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Advice Urgently Needed


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Hello everyone


I was hoping that someone could help with a problem I have with pigeons. My name is Jon and I live in a terraced house in the Midlands. My next door neighbour breeds pigeons, only flys them from his garden. The problem I have is trying to find 'any' information or advice on keeping pigeons. The sheds he has (2 of them) appear (to me) are far to big, the sheds smell, he has at a guess some 50 - 60 pigeons in each shed. He does not clean them as often as he should so the smell amounts and on hot days like this it can be at times unbearable to even go into my garden and even have windows at the rear of my home open. His garden is full of feathers so when the wind picks up the wind lifts the feathers disposing them all over gardens. He looses the pigeons (enoyingly) out when myself or other neighbours hang out washing to dry. I even have rats running a mock around my garden, going for the pigeon feed. This is something that I am going to take up with enviromental health.


What I have been having problems finding is if there are 'any' laws, regulations on keeping pigeons like this in close proxsimity to homes, how many pigeons he should have, how often should they be cleaned, diseases that humans can catch from them, pigeon shed sizes and so forth.


I appreciate any time spent by members answering, any information would be greatly appreciated. I don't know anything about pigeons and I and others are finding this problem turning into a nightmare.


Thank you to all in advance.


Apologises if I have posted this in the wrong area of the site.



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Am I the only one noticing that a few newbie's (usually stated and the give away first/second post) ask some weird questions - does Midlander sound like a shooter ?


Could have found us via a search, but why not go to www.pigeonfancier.co.uk (made that up) or the environmental health / council and ask the questions with someone that might know the answers.


I know we all start somewhere, maybe it's the time of year.




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hi midlander,as some of the guys have said,get in touch with your local authority and environmental health,as long as you have a genuine complaint and aren't just being over picky you'll find them very helpfull,i'm taking it that you have already tried the obvious first and approached your neighbour in a calm non offensive manner and explained the problem (they may not realise that they are causing a problem),environmental health will also deal with the rat problem.hth :D

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