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computer virus


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ive just spent the last few days trying to remove a virus from the laptop. The mrs got it from her facebook page! do not open any application from "cyber systems security". this is the virus which then continually pops up trying to trick you into giving credit card details. it also messes up your internet connection. it is apparently a "rogue scanner". what kind of ********* think these things up :lol: ******** :good:

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If you still have it download Malwarebytes and install it then scan.




If it won't let you get to the site and download\update it's likely screwed with your hosts file which will need sorting so you can.


This sort of scareware is becoming much more prevalent and unfortunately there are apps on Facebook that aren't apps, purely after information.


Generally if i can't decontaminate a PC then all the data will be backed up and then re-imaged as thats the only way to be 100% sure it's clean.


It's also worth having normal accounts (not administrator level) for day to day use and use a separate admin account for software installation etc, if you are on Vista\7 make sure you keep UAC enabled unless you really know what you are doing.



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Have you got rid of it yet? And if so how ?

Hi mate i downloaded some software "spyware doctor" as they advertised that it would remove this particular virus/spyware/malware whatever it is, which cost £30. It removed some of the problem, i was able to browse the internet again without it shutting itself down, but the pop ups and fake scans still kept happening. I updated my security (avg) and that seems to have sorted it, although my web browser has been affected. I clicked on pigeonwatch 20 mins ago and as well as opening this site, another tab opened on youtube :P . Something has been left altered but i aint very good with computers so i'm leaving it alone.

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When I have had viruses and associated popups etc I have sometimes found a dodgy program file that got installed behind my back and deleted it.You can use the search facility to look for programs eg I had one called "shopathome" which I found and deleted. Best of luck!

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Try this-on your internet homepage i.e. google or whatever-click "tools" followed by "internet options"-look for "advanced"-you should find the option to reset your explorer to default settings.Check your programs and features on the control panel page as well and see if anything is dated the day your trouble started-if so delete it.

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Try this-on your internet homepage i.e. google or whatever-click "tools" followed by "internet options"-look for "advanced"-you should find the option to reset your explorer to default settings.Check your programs and features on the control panel page as well and see if anything is dated the day your trouble started-if so delete it.

just reset explorer to default settings thanks for the advice mate

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not saying it works for all but I use Avast. I then schedule boot time scan and the PC will then restart but it will do the scan in DOS. When it finds an infected file then I select delete all and this clears it. It will then carry on and boot as normal.

I found that trying to scan in windows means that my AV finds it but can't remove it.

This method has worked on this "spyware" **** in the past but I can't remember which one it was.

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Download a small program called SDFix when you have the program downloaded rename the file to SDFix/new or the virus won't allow it to install.


Once it's installed reboot the computer in SAFE MODE and click start and run/ Type in SDFix/new and hit the enter button.


The program searches and destroys as in Safe mode the virus can't activate and defend it's self.


Got rid of countless viruses and fake alerts on mine including malware.





Personally I think these people who perpetrate these programs and jip people into parting with money for fake antivirus stuff should be hunted down and sued for invasion of privacy and theft of personal data.


Line them up against a wall and use a flamethrower on them.



:P:ernyha::drinks::crazy::sick::lol: :lol:

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Download a small program called SDFix when you have the program downloaded rename the file to SDFix/new or the virus won't allow it to install.


Once it's installed reboot the computer in SAFE MODE and click start and run/ Type in SDFix/new and hit the enter button.


The program searches and destroys as in Safe mode the virus can't activate and defend it's self.


Got rid of countless viruses and fake alerts on mine including malware.





Personally I think these people who perpetrate these programs and jip people into parting with money for fake antivirus stuff should be hunted down and sued for invasion of privacy and theft of personal data.


Line them up against a wall and use a flamethrower on them.



:P:ernyha::drinks::crazy::sick::lol: :lol:


I don't know if it is true or not but I heard that it is like writing a CV for some of these numpties. If they can create a virus that gets past the AV programs then these are the people that the AV companies want to talk to because they have the skills. Poacher turned Gamekeeper scenario. So it's a vicious circle.

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I don't know if it is true or not but I heard that it is like writing a CV for some of these numpties. If they can create a virus that gets past the AV programs then these are the people that the AV companies want to talk to because they have the skills. Poacher turned Gamekeeper scenario. So it's a vicious circle.



Surely with those kinds of skill though they could create something more worthwhile and rewarding to others than creating viruses and malware that can cost tax payers millions and cause huge disruption to millions of everyday people!


I think instead of the government spending all that time money and resources snooping into peoples Emails and bank accounts etc they should spend their time more productivly tracking down and dealing with those responsible for these programs.

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Surely with those kinds of skill though they could create something more worthwhile and rewarding to others than creating viruses and malware that can cost tax payers millions and cause huge disruption to millions of everyday people!


I think instead of the government spending all that time money and resources snooping into peoples Emails and bank accounts etc they should spend their time more productivly tracking down and dealing with those responsible for these programs.



I agree with you completely but what I was getting at was that, once these people produce a virus that can breach AV security, they get offered jobs and princeley sums of money by the AV company to provide the fix and to help develop new AV programs.

So, as far as the perpetrator is concerned, it could be very worthwhile for them to cause as much chaos as possible.

As I say, I don't know if it is true or not but it's certainly possible and would explain, in part, their obsession :P

Edited by KFC
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A few years back I had a computer nerd friend( we all need one ), and I have being using Trend antivirus ever since and nothing will convince me to change to anything else, free or otherwise, not once ever has it let me down, it updates every 3 Hours from the server, and has won a lot of awards for it's work in the industry, I think it costs me about £30 a Year..I'd pay double that to not have these headaches.. :P



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