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fatal shooting at kibworth sg


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If this person had committed suicide by driving a car into another where we could see the physical injuries of his victims (in the other car) I doubt anyone would have any sympathy with him or pass it off as him not thinking straight, why should this be any different?


His victims in this case will have psychological injuries and trauma, those closest to the event may never be able to do their jobs again, and outwards it radiates thru several layers until it reaches those who merely lost a day or two's shooting.


Doing this kind of thing is selfish in the extreme, and yes I have seen the effect suicide has on the relatives of the person committing the act.


That is the real tragedy, the ones left to deal with such an appalling act.


My deepest sympathy goes out to all those closely involved whether at Kibworth or his family and friends, they must feel truly awful right now.

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That is the real tragedy, the ones left to deal with such an appalling act.


My deepest sympathy goes out to all those closely involved whether at Kibworth or his family and friends, they must feel truly awful right now.


Yes, whenever I hear of this sort of thing I think back to what happened to me a good few years back.


I noticed a car parked in a layby down a quiet lane adjoining land where I shoot, it was still there the next day, I stopped and checked it out on the way to work, I noticed it was not locked, so I did a recce in the surrounding fields and found a guy laying in a field of barley who'd shot himself with a side by side, it was a dreadful sight, I felt sick.


I went to the farm and phoned the Old Bill, the instant reaction from them was "stay right where you are, we'll be straight there", and they were, in force.


This was when it turned a bit nasty for me, as the CID guys who turned up wanted to know who'd found the body, they then started to question me, it went something like this:


"So, you found the body?"


"Yes, I felt pretty sick, it was an awful sight"


"So, what were you doing in that field?"


Hmmmm........long pause from me.


"I thought the parked car was suspicious, as it had been there overnight"


"How do you know that?"


"Well, I travel these lanes quite a lot"




"I do a lot of shooting in this area, I have exclusive rights on this farm"


"What do you shoot with?"


"Shotguns of course..............., look I've told you all I know about this, I'm already late for work, you can have my details, can I get on my way now?"


" 'Fraid not Pal, come and sit in the back of the car with us"


At this point, I was more than a little concerned that I was possibly the prime suspect in a murder enquiry, I spent half an hour in the back of the car being grilled by 2 CID guys, fortunately for me by that time they'd checked the vehicle owner and phoned the wife of the guy, apparently she suspected he'd gone off and killed himself as he had history of depression, quite how he'd got hold of that shotgun I will never know.


That affair shook me up for a bit, I felt sorry for the guy, even though I'd never met him, I'd have loved to have stopped him from doing that, I had a few recurring dreams after that where I suppose I put it all right in my mind, I dreamed I walked into the field and saw him there with the gun, I went over and we had a chat, I took the gun and we went down the local for a couple of pints, he then went on his way and lived happily ever after.


Sadly, it wasn't like that, I wouldn't wish anybody to witness the aftermath of a shotgun suicide.



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