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Everything posted by clangerman

  1. i’m saying plastic was the no lose option we missed a golden opportunity everyone i spoke to at a function last night picked plastic quote the plastic bullet cases (cartridge) are everywhere in the countryside i can’t see the metal bits (shot) but nobody fails to see the plastic) unquote how stupid did i feel being told what i already knew
  2. the solution is simple it’s your money YOU should be making the decisions as free agents representing shooters one of the worst failings is the secrecy had we known the ban was coming we could have applied common sense lacking in those that made it
  3. i take non stop abuse for alerting you the shooting organisations are failing you so thank you to everyone who gives me stick for it and the abuse on my comments have a nice day
  4. i’m not saying lead should not be banned it should be but not before plastic everyone from sky to schools are against it the antis will now rightly claim we are still chucking plastic and metal into the environment had we gone with a plastic ban and fired steel from recycled paper and metal cases nobody could deny we are doing our part not even the antis so instead of giving it let’s move on pretend it’s ok people should be asking if a half wit like myself can see a plastic ban was a no lose option how come the shooting organisations didn’t see it living in denial does not change the truth
  5. bristol is at the forefront of the don’t think for your self become a sheep brigade i’m a big fan of the young how did they become so brain washed wearing a number instead of having a name is clearly just around the corner
  6. personally i think all the organisations are at fault a decision of this magnitude should have been made by farmers because nobody can deny farmers would put anything above their own livelihood and the first concern should have been the plastic which is a far bigger pollutant than lead ever will be so how come plastic was not the first concern there was every reason to tackle plastic first it’s the most polluting we have paper to replace it joe public has major worries about plastic the pr from a ban on plastic would have been fantastic for us so what possible reason would we ban lead first for when the clear choice was plastic
  7. thanks that’s what i was trying to get across think i’m wasting my time alerting people we are doing the antis work for them
  8. yes consulted everyone except the the good folk paying their wages the members and nobody is in a better position to decide if a ban is needed than farmers i spoke to a feed maker today who owns five farms and has farmed his entire life his take on it was quote someone’s pulling a fast one if lead was a problem i would stop you using it quick time unquote so who’s word would you take a expert in producing feed and farming or the shooting organisations i know who i’m with
  9. if anyone thinks we been supported or defended so far by shooting organisations i’m selling chocolate tea pots at a grand each cash only please
  10. ignoring the people who pay your wages IS the problem all of the organisations do the same they don’t consult their members they push ahead with their OWN agenda then refuse to explain their actions i seen at least two people ask on here yesterday for a basc response then when the screaming dies down they all crawl back out like they have done nothing wrong that is NOT how you represent your members thinking about this today farmers are nobodys fool if lead was any threat farmers would have banned its use years ago so it’s all a load of old cobblers
  11. no need to follow it up film of using lead against steel at the same ranges appears we are busted so i won’t be lying for anyone
  12. you have hit on our biggest problem pretending everything is ok is madness i expect them to claim steel causes unnecessary suffering next which is really going to stuff us
  13. we lost the war a long time ago it’s just a slow retreat until the end now the antis probably have the champagne on ice already
  14. don’t rush to buy the gamba scully the ban is another reason to use the rifle more and leave the beretta in the cabinet mate
  15. if steel is so wonderful i think i should invite packham out for the day so he can see for himself what using steel in the field is really like
  16. good one in ten years it will all be over anyway so it won’t matter what shot you use when all we have left is a catapult
  17. now now just because the shooting organisations tried to chuck pigeon shooters under the bus with the gl farce let’s not stoop to their level
  18. i shoot pigeons at lest three days a week i pay the extra for lead because it saves mashing birds close in and instead of picking seven or eight who make it to nearby trees using steel i pick one or two this will cause unnecessary suffering in the field to say nothing of giving the opposition what it wanted yet again shooting will be banned and it will be our own fault for bending over non stop
  19. you are absolutely right already everyone is busy pretending the shooting organisations have done no wrong when owning firearms is banned and they will be the future generations will judge us cowards and rightly so all this has done is free the antis up to attack us on other fronts
  20. at least you don’t feel stupid i actually changed my mind after hearing the so called basc good works from people on here how dumb do i feel now with my trousers pulled down by our own side easiest victory the antis ever had they must be laughing their heads of at us
  21. i was forced to go old school eight dead birds hide folding stool one floater shooting is much better don’t miss any of the kit i hoarded especially the weight of it
  22. brilliant point if it’s going to be banned it should be complete not half a job
  23. there’s a good reason my shells are cheaper in steel they are garbage basc done the fastest u turn i ever seen they should take up politics as for evidence and i mean real evidence from dead birds in the field there is none
  24. just because people do not like shooting organisations pulling their trousers down for the opposition it does not make them a scab the only scabs in this are the shooting organisations they sold people out not the shooters
  25. this must be the so called good works people harped on about to change my mind on basc biggest u turn in the history of the planet i’m sick of gutless shooting organisations pulling our trousers down for the opposition yet again
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