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Ive been helping one of my Farmers by looking after his rape fields at the back of my house its had it rewards :P he invited me and Ive now been on a days driven pheasant / partridge shooting with him, only Farmers there ;) , he's just given more land to shoot on I never knew he had and I been given permission to shoot pheasants for myself on his land, Whilst on the driven day I was offered more land to shoot over from another Farmer who farms near me but lives about 20 miles away, I gratefully accepted of course, and whilst giving another Farmer his christmas plonk and gifts he told me about more land in another village he owns, he would like to to shoot that as well :good:

I hope 2010 keep going like this :lol:

Its balancing it all out to keep the missus happy, hows she puts up with it all and me ILL never know, and she never asks for much, I sometimes feel guilty! do you??


Edited by Alanl50
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Well done have you many pigeons down your end

No its been really slow up till now, just a few flocks of 20-30 and one pop and they are gone for they day, but over the last fortnight I have noticed larger flocks 50-60-70 off dropping down on the rape in between the gas gun going off and the rope bangers which are half an hour apart, today I went round on my quad to hang a couple of strings up, I went round the first field hung the first one, then to the second field I hung that one up and as I was coming back up the track nearing my home, ****** me a flock of at least 200 took off from the edge of the field near the houses, too close to shoot anything and theres a footpath as well, so I sent bird scaring rocket up that cleared them for 5 miles around lol, even the mother in law in the house said she jumped, lol about an hour later she took her little Jack russel for a walk and they were back so IM going to make a rotary scarer to run off a car battery for the farmer otherwise he'll lose the bloody crop, the daft thing is the second field is huge and out of the way so there is no disturbance but they are at the moment, I stress "only at this moment" interested in the little field close to houses, I live in a little village only about 100 or so houses

The farmer lost 4 fields last year to predation from pigeons they even ate a circle round the scarers, flags, and the gas guns, you have to admire the little flying rats.


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Congratulations on your new acquisitions Alanl50. Like me and Oz you too must have an air of sophistication and good breeding about you.


Some guys on PW just can not acquire shooting ground and for others it just falls into their laps. Oz and I just gained some shooting ground from trespassing, through ignorance I hasten to add and after a web search, good ole internet, we have since discovered he owns a huge slab of land in Suffolk. We will be enquiring about this at a later date.


Just before Christmas we hunted down the owner of a large field of Rape being hammered by Pigeons and got the go ahead to shoot 6 large fields, one of them a bit of a prairie. Unbeknown to us it is a small part of a huge estate in Essex.


It would appear that now is the time to gain land as the damage being done can be seen in progress. Although I have not lost a shoot for a long time, perish the thought, I have done in the past through no fault of my own.


Take care of it and good luck with any future gains.


Being the owner of a trusty Datsun Alanl50, with all your extra shooting, you will now discover what a super, reliable gun it is.

Edited by Jim Sarakun
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I don't have masses of acres to shoot but certainly enough, My main farmer, farms land in 3 different areas in Suffolk and another chunk in Essex close to the Suffolk border he had local shooters in all areas, he's very fair in that he always says there is enough land for all to enjoy, I shoot across four villages for him, and I have another 2 small farms, 200 acres both of them together approx, a small holding prob about 10 acres, and I also look after the local bowls club, rabbit control, it certainly keeps me busy.

I also appreciate that I am very lucky knowing theres guys out there with nothing.

All my Farmers are very strict I am not able to take guests, it is their land and I have to respect it and their conditions that go with me shooting.


Edited by Alanl50
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Congratulations on your new acquisitions Alanl50. Like me and Oz you too must have an air of sophistication and good breeding about you.


Some guys on PW just can not acquire shooting ground and for others it just falls into their laps. Oz and I just gained some shooting ground from trespassing, through ignorance I hasten to add and after a web search, good ole internet, we have since discovered he owns a huge slab of land in Suffolk. We will be enquiring about this at a later date.


Just before Christmas we hunted down the owner of a large field of Rape being hammered by Pigeons and got the go ahead to shoot 6 large fields, one of them a bit of a prairie. Unbeknown to us it is a small part of a huge estate in Essex.


It would appear that now is the time to gain land as the damage being done can be seen in progress. Although I have not lost a shoot for a long time, perish the thought, I have done in the past through no fault of my own.


Take care of it and good luck with any future gains.


Being the owner of a trusty Datsun Alanl50, with all your extra shooting, you will now discover what a super, reliable gun it is.

Hi Jim

My datsun is oiled and ready to go lol, Jubilee clips and duct tape holding it together certainly compliment and add value to it, especially if you take care and line all the screws up on the jubilee clips holding the barrel together, Ha Ha ;)

I totally agree with you, now is the time to look for potential land, you need to get out there and just drive round looking for land being hit by pigeons, find the owners and ask, you got a 50/50 chance of winning some land, its worked for me in the past very often its only that piece of land while that crop is on it, but you do your job right and the Farmers remember and you will be invited back again when needed.

When I was on the driven day with the Farmer, all the other Farmers knew of my helping with the rape at the back of my house, Farmer talk to each other, help them in whatever capacity and I believe you will be rewarded, can you imagine some stranger coming up to you and asking if they can shoot across your land how many on this site would say yes to the stranger if they were the land owner?<_<


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It never fails to amaze me how many farmers have land many miles from their home farm.


It's because you only get a chance to buy neighbouring land once in your lifetime. as a rule.


Everybody said I paid too much for mine, but it was right behind our family house. 51 acres at £255 per acre when the average was little more than £200 at the time. A neighbour on the other side wanted it.

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Nice result- I was on the Rape last week and saw 30-40 sheep wandering up the field towards me- I broke the shotgun and herded them back towards the field they had escaped from as I was doing this then landowner arrived on a tractor and once between us we had re-secured the escaped animals, thanked me for my effort- 1st time he's ever said thank you for anything lol


what next a Christmas card maybe?? :good:



Les :yes:

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