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Bit more Rape Shooting

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The birds are back again after the spaying. still not one bit flock but lots of smaller ones. but there was a good 1000 there today and still feeding when i walked back to the truck as 4pm.



Have space for 4 more hides if there's anyone that want to come along. You might get a few Pigeons but then you might not so its winter shooting pot-luck i guess.


Insurance and experience.

Pigeons and black stuff only.

Your own decoying gear.

Full day up to 4pm (unless the birds are not playing fair)

Some walking to get to spots but its not miles.


Tuesday 29th 8:30am-4pm Gloucester



Need to know ASAP so i can let the farmer know.



Kind regards



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think i might have left this a bit late as its only 1 person so far :hmm: . space for 3 more as there's loads of birds and loads of rape to try and cover (hope i havent talked these birds off.ha ha). 7 fields in all with a couple of them being rather large.



3 more hide needed. father and son or even mother and daughter or if its an experienced shooting wanting to bring a new lad along in hide with them then that fine as long as you have the insurance.

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Hi Phil.


Is there any chance that i would be able to come and sit in the hide with someone.

I will be more than happy to help carry equipment.


I am trying to get back into shooting, as i used to go out with my father.

I would like to get back out there and gain some experience before i go out with the shot gun on my own.


Please let me know.




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Fletcher. if i can get the numbers then you can come in with me and teach me a thing or two.



Bolt PM on way sir




couple more people would be good as it would make better shooting to get the birds moving around. no guaranties on the bags size but its a suck it and see i guess as we know winter is not easy at the best of times.


right im off out shooting another farm now so will catch up on here laters




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Phil, as discussed I can think of a very experienced and safe shot (and forum member) local to me who may be interested, I'll give him a shout and see. Looking forward to it. Although I've enjoyed Christmas I've had a few too many days cooped up in the house, so it will be great to get out whether or not we get any birds.


I'll let you know one way or the other about the possible help, and either way I'll see you at 08:30 tomorrow :yes:

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Phil no joy getting hold of Mike, dunno if he's gone away. Three shooters (and a keen helper) should keep the birds moving, I can be a human gas banger all day long B) We are forecast heavy snow tonight and I live on top of a steep hill, so fingers crossed that the weather doesn't prevent me getting there. The forecast for Gloucester doesn't look quite so bad though :yes:

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Lots and lots of snow and a big brush would be good. Been waiting for snow for ages as the kids love the sled :yes: but still none here this year yet.

I dont know where A Bolt is coming from but if it is snowing that hard and heavy you might be snowed in so it will be down to just 2. the pup might have to stay in tomorrow as well as he is very brown after today and the wife is not happy.lmao. her fault as she didnt want him in the garden like most working types so now she has spent the last hour trying to brush him out.lmao. plus i have no coat for him yet as he gets cold as he still has no undercoat.




clear skies here at moment.



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Very Kind offer Phil....Good of you to put it up on the open forum

Next time maybe I will be in a position to take it up and join you.


Heavy Snow forecast tonight, but here at the moment its just too bloody cold.


Dave, Read your mail and thanks also, see you soon.


Loads of pigeons flocked up as tight as Scrooges wallet around here at the moment. Trouble is plenty of Rape also.


Happy New year to all when it gets here.

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well the snow isnt here yet but it has rained, none stop, all day. my brother has had snow most the day up in the forest so dave must be getting it as well.


All week it is forcast for as well. :P




Its been raining heavily, then snowing all day long. Snow on the ground now and more forecast. Much as I love my shooting, it would have been miserable sat in a hide today :yes: A good call i think Phil

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