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Cords, Hooks or Bags


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Cords, hooks, bags, how do you carry your rabbits in the field?


A mate of mine gave me a large length of starter cord for chainsaws etc. Its very strong and certainly ties well. But i was getting fed up having to tie knots and then spend ages trying to undo them. So ive come up with a solution.


At work we have thousands of spare key sets that come with equipment we supply. So I raided a box and removed all the rings which are 16mm in diameter. I then tied them on to the starter cord at intervals of 200mm with no more than 5 on each cord. This was ended with a larger ring of 30mm. Now all I have to do is thread the bare cord through the ring to make a loop which then goes over the legs and is pulled tight, quick and simple. Release is just as quick too. Also with the large ring on one end, I can loop over branches and over the larger ring which holds the cord in place, like a toggle. No more knots. The best thing is they didnt cost a penny and the rabbits stiffen uniformly.


Thought i'd share this with others as it works really well for me in the field.





Edited by Axe
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