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Wee Jake on the pigeons


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Well me and ma wee lad Jake went out for pigeons the day.We took the magnet and some shells and set up a hide on a fence line at front of a wood.

Only a few seemed interested! so i sneaked down the fence line to see were they were all heading. :P

Bang, they were all settling on a small turnip field.

So we packed up and headed down the fence line and set up again.

Within minutes they were all heading back,we had a grand couple of hours out the day.

The total was 10(one still up in tree) the wee man was shooting well with some good shots. :yes:


Once we were leaving i got speaking to the neighbouring farmer and he gave me perrmision to have a crack on his land too B)


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Myself and the wee man were back on the pigeons the day at our new permission,only there for a few hours and ended up with 15,still plenty going about though :oops:

Had pigeons trying to land next me when i was setting up :blink:

Out of interest what carts do all you lads use when on the pigeons, shot size and price ect,we have been using 6,7 size shot :/



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Well Jake and I were out again as my cousins mate who is a farmer asked if we would have a go at the pigeons on his land.So we went the day but only with a hand full of cartridges each as we are low and no were open the now for a resupply!! managed 13,but thats more permission :yes:

Anyway here is Jake with the final bag.



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