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Pigeons galore

Stealth Stalker

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I was out early this morning doing a bit of a recce on varios rape permish we've got, first field had about 400 birds on, that when I pushed them off went up in to a big central wood.

I went round the other side of the wood and there were 100 odd in the middle of the large field that were soon joined by the birds I put to wood plus another 700/800.


I then drove about half a mile away where the farmer just before xmas gave us a load more land & there was another 1000/1200. I watched them for 10 mins until the gas gun lifted them all in to nearby trees.


On to another area about 5 miles away where we've had good bags just before xmas & there were 1500/2000 slap bang infront of where I had my hide last time out. And a further 700 on the other side of the road.


A few miles away where Pelty had his cracking bag of 160 odd in a few hours on Saturday, there was another 800.


I'm torn between the field that I know or where the other farmers just given us more land, obviously we want to show the farmer were committed to protecting his crops especially cos he's got a serious amount of other land. But I reckon we'll have more joy on the other farm :rolleyes:


All that said, we could go out fire one shot and sit there all day freezing our nads off :rolleyes:



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You'll need plenty of guns / banger ropes...


I've been watching a field that's been walking.. there have been that many on it...


Saw one guy set up the other day - with not a bird in sight!




They we're all on the field some 500 yards over the hill!!

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You've got to "think like a pigeon" and try and banger off all of their alternative feeding locations, easier said than done, but very often well worth the effort.


If you need any banger ropes, I bought a load at trade price last year, I think they worked out at about £25 a box of 12, ask Gazza to pick up a box from my place after work tonight.



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gazza - get them bangers!


let's talk later and sort it out - i'm still of the mind for covering the new permission/with old bit - with 3 of us we will cover it much better.


What you doing tomorrow Cat?

Edited by nickbeardo
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Just want to say an enormous thanks to SS and Nickbeardo for the invite today.


Like you said, the bag wasn't big but the farmer must be happy that we kept the fields clear!



Thanks again for the day out guys, you know my number if you ever need a hand in the future......

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Good to meet you Cos


I enjoyed my day out in the field, & have noted a few obvious flightlines on the new land, so hopefully not a total waste of time.


And I enjoyed my dinner tonight..... cajun spice pigeon on a bed a mash :rolleyes:


And plenty left over for the beaters shed on Thursday :hmm:



Edited by Stealth Stalker
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It was good to meet both you guys, Nick and I have threatened to have a shoot together for some time now, admittedly I was the one with the excuses whilst fixing up the house!! Shame I never got to meet Garyb as well, I'm sure there'll be another time....



I enjoyed my day and especially that it was just 8 miles from my house! I popped the woodies and rabbits round to my mum and dads on the way home, pops is well happy. Mum makes a mean (Greek) rabbit stew so can't wait for that! Probably won't be till next week though when I finish working nights, I'm sure she'll do me some lemon pigeon as well :rolleyes:

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