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a big hello from a new member


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hi all


just wanted to introduce myself,im BOBFLY,i live on the south coast of hampshire,i have hunted on and off with an airgun for the past 30 yrs,having shot with merlins,powerlines,innovas,airsporters,vulcans, rabbitstoppers and now onto hw35k,which i must admit is a very nice shoot and im getting back in the swing of tight groups,in all my other guns ive always shot wasps(5.6mm)but i thought i would try a few different ones(having not shot for about 4 yrs)im getting consistently good groups with air arms hunter,ive also tried rws super h point and logun penetrator,the latter do not suit the gun at all they are all over the place,and the rws werent bad giving good groups but 2"above my zero which was a concern,if any of you have any other advice on pellets for the hw 35k id be more than happy to try them,also have any of you got any experience with the logun solo,as im planning to upgrade to one of these in the new year,


regards bob

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Hello bobfly,


I too at one point considered the Logun Solo, thinking it was a very nice light weight rifle. However just of late, I have been reading alot of negative reports regarding the rifle. I aslo understand that Logun are due to make modifications to the design. So if you do deside to get one, make sure it is an upgraded version. That said the initial reports were very good and the rifle is certainly accurate.


Have you also considered the Air Arms S200. This too is a nice little rifle and for about £60 can be upgraded to a multi shot.


Welcome to the forum mate.





Edited by Axe
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Welcome Bobfly, your surnames not church is it??? :lol: :o Just kidding. I guess you do a bit of fluff throwing eh :lol: Wise to steer clear of the logun penetrators, i've heard rumours that they're bad for thebarrel as they're not made up of lead but thats just what i've heard :lol:


Jas :lol:

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Welcome mate!!


I would try H&N Field trophies in the HW35.

I was told by Hull Cartridges the importers that these work well as they were getting mixed reports with accupells. They also reccomended RWS Superdomes which I have tried in my HW57 but these did not go down too well.


Grab a few tins and shoot away.

Although after 30 years you probably have the basics down :lol::lol::lol:

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Most of the people I have spoken to about Penetrators were not that inpressed with them. I was informed that they were deisgned with FAC in mind. They are also expensive. Since my Accupels do well i'm sticking with them.





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