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stirrup pump questions for a total noob..


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afternoon all, well i'm getting back into the springer part of air rifle shooting, but when i last shot one (long time ago) PCP weren't around, therefore i have a couple of questions to ask on these new fangled machines..

first of all, filling up with a stirrup pump. I've noticed that this is the most economic way (once purchased) to refill the rifle, but my question is this. Do you have to use a specially designed stirrup pump for this purpose liike a Brocock or can you use a £20 budget stirrup pump with gauge etc? :good: very much a noobs question but had a look on the forums and haven't been able to find an answer. i'll get my coat... <_<

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afternoon all, well i'm getting back into the springer part of air rifle shooting, but when i last shot one (long time ago) PCP weren't around, therefore i have a couple of questions to ask on these new fangled machines..

first of all, filling up with a stirrup pump. I've noticed that this is the most economic way (once purchased) to refill the rifle, but my question is this. Do you have to use a specially designed stirrup pump for this purpose liike a Brocock or can you use a £20 budget stirrup pump with gauge etc? :good: very much a noobs question but had a look on the forums and haven't been able to find an answer. i'll get my coat... :blink:

liike i said, this a noobs question, i would like an answer, mainly because i really don't know. don't be shy if you want to ridicule me, in fact i would prefer ridicule as opposed to ignorance, so please, feel free to reply.

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ok, nice to know you PCP chaps don't really know/......thanks to Beretta and EvilElvis for replying, from what i can see from the rest of you., it's a case of,"""stirrup pump with an air pcp filling name is the way forward''', i suppose it's like me wearing 'stone Island' every time i watch Shrews...

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Dont know much about stirrup pumps as i've only had a go go a couple of times and thought **** that i'm sticking to the diving cylinder.


A £20 pump is unlikey to have sufficient filters in place IMO, PCPs need clean air, also you are probably going to need to pump to 2/3000 PSI or 232/300 BAR, therefore a slighty more specialised pump is going to be required

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If you think a £20 pump will get up to 2000 psi, think again.


You're talking about air pressure where you can potentially kill yourself and or the person next to you.


Either invest in a diving bottle, or buy a stirrup pump from an airgun manufacturer, or it'll end in tears and possibly a broken gun.

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use a hills stirup pump for my rapid, to be honest dont find it too hard work.

if you live near a dive shop or gun shop to get the bottle filled i would go with a cylinder though.

a lot of airgunners dont really like the pumps, the air is not as pure and can contain moisture if you use a pump.

also with a bottle you only open the valve on the gun once to fill, whereas a pump opens the valve every pump.


like i said i use a pump though, and have no problem with it.

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To answer your questions,


No a 20 quid pump wont cut the mustard, you need to achieve about 200-300 BAR so X that by 14 to get the psi...


A stirrup pump is hard work, esecially if the gun has a large bottle on it. However, it is free once you have brought it expect it will take you about 15 mins to charge the gun up.


I prefer a pump, oooer, as dive bottles have te own drawbacks, they need re-testing every 5 years, theyre heavy and you still have to get them charged up..


hope this helps...



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Used a pump for over a year-IMHO a used tank can be bought for roughly the same price as a new pump if you shop around-mine cost £75 for a 232bar 12ltr with a gauge and whip-had to wait nearly 2 months but it was well worth it.Filling is £2.50 for any size at my local dive centre.As for a £20 pump capable of charging to over 3000 p.s.i.-with filtered air-thats something i would like to see (from a distance of course!!).As for testing every 5 years-whats the problem with that-its £5 per year.

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thanks for the info, learnt a lot from this thread- possibly the most valuable being, get your mate to fill it if you're using a cheap and nasty s.pump (from behind a tree preferably). when i progress onto PCP i think i'll end up investing in a tank- my local gun shop is only 40 yards from my flat so won't be too far for me to lug it to get filled. (also think i'd prefer it to having to get my gym kit on in order to stirrup pump it.) :good:

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I asked the same question years back when i first got a pcp. In the end i settled for a stirrup pump. Around 100quid will get you a decent one. Mines an FX 3 stage if i remember rightly. Takes me litterally 3 minutes to pump my s410 up. Nice and easy. I usually let it get down to about 75bar, then pump it upto 200bar.


I think the bad press some pumps get is because they are worn out. Ive tried 2 other pumps appart from mine and both have been horrendous. One you had to pump like some nut-case in order for it to start doin anything, then by then you were too knackered to carry on. The other would just not pump over 80bar no matter how hard you tried.

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I asked the same question years back when i first got a pcp. In the end i settled for a stirrup pump. Around 100quid will get you a decent one. Mines an FX 3 stage if i remember rightly. Takes me litterally 3 minutes to pump my s410 up. Nice and easy. I usually let it get down to about 75bar, then pump it upto 200bar.


I think the bad press some pumps get is because they are worn out. Ive tried 2 other pumps appart from mine and both have been horrendous. One you had to pump like some nut-case in order for it to start doin anything, then by then you were too knackered to carry on. The other would just not pump over 80bar no matter how hard you tried.

I'll have to remember that for when i get myself a pcp (won't be for a while yet though) Cheers.

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