, if i heard it correctly.

    Sir Bradley Wiggins has obviously been investigated but not found guilty, there's always going to be suspicion but that's not proof, otherwise he would already have been stripped.

  10. sounds like it's going to be tricky no mater what you do, you might want to look a getting a muzzle for the older dog so he can't inflict any more damage on the younger one.

    another thing is the younger dog could end up being snappy with other dogs in the future, castration isn't likely to do anything just because of the age of the old dog, takes a while for the opp to have any effect.

    could either dog go live with a relative? Obviously not what you are going to want but could be best for the dogs?

  11. 27 minutes ago, steve_b_wales said:

    The Roya Mail postal charges are a farce. Their 'letterbox' that they use to check package sizes is ridiculous. Also, it's not just the weight of the package anymore, but the size as well. I sent a tanned Fox tail to a friend of mine, and was charged £4.26. The weight was hardly anything, but as soon as the assistant saw the padded envelope, she stated that it would have to go as a large package.

    I now use Parcel2Go.com which offer you a range of couriers. I usually go with MyHermes, and packages the size of the Fox tail one would only cost me around £2:70.

    This, I'm amazed anyone who posts stuff regularly still uses royal mail, like someone else has said if it goes through the window it goes through??

  12. On ‎24‎/‎02‎/‎2018 at 23:09, Mice! said:

    Doesn't matter if another eagle killed Fred over territory, he got blown out to see in a storm or is full of lead shot, things like this highlight the cause against shooting, no evidence needed.

    As clem Fandango says the harm is done and nothing will be said further unless there is evidence of poisoning or lead.

    Do i win a prize ? Probably happens a lot but not all the birds are tagged up.

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