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.22 / .22wmr


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Thanks guy,

yes i did ask for 22lr.


don't want to get rid of the 22lr, so think i will put in to add a wmr that should clear it up.


Someone on the forum once said that a guy did exactly that and his FEO caught wind of it and got in quite a bit of trouble.


Be happy with what you've got. If you try to be cheeky and get different guns/ammo (Which you can do) you may get done for firearms possession, as your licence may say one thing, but your application may say another.


Enjoy your 22LR, it's the best gun you'll ever own. A WMR is a fantastic round also and I wish I'd got that instead of my .17HMR...! Just be sensible and put in for a variation if you want one.


(On your variation letter, say that the rabbits spook easily and need a firearm that can ensure a clean kill at longer distances)

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I,m with nic 110381. The rf is a mistake - clerical error? Either way, it's wrong. You could buy a WMR, but that also would be wrong and two wrongs.........

The annoying thing is what if you (or any of us) made an error;. lets say we forgot to inform the firearms chappies that we'd bought that new Purdey we'd been eyeing up, we'd get a poke with a very sharp stick.

Most of all, be careful: In my neck of the woods you often get an accompanying letter with the cert. wherein it say that you have to inform the dept. if you find any errors on the cert. That's their let out clause and that stick is still coming your way if you don't. We can't win.


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Thank you for the info and input guys, i would'nt want to risk a poke with any sort of stick or anything else from my FEO so will just put in for one. I did ask for a 17hmr at the same time but it meant getting another letter from the farmer that stated 17 aswell as the .22 that he wrote in his permission letter so i just crossed it out when the FEO come round.

Reading about the .22wmr it sounds like a great bit of kit but when i phoned my local gunshop today me said that he didnt hold wmr rounds as no one had ever ask for them but could get to order, aslo said he had not sold a wmr gun for years.

Sounds like if granted it could end up being a pain getting hold of one and even more trouble getting rounds for it??

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Hi. if your cert has .22lr on it then you are restricted to .22lr only, if on the other hand it has .22rf then you are entitled to the wmr because it is .22 calibre and also rimfire, which is clearly stated on your cert, on my cert for .22 I have .22 rifle, which opens it up again for any calibre of .22 (hornet/wmr/22-250 etc) its the actual calibre in the eyes of the law, but please bear in mind what reasons for use you stated on your application forms. Having said that as always to be on the safe side I would also check with your local firearms officer to obtain the definitive answer, and no doubt he will guide you in the right direction for your requirements, remember that the law must have absolute solid grounds to refuse you for any variations or additions to your cert providing that you have good reasons of use for what you are asking for.

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Phoned FEO today and she said


"although .22wmr is a .22 and a rimfire. having .22 rimfire on your ticket DOES NOT permit you to posses a .22 wmr"


If you was to buy one and informed your local fire arm dept as norm, and they didn't like it and removed it and your ticket from you.



you have written permission to buy and own a .22 rim fire.

you buy and own a .22 rim fire, all be it a wmr

the FEO say .22 rim fire does not actualy include all .22 rim fires.

Hummm wonder who would win in a court of law?


i know who i would put my money on, just wish i knew someone with the balls to put their ticket on it lol

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