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I don't believe it!


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Our weather over the last few days has been unbelievable! (As has the way our local highways department have handled it, but that's another story)

I was out on one of my permissions the day before yesterday in an average of a foot of snow with some drifts up to about 6 feet deep in the gullies but I went to Wheelton yesterday (A distance of about 20 miles from my home) to follow the Holcombe Hunt and there was not a flake of snow to be seen, in fact the weather was more like an April morning with clear blue skies, warm and practically no wind. Driving home from the hunt I had only got about 6 or 7 miles and I found myself in what seemed like a full blown blizzard. I stayed inlast night and woke up this morning to a very light dusting of snow falling, to which I thought "fine" as I have to go out to the other side of the Pennines to pick my step son up today. However that plan might have to change now as an hour into my morning I have looked out of the front window towards the road to find that we have taken over one inch of snow in the last hour and it is now falling very heavily, so much so that you can not see the road.

Here's a few pictures to show you what a contrast we have:

The second was taken at Wheelton while I was following the hunt, you will no doubt notice the clear blus sky.

The first was taken within 15 minutes of leaving the hunt yesterday (Within a distance of 6 to 7 miles).

The third photo is one that I took about 20 minutes ago from our front room window, but now it is getting even heavier. My motor is the 4X4 "hiding" behind the tree to the left of the picture, thank heavens it has a good heater!


Is anyone else experiencing such a "diversity" in the weather?




Edited by Frenchieboy
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Well, the snow stopped falling at lunch time and we saw 1 snow plough/gritter which had very little impact on the trecherous main road outside our home. We have neen told that the temperature could get as low as about minus 7 degrees tonight and guess what - Yes, it's started snowing again.

Watch this space for tomorrows update!

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