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About Tommo

  • Birthday 22/12/1979

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    relocated - Now in South Yorkshire
  • Interests
    Predominantly a deer stalker now, but still love to get out on the rabbits with the .22 & pigeons with the deek's and dog.

    ove my music and i try to get put to Ibixa every year for a winding down session! Other than that family etc..

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  1. http://forums.pigeonwatch.co.uk/forums/topic/332466-deer-culling I have read some of the comments in the 'Deer Culling' post (link above and i think its below this) For all of you that have criticised my post, obviously you do not stalk on any commercial forestry or estates where they actually do take serious their due-diligence. What i posted is the minimal requirement - you would know this if you did. It does not matter to most modern farming managers, estate keepers or land agents that you got to learn to stalk with moses or knew god as a lad. They are interested in meeting their insurers requirements, H&S obligations and most of all covering their ***** that if you so-called stalker put a hole through their 385k new harvester or god forbid put a hole through their favourite lama , one you are covered adequately but two, when plod roll up and ask what precautions they took in offering you the stalking, they have the paperwork in place that if a third party was involved ie a neighbour's livestock, their **** is covered. Any landowner not doing this in this age of sue and be sued risks their livelihood. On another matter, armchair stalker no, not even a reloader or a paper plinker. I stalk between 5/6 times a week across commercial forestry and four large estates as well as syndicates in the highland and Scots borders. Shoot 120-160 deer a year. I dont necessarily agree with all the beurocacy, and i too have been stalking and shooting for over 30years, but it is a modern requirement and will eventually consume us all. In Scotland, the authorities are already deciding on whether DSC1 is going to be mandatory to stalk deer, within five years it is likely to be, whether you knew some old countyman or served Sir Francis Drake. Delete as you wish -
  2. I bet you have 400 + PM's, do your homework on this, as putting the wrong person in will not just be bad for them, you and the farmer may come a cropper. Ask for proof of experience, qualifications (the later just means the DSC quals should be provided and this will cover peoples ***** if the meat is to be sold or there is an incident). Ask for a reference preferably a game keeper or the like. Ask for insurance and proof of their FAC being 'open' then if its tricky ground ask for RaM's (risk assessment and method statement) anyone not prepared to prove/do the above is not worth having on the ground. Know this, there are plenty out there that say they can shoot deer safely, but a balls-up can cost untold damage. Those of us that do a lot of stalking know all too well. Atb, T
  3. Just trying to remember the mother-in-laws number...
  4. I make a lot of venison sausages, from what i have read the author is going to defrost meat to then use??? Im sure you will freeze the sausages sfter making? I always thought you should not freeze any meat twice? Happy to be educated on this??!! T
  5. Evening all, As per the title, i have a nearly new, hardly worn Deerhunter Belfast Jacket. This is a great shooting jacket as anyone who has owned one will know. £50 collected, £60 posted. Modern Reloading 2nd Edn £15 posted Avenir 3 bike rack for hatchbacks (nearly new) model AVR 800 £65 collected only! Picture available if you pm me your address
  6. Theres a company based in Swinton (South Yorks) that does the galv Chassis for these - new etc, i cant remember their name though - T
  7. Glenlivet, I ran a TD4 for about 5yrs, i bought it 07 (52plate with 60k) and besides servicing (and changing the second oil filter thats a pain to get too) the only real mechanical works required was the rear diff mounts (apparently designed by a student at LR and they only lasted 30k before breaking down - giving you s 'clonk' everytime you put your foot down £55 for the set and an hours work sorted them! The only other issue was it went all LR on me at 150k and welded a heat plug in the head, dropped a cylinder and the abs pump started to fail, thats when it was sold. I recall changing the window guides (nylon rubbish failing as usual) and break-light bulbs! If you have any queries i did all my own work so know the TD4 very well! Tom
  8. They look a bit thin? What gauge rod was used?
  9. £30 each or for the pair?
  10. Its like this one but section dims are as described - Ebay item no ' 272071910055 Tom
  11. Hi, I am tryiing to find a picture of it built, its flat-packed right now, strangely, ive realised i havent talen many pictures of the old house and garden! I will look for a like-for-like on ebay or simular to show what it was like new! T
  12. I have a decent 8x4ft dog kennel/run for sale, its one of those decent sectioned constructions that is made of treated timber and although its a few years old, its still solid. It will require treating again soon as the father-in-law painted two sides whilst i was away at work! The kennel section is 2ft wide with the run (wire fronted) is 6ft, both have seporate doors. Also i recovered the roof with felt before i took it apart in the autumn and it has been stored in the garage since. Im asking £80 collected from Swindon (1.5 miles off j15) you will need a trailer to collect due to size Tom
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