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Training problem


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ps how the hell do we add a quote now all + and - :good:



:angry: quote + and reply :good:


Glad she is feeling better and has shaken the bug. Let me know if you need me to order you some bottles of scent as well.

Sometimes it is good to just go and watch to see what the tests are about. It lets you see what you are up against and where you have work to do.




Thanks bud :angry:

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I have just found a place to get training scent, a dealer called turner richards, its £8.50 a bottle, I have Rabbit, Duck and Pheasant coming. Also some new dummies as I want to keep the sent seperate.


Will keep you posted as to how we are getting on


cheers pavman

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  • 2 weeks later...



The scent training is going well, thanks for the advise, I have also just about switched her onto the whistle for hunting up,


Had a fab lesson last night, my instructor was Astra's breeder Mike Tallamy 2002 IGL champ trails winner. We have guest trainers at the club I am in and they don’t come any better in my area than Mike. He gave me sound advise on a few little problems with over handling and lining out for a blind, Fantastic, getting ready for the next test in Aug,,, :oops:

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Glad to hear all is going well :oops:





Did Mike tell you to stop listening to that Crazy Canuck :lol:



Err, he did ask had I been getting any outside help with going out on a line for a blind into the wind as Astra was the only dog who picked clean without lots of whistle work, as most pulled up short, Told him I have an online mentor in Canada, he said something about Port Hope Strawberry farmers cant train dogs to straight line and self abuse, but not in that order, I think it was his way of saying good job done :lol::lol::lol:

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  • 2 weeks later...




The sent work is going very really well but we have a new prob, not major but needs sorting,


When going out to retrieve (dummy or woodies) if she is outside the find zone (25 yards) and moving away and not looking like getting back I stop whistle to re direct.


She stops fine and sits, but starts to look around and not at me, I wait a bit but she seems not to want to get the next command, I have to shout or clap to get her attention then re direct, occasionally she will only go left despite a clear right (she hates going right (her left)and I don’t know why) I push her out with a verbal command "Get Out" with the hand signal


Its only now and again but its enough to screw a test up.


She knows full well how to do it, but its like she saying poke it, however she always seems pleased to have made the retrieve so I am a bit confused as to what’s going on in her head. She now works well up to 100 yards and 360 deg.


any ideas bud


cheers pavman

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She Hates going to her left as like most people she is right hand orientated.


When you give her a cast and she refuses , how do you correct her?


When she sits ignoring you is she winding in the air still searching for sent or is she just having a look around?


Do you ever purposely send her on the wrong line for a mark, and then handle her in to it?


At what distance does she start to ignor?



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To correct a refuse on a command I shout very loud :good: just her name once, then when I have her attention she conforms to my request (normally)


Once sitting after the stop whistle she sometimes appears to be winding yes, but I would need to check on this to be sure.


I have never sent her the wrong way on any retrieve, on seen marks she has watched fall I just cast her out (as she knows where it is) On blinds I line her up with my leg and arm outstretched on a direct cord to the blind, if she slows prior to the mark without winding I encourage her "BACK" or handle her to it and give the hunt up whistle command.


I dont get many problems until she is around 40 yards plus away from me


hope this make sense



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This is going to sound a little strange......I know, nothing new there......... Set a double mark up around 50 yards. Do this in a "T" pattern with the bumpers being the top ends of the T and you being the bottom.Bumpers should be about 25 or 30 yards apart.


With Asta sitting beside you, send her right down the stem of the "T". When she gets part way out, stop her with the whistle, and then send her on her way down the stem once more. When she is at the intersection of the "T" have her sit to the whistle and then cast her either left or right to which ever bumper you choose.


After she has made the retrieve send her for the other bumper in the exact same manner, stopping her and directing her. The one caution that I have with this is do not always stop her in the same location on the stem of the "T".


Let me know how you get on. We will extend it out into a double "T" when she gets it.




Forgot to ask are you playing any baseball drills with her?



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Ok I understand what I need to do can you just explain what this will do?


also when I put the dummies out I take it she is not allowed to see them so its like two blinds?


Ref baseball???


Your stamp is in the post today plz let me know when you get it ok


cheers pavman

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Ok I understand what I need to do can you just explain what this will do?


also when I put the dummies out I take it she is not allowed to see them so its like two blinds?


Ref baseball???


Your stamp is in the post today plz let me know when you get it ok


cheers pavman


The "T", Double "T" ans Baseball are all retriever drills allowing you to practise stopping, and sending.....handling....your dog in a controled game.


In the beginning take the dummies out while she is on a sit stay they do not have to be blinds.


I will try to dig up a cople of referance articles for these exercises today.




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Cheers bud


I have done a similar test, What I found is if I do it blind she will keep a good line out, I can then stop and direct to the one I want, If she sees them go out when I send her she will cut a line to the last one seen and not go out up the "T" despite being lined up she makes her mind up, I can stop her and re direct, but I do need to work out how to send her for the bird I want and not the one she wants to get.


I guess I just made one problem into two :blink:



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Cheers bud


I have done a similar test, What I found is if I do it blind she will keep a good line out, I can then stop and direct to the one I want, If she sees them go out when I send her she will cut a line to the last one seen and not go out up the "T" despite being lined up she makes her mind up, I can stop her and re direct, but I do need to work out how to send her for the bird I want and not the one she wants to get.


I guess I just made one problem into two :blink:




I will dig out a wagon wheel exercise as well.



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  • 1 month later...

Right then


Astra now rested for 3 weeks due to second season, have not done a thing with her other than paly and walk, she went all dappy on me!


Now to get her ready for the season shall I ease her into training, a few basics?

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Went out sat as we where goign to be walking guns for the corn harvest, rain stopped that so we just had a little walk round, raised the gun at a woodie and she ran in on me :friends:


never done it before, i missed the bird, called her back told her to stay, walk on a bit sat her up, woodie comes over and she ran in again when I put the gun up, what the hells gone wrong :drinks:


She has always been very steady now two shoots and ran in on both, went home to ponder any advise welcome

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Okay Pavman,


This excercise requires that you find a nice hedge row with lots of pigeons flying into you.....yes I know that it means that you will have to go hunting again but that is one of the tribulations that one must suffer for a well trained dog. :drinks::drinks:


Put Astra on a flat collar. You will also need a pice of rope 1/2 inch thick and 6 feet long. Tie a loop in one end so that the rope can go on your belt.



The other end runs under the flat collar.




Once set up in the hedge row with Astra sitting beside you on the left, use the first few pigeons to see what will happen. Using an empty gun get up to shoot the bird as you would normally. The exception is that you will be holding the rope in your left hand.



If she breaks you now have a means of correcting her. A sharp pop on the rope coupled with a voice correction should do it. When she is sitting properly shoot a bird with the rope still in place. If she breaks correct her as before before sending her for the bird. If she sits properly through the shot and fall just drop your end of the rope and it will pull through the collar as she goes out on command.






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