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Mice and Rats under grain


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Anybody any ideas on best way remove rats and mice from beneath a grain pile in a barn, farmer friend wants them gone, they are nested underneath the drying void.Ferrets may be an option but they will return when we arent there. Any ideas and thoughts much appreciated :angry:

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airgun and gun lamp that has a dimmer switch and a red filter pro max type. doesnt take em long to work out a light means danger thats why better off with dimmer mate.also use flat head pellets they seem to do the damage.just look for the red eye and pull the trigger .and dont forget to where gloves if u have to pick the dead ones up mate.enjoy ya ratting .

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A simple live trap can work wonders, 45 gallon drum with the lid removed, viscreen over the top, tape up tight around the drum, slice a slit in the viscreen, place in a suitable position with some boards off to rat runs so the rats / mice can access the drum top, bait with cat food on a board for a night or two till you know there using it, remove the board and hang bait above the slit high enough not to be reached, but low enough to tempt the rats on to the viscreen :good:

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A simple live trap can work wonders, 45 gallon drum with the lid removed, viscreen over the top, tape up tight around the drum, slice a slit in the viscreen, place in a suitable position with some boards off to rat runs so the rats / mice can access the drum top, bait with cat food on a board for a night or two till you know there using it, remove the board and hang bait above the slit high enough not to be reached, but low enough to tempt the rats on to the viscreen :good:



This was along the lines i was thinking, as i have tried with some success with the air rifle, but there are just too many of them,many thanks for the advice. will try the drum method out :)

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Good news is that you are unlikely to have rats and mice. You will do well with spring traps, air rifle or a smoker with terriers depending on the layout of the place.


Poison can be very effective but may lead to corpses in unreachable places. On a farm it's not really an issue to have rotting rats under barns as it's not stinking out anybody's kitchen or living room.

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tell him that under farm assurance protocol he should have a continuing rodent control plan. :good:


Grainstores and rodents go together, there are always some as it can be difficult to get them to take the bait with so much other food available.


In all seriousness the only way he will deal with serious infestation is a serious amount of rat bait, probably of different forms to the norm, for example paste instead of whole grains. sticky pads are pretty useful in stores too. he may have resistance to the bait he has used or just not put enough down and they are now wise to it.


I like the idea of a drum trap though, sounds interesting, the last lot of bait i bought was dressed with aniseed to encourage them to eat it and boy did it work.


I have used 20 kg of bait in a year round my farm and there isn't a serious problem so that will give you an indication of how much bait will be required.


Hope that helps

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  • 2 months later...

Anti co-agulants may be an issue in this environment, however good the rodent monitor there as always a chance of contamination., but so there is with bodies anyway.


So, AF boxes or the like with Contrac Blox, and or Pro Victors with whatever they fancy!


A Rifle may well have its uses, or cat, terrier, smoke bombs, glue boards, etc, etc, but there are times when professional help could be required :unsure: :)

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