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General Election coming up - time to help our sport.


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At the moment they will be the only ones sitting for parliament, i.e. the only one declared. There are a few like this.


You can also go in the other way and search not by post code but by county, this will list ALL MP's and PPC's in the country and show you the country constituencies as well



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A really interesting comment from the Englishman's Castle blog:


Leave the Hunting Act alone

The Englishman 2:


Be very very careful what you wish for?

...the antis got their ban & fox hunting has continued pretty much as before; therefore everyone is happy.

If a new Tory administration were to repel the ban, at least for a time, the fox hunters will be happy. But when the socialists next have a parliamentary majority & that dark day will surely come in time, what exactly will they do? Of course they will ban it again but this time the legislation won’t be so full of holes that you can drive a pack of hounds through it. Just a thought you understand but just sometimes, a classic English fudge is possibly the best of all outcomes


The Hunting Act is also welcomed by many landowners as the only legislation that can be used to curb the activities of our Subaru driving freelance scrap-metal liberating lurcher owning friends.


2 good points there I think?

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Emailed my mp over a week a go got a reply basically saying he is very busy and aswers emails in time received order. I wont hold my breath for a proper response maybe i sshould email his boss after this week and get him to respond why one of his members cant be bothered to reply to a question from one of his constituents

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Like I say, lets keep the pressure up -


If you look on the BASC Election section you will see that many MP's and PPC's are still 'blank' (not politically or intellectually but in terms of their position on shooting)


In some cases it will be because they have not replied yet, but in many cases its because no one has asked them yet!


So PLESE take just a few mins to log onto the BASC election site and send an e-mail








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Please pretty please...if everyone who shoots and everyone on here (and without looking thats a good few 1000) sends an e-mail to their MP or PPC via the BASC web site it might help.It's easy to do, is I believe open to none members and takes almost no time and more importantly for some on here will not cost you a penny :good:


This is NO time to be sitting on the fence. Voting for minority parties and independants will NOT work but just water down the overall result and lead to a hung parliament. We nee strong government NOW and whatever your views vote for one or other party that can do that. And there's only 2!

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Just had a letter back from my MP (LibDem)


Dear Mr Poontang, :good:


Thank you for your e-mail asking for my views on shooting. I do not support shooting animals or birds. However, I support shooting when it is a sport, as in the Olympic Games, and also clay pigeon shooting.


Best wishes,


Yours sincerely,


Fair enough, can't complain too much as i already knew he was an anti.


Still heard nothing from the Labour or Conservative PPC's :lol:

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got the response back from my local mp as directed to by basc website. She said "While not shooting myself I do support shooting and everything it brings to the local economy" she then followed on with "but I don't know why you are asking me this question with regards to the next election as i'm sure you know from taking a keen interest in local politics i'm stepping down as your local mp and will not be standing in the coming election"

doh i felt silly


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she then followed on with "but I don't know why you are asking me this question with regards to the next election as i'm sure you know from taking a keen interest in local politics i'm stepping down as your local mp and will not be standing in the coming election"

doh i felt silly



David BASC...this does seem to be a fairly common problem...MPs standing down (probably been fiddling too much)...is the BASC site up to date with the new candidates?

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Just had a letter back from my MP (LibDem)


Dear Mr Poontang, :yes:


Thank you for your e-mail asking for my views on shooting. I do not support shooting animals or birds. However, I support shooting when it is a sport, as in the Olympic Games, and also clay pigeon shooting.


Best wishes,


Yours sincerely,


Fair enough, can't complain too much as i already knew he was an anti.


Still heard nothing from the Labour or Conservative PPC's :hmm:



That was obviously from that Halfwit Russell then Poontang, He won't even answer me when I quizzed him on his support of the EDM on banning game shooting.


My MP has replied the same as Jason Gold, he will answer e mails in turn. Although he has obviously seen mine to be able to reply to it.

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The site is as up to date as the information we get from the political parties! It is updated and checkd several times a day, but feedback like this is useful, as it helps not only clean up the site but laso to add the MP or PPC's attitude towards shooting


Please if anyone gets any type of reply it is important you e-mail it to BASC so we can update the site.





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That was obviously from that Halfwit Russell then Poontang, He won't even answer me when I quizzed him on his support of the EDM on banning game shooting.



Indeed it was.


I knew he was an anti due to his stance on the EDM on banning game shooting. I suppose by supporting clay shooting he's not totally 'anti gun' but i do wonder sometimes just how much research these people actually do before making statements such as ' i don't support shooting animals and birds'? I doubt they speak to many farmers who's crops are battered by pigeons, or who's lambs are taken by foxes? The shooting people i've come across are without doubt some of the most conservation minded i've met. Unfortunately there seems to be a lot more work to be done to convince the general public and those that govern us that we're not all gun toting, gung ho killers.

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I could not agree more!


Even with around a million people regularly engaged in shooting, the future of the sport will depend on those who do not shoot and know little about it. Therefore it is imperative that BASC can keep ahead of our opponents and radically improve our ability to communicate with key politicians, opinion formers and the wider public.



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The one thing that will ultimately see shooting banned or very heavily regulated

is the puritanical stance of some MP's in Westminster.It is our enjoyment of shooting

they cannot stand.They couldn't care less about shooting per se.That is why i always

despair over the 'Can i legally shoot my next door neighbours cat' threads.

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It is a cultural change we need!



I would totally agree with that.


As you stated around 1 million are actively engaged in shooting. However, that leaves roughly 59 million who are not.

I know the BASC spend a lot of time lobbying MP's and other decision makers to further the cause, but until we can start to change public perception i think we could all be seeing more legislation in the not too distant future. After all, we all know MP's will go with whatever gives them the most votes. While the RSPB/RSPCA/LACS etc. seem to be able to canvass public opinion at will i think it's about time the shooting community started to really get involved and actively promote the sport to the public at large.


I've been putting out food and water for the birds at work over the last couple of weeks, due to the adverse weather conditions. One of the guys i work with said that as 'someone who shoots, i expect you'd rather be shooting them'. It's these sort of perceptions that need to be changed. Unfortunately they're all too common, whether they're borne of ignorance or upbringing it's these types of people and this type of comment that needs to be addressed.


I did my little bit at the time by telling my workmate that as a 'shooting man' i was the only person who'd bothered to feed and water the birds. I also explained that i hadn't been 'fowling last week and wouldn't be going this week. When i told him the reason why, his reply was along the lines of "That's really good, i didn't know that". So there we are, a little education can work wonders!!

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I worked for a guy who was a vegetarian, his views on people who shoot are not printable. If some politicians and their supporters take his view, we have a very uphill struggle.


My MP is retiring and i'm not sure who his replacement will be.



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Just received this from my MP, which is positive!




I am a supporter of BASC and shooting according to law and practice.


Oliver Heald MP

Member of Parliament for North East Hertfordshire

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What an interesting thread with some very interesting comments.


What I found most interesting was the comment about repeal of the Hunting ban being "small fry"!!, I dont think it would be small fry if it was shooting that had been banned (as the antis are trying to now).


I feel very confident that the Countryside Alliance will throw ordinary Lurcher and Terrier owners/workers to the wolves when it come to the time for repeal.

They will get sold down the river to "buy" back hunting with hounds (registered packs only of course :good: )


I wonder what part of shooting the BASC will throw to the wolves if the antis get anywhere near to getting a ban? :blush:

Certianly not driven game shooters, stalkers maybe?

Or will it be the humble pigeon shooter, I wonder.


And I also wonder how many Lurcher owners will stand with you in protest considering the amount of venom and ignorance I see directed towards lurcher (not Long Dog) owners on this forum, and I am sure these are widely held views by lots of shooters.


Not a post looking for an argument, but lets stop the "Im allright jack" attitude and support country sports whatever they may be.


Vote for repeal, vote for hunters.



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A statement like: I wonder what part of shooting the BASC will throw to the wolves if the antis get anywhere near to getting a ban? makes me wonder if the poster is simply taking the mick or if they are trying to be deliberately malicious, or are simply ignorant of the fact that BASC fights FOR shooting not against it?


Perhaps the poster is not aware of the work that BASC does to keep pigeon shooting, or stalking, or game shooting, or wildfowling and so on.


Rather than speculating on conspiracy theories perhaps people like you should spend you time going onto the BASC election site and contacting your MP’s and PPC’s and then posting back what they say – more productive.

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I did this a few days ago and think that if you are a shooter - you would be mad not to make your views clearly known and heard, if we dont have a voice in a few years time our culture will be stifled and closed down. When it comes to politics the expression he who shouts the loudest and has a lot of truth in it.

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