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12v battery question for any battery experts!

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i have been given a couple if yuasa (?) 12v batteries - i have connected one to a flapper and it works fine (well - tested it for a minute) - but it states on the side 'designed for standby use' ; (they are marked 12v 7ah as well)


will this be ok to use to power a flapper? can i charge them using a standard charger? :)

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If you wire them in series ( + to + and - to -) you'll have a 12v x 14Ah battery - last a lot longer-m the battery you have are designed for stand by systems such as fire alarm panels etc- but will be up for the job you intend to use them for


Les :)

Edited by Lez325
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the yuasa 12v 7ah are nearly all sealed batteries so a normal/standard charger will just burn them out really quickly although it will charge them , either use a gel charger or a sealed battery charger on a low charge setting and it will make your batteries last loads more . (not in usage but in longevity ) hope this helps .


chubbs :angry: :(

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if its for a flapper from shootwarehouse then a 7amp will last a long time as it was a 3.2amp that came with my flapper. i use the pinewood rotary and that comes with a 7amp which gives me around 5hours use on full whack. i have a 12 and 17amp that i use for the summer and for lamping.


the cheapest 17amp was from aldi, i there power packs. £24 for the power pack and just strip the battery out, comes with mains and car charger as well.




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:o in my experience these are among the best of small sla batteries - i use them a lot myself, for the one you have you only need a small sla charger (these can be found at most electronic specialists, or even take the charger from some of those "kids" motorised buggies), don't try to charge it from a car or motorcycle charger (unless you have more than one connected in parallell), as it will get rather warm & won't last long (it may even present a fire hazard). the "designed for standby use" label means simply that it will keep the charge for much longer than other types when not in use. :yes::good:

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