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Zoli 12 guage

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Everything posted by Zoli 12 guage

  1. when the first mushroom goes off mate you might as well kiss your **** goodbye.
  2. why would an inspection make anyone hand their ticket/s in?
  3. can't understand why they want to inspect you again 4 years down the line from the last time when they'll be back in 12 months anyway for your renewal.
  4. exactly this and more of 'em coming every week 😡 conscription doesn't seem to work too bad for the Israelis.
  5. the libtards won't be happy until all Africa is in Europe. i for one can't wait as i'll be on a plane to Joberg the next day. it's a win win😎
  6. they have plenty of troops and resources while ever the Yanks keep bank rolling NATO. remember what Donald told Europe, especially the Hermans the last time he was in the White House?
  7. it's hard to make out pal tbf,but what's the craic with the earth sheathing? AND,i don't think giving advice via tinterweb is a good idea especially as the advisor could be held liable for any damage etc.
  8. i totally agree,however,not everyone,as can quite clearly be seen in this thread can get their heads round this new fangled computer stuff😬
  9. to be quite honest i can't recall having to put my FAC or SGC certificate numbers on any of the forms,just the firearms i held and any rifles to be acquired.🤔
  10. why didn't he/you just print them off as hard copies then and do it the old fashioned way😁
  11. i assume you filled out both the FAC and SGC portions of the forms?
  12. did mine august ish last year. you still need to download and print the doctors report section though.
  13. the only problem you will come across is doing the practical/shooting part of the course if you don't have access to your own deer calibre rifle.
  14. thank you😎 quick question,is it possible to load the forum to start up on all new posts since the last visit?
  15. new member,just joined. i shoot shotguns,all 12 guage,in both section 1 and section 2,FAC .22 air,rimfire and CF calibres.i've been doing this since the 80's. hoping to become an active member of this fine forum.
  16. if it went to probate,as nearly all do,there will be a paper trail of the will that you are legally allowed to see.
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