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Pigeon and Chips


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What can i say... not quite a recipe i realise but i didn't try this combo until tonight and it was chuffin' lovely, possibly the best pigeon dinner i've has so far.


Fry pigeons Mark Gilgrist style i.e:


Fry breasts on top heat for 2 minutes each side.

Leave in frying pan and put in 100 degree oven (or bottom of aga) for 10 minutes to rest (for medium rare), leave it another 3/4 minutes in oven for those of a nervous disposition.


Cook up your home made chips as you like 'em. We just wedge up some pots and oven cook with paprika sprinkled on.


Serve with peppercorn sauce and french stick.


Personally i indulged in a bottle of fursty ferret while i watched it cook itself, glass of red to wash it down then a bottle of Speckled Hen as desert.


There you have it, poor man's steak and chips. After 3 years it didn't occur to me to try until now.

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My favourite breakfast used to be a good old Ulster Fry, but now my fav brekkie would have to be 1/2 a soda farl toasted with a poached egg and field mushroom topped with a pigeon breast fried til just taken on that liver taste but before it's cooked too much as to go tough!!

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Often have pigeon and chips (home cut and fried chips of course) and damned good it is too!


However, I must take you up on one small point; I reckon if you cook your breasts for 2 MINUTES on each side on high heat they will be VERY overdone. I think Mr Gilchrist actually recommends 30 SECONDS on each side for skinless breasts, then put pan straight into oven at 100 degrees C for 10 minutes.


These, in my experience, then come out perfect, pink in the middle and just like quality steak. Just don't be tempted to overdo them in the pan is my advice, 30 secs on each side is enough if your pan is smoking hot! :good:

Edited by nhamm2
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