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75 quid fine for feeding ducks in a park!

Floating Chamber

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isnt bread a degradable, perishable substance therefore how can it be classed as 'litter'.


Apple cores can and you a ticket too! <_<


Why could the warden not have just pointed the offence out and asked her to stop?

I know ignorance to the rules is no excuse but come on! hardly a creditable newspaper though...

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If you ever find The Express/The Star is causing you to do anything other then laugh, then you really need to throw it away and never read the paper again.




This doesn't give you any information, the woman could have been cheeky, she may have been warned before, there could be signs, she could have sworn at the guy while he was trying to talk to her despite her claiming other wise in completely unreliable papers. If it is exactly as the paper implies then yes it is disgraceful, but these 'news' papers are just produced so people can wake up, look at tits, turn the page and mutter 'this country' to themselves over their Kellogs.


“To be fined £75 for taking your child to feed the ducks is an absolute disgrace. I will be fighting this fine all the way.”


So I'm assuming she has not even paid the fine yet. Why don't they wait until the system has made it's final say before they start moaning? It could be that she doesn't have to pay and the council apologises. I've had this fine my self for dropping a cigarette butt (my only option as they burn holes in bin bags and ashtrays are out because of the smoking ban <_< ) and it is ridiculous. But it is pointless forming an opinion on anything on the basis of what is said in The Star.

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funnily enough this was on the news this morning, warden told her to stop apparently so she gave the food to the child as thats under the age that can be given a ticket and let it carry on feeding them. So warden ticketed her, guess that was the only option as a slap round the chops isn't allowed these days. Ducks can make one hell of a mess of parks crapping everywhere so i guess sometimes you need to deter them by not encouraging them with food.


However don't let it get in the way of a good story and rant about the establishment <_<

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Oh ********


Ducks have been in parks for centuries, parents taking their kids to feed them is an age old tradition. And to top it off surely if the ducks were eating the bread then it isn't laying around as litter is it?


It is nothing short of PC ******** and loony councils thinking they can dictate what can and can't go on. Jobsworth ********

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It's OK. According to The Express and Star it has all been sorted now. However, if you happen to see a warden with a webcam stuck on his head you still might be best putting your sandwiches back into the tupperware.


Yup! I believe so! The was such an uproar and tons of support for her and others! It says she will not be fined and all other people prosecuted on a similar 'offence' will have their fines dropped.



Ooops! I didn't see the link.

Edited by Floating Chamber
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