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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. Sounds like a good result but you realise that now you have to beat 40 next year ☺ I haven't seen a squirrel in the garden for weeks now so guessing there is plenty of food for them back in the woods, see plenty walking along the river.


    The extra land your being asked to shoot over is it still static shooting with the back stop? Curious is all hoping to get involved with the north west group controlling greys and think this is the route there trying to go to get land, bucks is a little far from lancs otherwise I would be asking if you wanted a hand 😉

  2. Might seem obvious but I would be careful following someone round in the dark if they are shooting, accidents can happen, I have been reading the fox club thread lately do you have night vision? I now picture foxes being stalked by special forces pops, if you have or you could borrow some night vision watch from a safe point where he is going and be waiting at his motor when he gets back, or if you know his name find out where he lives or drinks and pass a letter on to him explaining the change in ownership of the wood and how you wouldn't want to have to involve the police over his accidental armed trespass

  3. I enjoyed this film as well i was expecting another massive film trilogy but once I new it was a one off with links to the originals I watched it just didn't pick up on the bits that DM did, also enjoyed the ending very un Hollywood

  4. There not all bad, we moved house a while ago and previous occupiers had left a washing machine which we didn't need, on free cycle gone that day couple were delighted as there's had just broken.


    Wife puts most stuff the kids have grown out of for a quid or so to keep the cheap nutters away and if they don't show when said it goes elsewhere

  5. Hi ips, have you got on top of the moles now so moving onto the rabbits ☺ won't really matter what time of day you shoot but they need to be moving about obviously, I always preferred evening because then you don't need to be up early but if the sun is out then you will quite often find them out feeding.


    One thing to think about is if there not doing damage and your just shooting them because you can maybe let them breed so more about later on,



  6. Ha ha could be vampire, I was looking at a new mower next door and it is a nice garden centre so we went in, only bought 4kg of sunflower seeds but she did have her eye on a small table and chairs probably mention the summer house so I am happy only buying the others, crafty these women 😉

  7. Has to be said wife doesn't like me going with her cos I like the lucky isle, and after reading some of the things on here might have to have a root in the freezers, they used to have more choice of soups but never mind

  8. Went to Costco for another look at the Keter Oakland at the price they are delivered for 11'5" x8' it's not for me, the one I looked at the base had cracks in and some of the metal frame the screws had popped out leaving the frame free. Granted it wil get a fair few people looking at it but still should hold up better than it has.


    Wife is now looking at sodding log cabin with side porch type shed summer houses :no: only started looking at a shed for for garden furniture cushions etc. Now it's a lifestyle garden building to be admired and hold parties in, not a man cave with tools and man toys.

    That's gonna cost you, we were at a garden centre the other day, about 2 grand one we looked at, we were only looking out of curiosity thankfully

  9. Couple of months back when out with the dog just happened to look round as a buzzard plowed into an oak tree, didn't see it come out so don't know if it was after a pigeon or squirrel only ever seen them on carrion before looked like a goshawk or Harris the way it went in.

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