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Road Race Bike


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A friend of mine is toying with the idea of selling his kwaka ZXR400, i'm sure if you waved some notes under his nose he could be persuaded. The chap in question lives near norwich, is this to far away? it's a lovely little bike that doesn't feel too small to ride.

reply back if this sounds ok to you and i'll PM you his number.

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having raced i will give this advise,1,buy a mass produced bike like a cbr600 or fireblade900.they made thousands of these,so second hand parts are easy and cheap to get,either of these bikes will out perform you for the 1st year easily,get one around 1995~1998.they are cheap ,a later bike will not improve your riding,but will cost more to repair,as you will crash.don't buy a 400,they are expensive to repair,don't buy a "tuned" one,a standard engine is all you need,try and get one that has had an aftermarket rear shock and front fork internals done,a quiet race can is a good idea as on track days they may not allow you to ride if it's too loud.My mate has a cbr 900 ,that is not for sale,he paid little money for it and does 2#3 track days a year,he dusts it off,chucks some fresh fuel in it and it starts first time and has never let him down,what more do you need.Buy second hand leathers,as you will not stay shiny side up ,so it doesn't matter what they look like,and buy a helmet that fits and has a gold stamp,buy the cheapest,you don't need a decent paint job or fancy vents as your not on them that long,and you will need to replace it,the officials will write your helmet off if you bang it and that hurts when you just paid £350 for a tasty looking one..I may have not looked the smartest when i raced,but i still won my fair share of races and that's what you will remember

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